There is- are 1. Complete the sentences. Use there is or there are. 1. __________three chairs in the room. 2. ______________a red carpet on the floor. 3. ____________ some armchairs next to the table. 4. _____________a big tree in the yard. 5. ____________some books in the bag. 6. _____________two balls in the box. 7. ____________ a mirror in the bedroom. 8. ______________ some pens on the desk. 9. _____________two pictures on the wall.2. Choose the right item.
1. There (is, are) a carpet in my room. 2. There (is, are) three windows in my classroom. 3. There (is, are) a sofa and four chairs in my living-room. 4. There (is, are) a table, four chairs and two lamps in our room. 5. There (is, are) a plate and two cups on the table. 6. There (is, are) two bedrooms and a bathroom in my house. 3. Make up the questions. Use the sentences from exercise 2.
4. Look at the picture. Make six sentences with There is…../There are… .
5. Look at the picture in exercise 4. Then write short answers.
1. Is there a piano in the dining room? No, there isn’t.
2. Are there any books in the living room? _____________________________________________
3. Is there a table in the living room? _______________________________________________
4. Are there any chairs in the living room? ________________________________________
5. Is there a sofa in the living room ? __________________________________________
6. Is there a lamp in the living room? __________________________________________________
7. Are there any armchairs in the living room? ___________________________________________
6. Put the words in the correct order to make affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences.a market – is – the river – there – near
TV – there – a good film – on – is
any – in the sky – there – clouds – aren’t
in my coffee – is – sugar – any – there ?
sailors – are – in the boat – five – there
7. Ask questions with the words in brackets.
There are four elephants in the zoo. (How many …?)
There is a lot of snow in February. (Is …?)
There is some fish on the plate. (What … ?)
There are no cars in the car park. (Are … ?)
There are ancient walls around the city. (What … ?)
8. Describe an English town using There is/There are. Use affermative (+) and negative (-) sentences. a theatre (+)  – There is a theatre in the town.
two cinemas (+) 2. a lake (-) 3. four castles (+) 4. ten restaurants (-) 5. a zoo (+) 6. 5-star hotels (-) 7. three banks (+) 8. many tourists (+)