Контрольная работа Passive voice Level A

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1.This experiment on by the professor in his laboratory in two months.(to
2. Every year we our holidays in the country. (to spend)
3. What the first things of rubber? (to make)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1.She promises to give me this book to read.
2.The workers will build the power station in time.
3.My brother showed us some new photographs yesterday.
III Переведите:
1.The work was done in time.
2. He will be asked to translate this text without dictionary.
3. Nylon shirts are easily washed.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1.She to read a new poem tomorrow at the party. (to ask)
2.Children to play in the garden. (to like)
3.The article at the lesson yesterday by the students. (to translate)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1.The students learned many new words by the end of the term.
2.He will read his novel at the conference in a week.
3.She locked the door with the key.
III Переведите:
1.This novel was translated into many languages.
2.The telegram will be received in a day.
3. I am often asked at English lessons.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1.A very interesting story by my sister yesterday.(to tell)
2.She a new dress next month. (to buy)
3.Mass in grams or kilograms. (to measure)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1.The students understood this task correctly.
2.I shall buy this new English dictionary this week.
3. The professor illustrates the lecture with new diagrams.
III Переведите:
1.Our laboratory will be provided with all necessary equipment.
2.Was the work done in time?
3.You are paid a good salary.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1.Such questions often by the children. (to ask)
2 We our examinations and we to the South. (to pass, to go)
3 This laboratory with computers next month.(to equip)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 Everybody listens to him attentively.
2 The students will continue the researches at the laboratory tomorrow.
3 A huge wave overturned a little boat.
III Переведите:
1 The first spaceships were constructed by Russian scientists.
2 She is promised to help.
3 The old houses will be replaced by new buildings.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 The house next year. (to build)
2 I usually my home work in the evening. (to do)
3 This book at any shop. (to sell)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 My brother showed me a new collection of stamps.
2 We shall discuss many questions at the seminar tomorrow.
3 He often uses this instrument in his work.
III Переведите:
1 Books are read by millions of readers.
2 Were your meals prepared by your mother?
3 He was given a cup of tea.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном залоге:
1 The Kremlin a historical monument of the city’s past . (to be)
2 A modern tune by him on the guitar. (to play)
3 The lecture by the professor with diagrams next time. (to illustrate)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 The young worker will repair some parts of the machine.
2 She helps her friend to do this hard work.
3 The teacher asked all the students at the seminar.
III Переведите:
1 I shall be given this interesting novel to read.
2 We were laughed at by his sister.
3 This detective novel is translated into German and English.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 What branches of science you in? (to interest)
2 I many English words from this difficult text. (to learn)
3 The Metro in Moscow on May 15, 1935. (to open)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 My sister will sell clothes at the department store.
2 She wears the simplest dresses.
3 Craftsmen made many beautiful objects of paper in Japan.
III Переведите:
1 Will the film be discussed when it is over?
2 This experiment was made by the first-year students.
3 This actor is much spoken about.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 He for us tomorrow at the entrance of the concert hall. (to wait)
2 The garden with a high wall. (to surround)
3 Our compositions by the teacher for the next lesson. (to correct)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 People play football all over the world.
2 He will bring the books to the library in two days.
3 Everybody notes his week points.
III Переведите:
1 The meter rule is divided into 100 centimeters.
2 I shall be offered an interesting work.
3 He was taken to the hospital.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1What books by Mark Twain ? (to publish)
2 Our village with the town by a railway line. (to connect)
3 He chess well. (to play)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 My brother gave me a scientific journal to read.
2 He helps my friend to construct a radio-set.
3 A group of students will carry on this interesting experiment.
III Переведите:
1 The joke was laughed at by everybody.
2 Moscow is very much admired by tourists from abroad.
3 This article is published in today’s newspaper.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1She this new English dictionary in a day. (to buy)
2 This problem by scientists many years ago. (to solve)
3 His report at the conference now. (to discuss)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 They will look after the little girl well.
2 Nobody can repair this broken car.
3 Everybody laughed at this joke.
III Переведите:
1 We were shown an interesting newsreel.
2 The concert is enjoyed by us very much.
3 He will be sent to a business trip in a month.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 A new collection of stamps to me by my brother. (to show)
2 He usually breakfast at seven o’clock. (to have)
3 I by his report .(to impress)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 I shall post the parcel tomorrow.
2 The mother embroidered that beautiful shawl.
3 The team wins the prize.
III Переведите:
1 Books are sold by booksellers.
2 The first Sputnik was launched by our country on October 4, 1957.
3 They were told a terrible story.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 His brother at the plant. (to work)
2 The books from the library by me next week. (to take)
3 This article by him yesterday. (to translate)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1They will read this article with a great interest.
2 She met her sister at the station yesterday.
3 The teacher gives the students new dictionaries.
III Переведите:
1 She is given a cup of coffee.
2 The first flight into space was accomplished by Yuri Gagarin.
3 Will you be invited to the theatre?

