Проверочная работа для контроля усвоения пассивного залога на лексическом материале темы 1 УМК М.З. Биболетовой 10 класс
10th grade Unit 1 (start ---- sports) Variant 1
1. Put the sentences into Active voice
1) You will be told the results of the test.
2) Ten matches will be played next season.3) The newcomer is characterized positively.
4) Participants are expected to display good sportsmanship and observe standards of conduct2. Put the verbs into the correct form
a) New subjects on the timetable (make) me feel nervous on my first day at school.
b) I hope my new blouse (match) my skirts and jeans.
c) A threat (угроза) of a fail (make) me feel panic.
3. Put the sentences into Passive Voice
a. Japan put their children in military uniform.
b. They speak English and French in Canada.
c. Fashionable clothes distract some students from studies.
d. The company chose that logo for her products.
4. Translate into English
1) Новые рубашки были куплены вчера.
2) Нас попросили придумать/создать школьную форму.
3). В этом спортивном центре проводятся тениссные матчи.
4) Футболки с логотипом школы носятся как форма.
5. Open the brackets:
a) Nobody (ask) about introducing of uniform.
b) The idea (not back) now.
c) Sportsmen (invite) to participate in in that sports event last Saturday.
6. Ask 3 questions about every sentence.1) Games and sports keep a man physically and mentally fit.
2) I backed that idea of my friend.
7. Make the sentences negative.
1) The boy wore a shirt and a tie at school.
2) This young man always knows what he needs to do.
10th grade Unit 1 (start ---- sports) Variant 2
1. Put the sentences into Active voice. 1) The athletes results are judged by defined criteria.
2) The subject is revised properly.
3) The problem of wearing uniform is discussed widely.
4) A new uniform will be introduced next year.
2. Put the verbs into the correct form
a) Boys (wear) a shirt and a tie because we have a dress code at our school.
b) I felt nervous walking into my first class.
c) Plenty of sleep and physical exercises (help) you handle/cope with stress.
3. Put the sentences into Passive Voice
a. The English used uniform to identify boys from privileged elite.
b. We will tell you the results of the test.
c. They played ten matches last season.
d. Uniform suppresses my individuality.
4. Translate into English
1.Вчера меня отправили домой надеть школьную форму.
2. О людях судят по одежде
3. Мне посоветовали заняться плаваньем.
4. Со стресом справляются по разному.
5. Open the brackets:
a) The importance of sports (discuss) last lesson.
b) The yesterdays match (win) by our team.
c) That logo (invent) by our team.
6. Ask 3 questions about every sentence.
1) Nobody of my friends backs the idea of uniform.
2) Studies (исследования) showed that children who did sports studied at school better.
7. Make the sentences negative.
1. The student follows our school dress code.
2. Sports helped her to stay in good shape.
10th grade Unit 1 (start ---- sports) Variant 3
1. Put the sentences into Active voice
1) The results of the test will be told to you.
2) A new uniform will be presented to the students in a month.
3) Tennis matches are held in the sport center.2. Put the verbs into the correct form
a) This year girls (wear) skirts and boys – ties.
b) When he is stressed he (experience) tiredness and (feel) more emotional.
c) I (make) some new friends on the first day.
d) I hope you (support) my idea.
3. Put the sentences into Passive Voice
a. Boys wear a shirt and a tie at our school.
b. The student avoids junk food.
c. People cope with stress in different ways.
d. People invented surfing a very long ago.
4. Translate into English
1) Мне купили новые рубашки.
2) Большее количество баллов было набрано командой школы 17
3) Школьная форма вводится в этом году.
4) Я был(а) очень подавлена вчера.
5. Open the brackets:
Stress (cope) in different ways.
Brand names (forbid) at school
Trendy clothes (wear) outside the school.
6. Ask questions
1) Games and sports keep a man away from diseases.
2) In a game of basketball two teams compete who can score the most points.
7. Make the sentences negative.
1) He cared about other people’s opinions very much.
2) She dresses the way she does because it’s comfortable.