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 She to translate this difficult article tomorrow. (to ask)
2 Children to play in the garden in summer. (to like)
3 One more school in this new region of the capital last year. (to build)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 The students learned many new words by the end of the term.
2 He will read this new poem before veterans of the war tomorrow.
3 She locks the door with the key.
III Переведите:
1 This novel was translated into many languages.
2 I am often asked at the English lessons.
3 The work will be done in time.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 Purchases for at the exit. (to pay)
2 Somebody the box and I couldn’t open it. (to lock)
3 The phone by the director himself. (to answer)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 The explorers gave the newspaper reporters a long interview.
2 Our mother tells us children stories every evening.
3 The students will return all the library books before summer vacation.
III Переведите:
1Great amounts of water vapour are contained in snow.
2 Sometimes the sky is suddenly covered with low black clouds and distant
thunder indicates the approach of a thunderstorm.
3 I am sent to the business trip abroad.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 She hopes that she this new poem by tomorrow. (to learn)
2 Several houses away by the flood. (to wash away)
3 He a business trip abroad. (to offer)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1The crowd cheered the football players.
2 People drink a great deal of tea in England.
3 This team will win the first prize.
III Переведите:
1 Are the principles of descriptive geometry used in technical drawing?
2 When snow is hardened by wind and rain it becomes as hard as stone.
3 She was laughed at her proposals.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 The microscope for the study of snow particles last winter. (to use)
2 The old man us interesting stories the whole evening.(to tell)
3 This problem of environment much attention this year. (to give)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 Our team won the first prize at the last competition.
2 He often takes his younger brother for a walk.
3 T
·he actors will stage this play next month.
III Переведите:
1 I am asked a lot of questions about my entrance examinations.
2 Don’t leave your bicycle outside. It will be stolen.
3 He was fined for exceeding speed limit yesterday.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 The car badly by the truck. (to damage)
2 These letters by the secretary tomorrow. (to mail)
3 There many English magazines on the shelf.(to be)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 We showed the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation.
2 He will introduce his friends to me.
3 The workers build a new children’s garden in our street.
III Переведите:
1 The hockey players were awarded the highest prize.
2 The computer program is very easy. It is learned in a couple of hours.
3 The child hopes he will be given the present by Santa Claus.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 The name of this actor by everybody. (to know)
2 What branch of science you in? (to interest)
3 He his life to the problem of environment.(to devote)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 The waitress brought in the coffee.
2 They will show this film on TV.
3 She translates this article from English into Russian.
III Переведите:
1I was impressed by his report at the conference.
2 Mass is measured in grams and kilograms and time is measured in hours,
minutes and seconds.
3 What were the first things made by rubber.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 Snow the seeds from freezing. (to keep)
2 Your help tomorrow. (to need)
3 He to attentively by the students. (to listen)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 Flowers and green grass will cover the fields in spring and summer.
2 She washed the dishes after the supper.
3 Everybody speaks about this strange accident.
II Переведите:
1 Many towns were destroyed by the earthquake in Italy last year.
2 The delegation of foreign writers will be met at the airport.
3 We are given a lot of advice by our parents.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 She to the birthday’s party of her friend tomorrow. (to invite)
2 We to see this new film on holidays. (to go)
3 They about this terrible accident yesterday. (to tell)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 The young worker will repair some parts of the machine.
2 She promised to give me this book to read.
3 All the students of our group learn this poem by heart.
III Переведите:
1 You will be given two hours to make your decision.
2 Dresses are made preferably of cotton in hot countries.
3 The petrol tank was filled last week.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 Modern methods of teaching for training specialists in different fields
of industry. (to use)
2 The laboratories of our college with modern equipment. (to provide)
3 Her report at the conference the best. (to be)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 She teaches English at school.
2 All the students laughed at this joke.
3 This writer will write a new collection of stories.
III Переведите:
1 Bread is eaten every day.
2 When he comes back he will be told the truth.
3 The football team arrived at the airport and was welcomed by thousand of

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 They tell me the truth about the situation yesterday. (to tell)
2 The young sportsman a gold medal by the jury tomorrow. (to give)
3 Particular attention to training young specialists. (to pay)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 Russian scientists constructed the first spaceship.
2 The teacher of physics will show us an interesting experiment.
3 Children often ask many questions about animals.
III Переведите:
1 Nylon shirts are easily washed.
2 That beautiful shawl was knitted by my mother.
3 Some new Moscow Metro station will be opened in the nearest future.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 Evidently this event on in all newspapers.(to comment)
2 His suggestions never .(to object)
3 Do not promise that you it if you are not sure that you can do.(to do)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 She gives him a cup of coffee.
2 Mother prepared a tasty dinner on Sunday.
3 He will use a technical dictionary during the translation of this text.
III Переведите:
1The name of this actor will be known soon by everybody.
2 They are told a funny story.
3 The light was switched on.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 During the experiment the scientists by the workers. (to help)
2 People suffering from heart diseases not to go to the South
in summer. (to advice)
3 They letters of thanks to all their friends for the help.(to send)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 My brother will buy the tickets for the journey beforehand.
2 My friend needs my help.
3 The doctor recommended the patient a strict diet.
III Переведите:
1 She will be given this book to read.
2 Proper names and geographical names are written with capital letters.
3 I was frightened with a loud noise.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 Mother some coffee in the kitchen. (to make)
2 People learning foreign languages always to read foreign literature
in the original.(to tell)
3 She at the English lesson tomorrow. (to ask)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 The chief will provide our laboratory with all the necessary equipment.
2 The director offered me an interesting project.
3 She buys fresh newspapers every morning.
III Переведите:
1 Great mineral resources were found in the Far East of our country.
2 The football players are cheered by the crowd.
3 A new stadium will be build in this city.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 In museums visitors not to touch the exhibits. (to request)
2 These apples very juicy. (to be)
3 A modern tune when we came into the hall. (to play)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 She translated this difficult text without mistakes.
2 The students will discuss a new novel of this writer next lesson.
3 The teacher often asks me at the seminars.
III Переведите:
1 I shall be invited to the conference to read a report.
2 A lot of books were taken by my sister from the library.
3 Bread is cut with a knife

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 A week ago two students of our group for the study abroad. (to send)
2 Somebody the box and I cannot open it. (to lock)
3 Such mistaken sometimes by the best students. (to make)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 The pupils teach two foreign languages at this school.
2 Thousands of people attended this gala concert.
3 He will write the test-paper tomorrow.
III Переведите:
1 Particular attention is given to training specialists for new branches of
2 This film was much spoken about.
3 Fruit trees will be grown at the North of our country.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 he good manners by anybody? (to teach)
2 This team the prize at the future competitions. (to win)
3 At the beginning of his career the young musician by his teacher. (to
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 Snow will cover the fields in winter.
2 They showed us the nearest way to the theatre.
3 She explains this difficult grammar rule to the classmates.
III Переведите:
1 All these investigations were made by scientists for the benefit of man.
2 Was she ever taught any foreign language?
3 This fact is taken notice of.

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 The students always to attentively the teacher of literature. (to listen)
2 This foreign company him a good salary. (to pay)
3 The problems of new technologies at the conference. (to speak)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 People play football all over the world.
2 They told her the truth.
3 My friend will give me this interesting novel to read.
III Переведите:
1 The question of education is looked upon as the primary problem.
2 Will a ticket for the train be bought for you beforehand?
3 What subjects are you interested in?

I Поставьте сказуемое в действительном или страдательном
1 This laboratory with new computers next month. (to equip)
2 Moscow very much by all guests from abroad.(to admire)
3 The door by my brother and we entered the flat. (to open)
II Измените залог ( из действительного в страдательный):
1 The lecturer answered all the questions.
2 They eat bread every morning.
3 Our scientists will solve the problems of new technologies.
III Переведите:
1 Great amounts of water vapour are contained in snow.
2 Sometimes the sky is suddenly covered with low black clouds and distant
thunder indicates the approach of a thunderstorm.
3 I am sent to the business trip abroad.

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