Открытый урок Food and Drink

The theme: Food and drinkThe aims: 1.To consolidate and to get deeper knowledge about this theme
2. To develop of pupils oral speech, to enlarge pupil’s vocabulary
3.To develop of pupil’s interest to know English language
Literature: English 6, T. Aiyapova, Z.AbildaevaI. Organization moment- Good morning, children.- Good morning, teacher.- How are you?- Who is on duty today?- Who is absent?- What date is it today?- What day of the week is it?- Thank you very much. Sit down.1.A poem. ‘ Kazakhstan’
My Motherland, My dear land
Let my land be in peace’
Be joyful land, be joyful people
of Kazakhstan.
2. I like Sunday best
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday less
Thursday, Friday are not bad
Saturday are better yet
I like Sunday best
II. Checking hometask.- Well, what was your hometask for today?ex 11 p-39
Journey- caяхат , сапар voyage- саяхат
Фауна- жан-жануарлар flora- -өсімдік
Discover- бір жаңалық ашу, зерттеу etnographer - басқа елдердің әдеп-ғұрыптарын зертеуші адам
3. Phonetic drill. Read the phonetic drill
Your Wish to your friend
be honest- be active be helpful- be gentle be funny- be kind
be hardworking- be strong   be polite- be talkative
IV. Ok, pupils, let’s start our lesson. Now look at the blackboard.These are todays new words. At first I’ll read, then you will repeat after me. Food [fu:d] – тағам Meat [mi:t] - ет Drink [driηk]– сусын Coffee [k'ᴐfi] - кофеVegetable [`vedʒtәbәl] - көкөніс Tea [ti:] - шайOrange ['ᴐrindʒ] – апельсин Juice [dʒu:s] - шырын Apple [ᴂpl] – алма Bread [bred] - нанBanana [bә׳na:nә] – банан Rice [rais] - күріш хатGrape [greip]– жүзім Cheese [tʃi:z] - ірімшікEgg [eg] – жұмыртқа Milk [milk] - сүт Tomato [tәmә:׳tәu]– қызанақ Sugar [׳ʃugә] – қантPotato [pә׳teitәu] – картоп Butter [׳bʌtә] - майCarrot [kᴂrәt]- сәбіз flour [׳flauә] - ұн Biscuit [׳biskit]– печенье 
V. New theme “Food and drink’
People cannot live without food.
Food is form ia fuel. It gives us energy., helps us to grow, and resist disease. They say carrots are good for eyes, fish is good for brain.
Good foods – vegetables and fruits, cheese, milk , meat, fish, poultpy
Bad foods - chocolate, sugar, hamburger, sandwiches, hot dog,crispy, chipsy, fast food, junk food, cake, pizza, biscuit
Kazakh traditional food- beshbarmak, kuirdak, irimshik, kurt,zhal-zhaya, kazy-karta.
Drinks – shubat, kymyz, milk, lemonade, mineral water, juice, tea with milk
Food- fish, orange, onion, desert
Cabbage -carrot, apple, bread, butter, apricot, garlic, egg
Tomato – tea, orange milk, apple, tortoise, onion
Melon- milk, egg, lemon, orange, nut
Answer the guestions:
1.What food is useful for health?
2.What kind of food do you use?
3.What food do you like best?
6. What’ s the popular food in your family?5. What’s your favourite food?3. What’s your favourite drink?
Now look at the blackboard.
Talk to your partner what you like and don’t like.
xample: I like tea, but I don’t like coffee.I like tomatoes, but I don’t like potatoes .I like juice , but I don’t like tea.I like bananas, but I don’t like grapes.
ex.5. p.43. Text We must read this text by one by and translated it.Kazakh Traditional FoodIn Kazakhstan people eat a lot of meat. Their traditional food is the Kazakh meat. Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite guests they also cook pilaf, kazy, kuyrdak.They have some traditional milk products. They are kurt, irimshik. Their traditional drinks are kymyz, shubat. These drinks are useful for our health.
  Who is the best? Choose the odd one out from the list of words(Артық сөзді алып таста)I. oranges apples pencil bananas II. tea coffee juice rulerIII. kymyz carrot potato tomatoIV. Apple tea oranges bananas ReflectionA red apple - the lesson is very interesting, there are no problems, easy to understand.A green apple -- the lesson is very interesting, there are some problems in practice.A green apple -- the lesson is not very interesting, there are problems to use in practice.15. Conclusion.So our lesson is over. Thank you for your lesson. You are hard - working children. I'm satisfied with you. Never forget we are what we eat. If you want to be healthy, nice, strong, try to use healthy food, avoid junk one.Your homework will be the following: At home you should make up your menu and tell us about what you like
Conclusion: Homework: ex 5-6 p-43
The lesson is over.So our lesson is over. Thank you for your lesson. You are hard - working children. I'm satisfied with you. Never forget we are what we eat. If you want to be healthy, nice, strong, try to use healthy food, avoid junk one.Your homework will be the following: At home you should make up your menu and tell us about what you like

ь урока: повторение и закрепление знаний по теме.
Задачи урока:Воспитательная:Воспитывать у учащихся умение работы в парах, группах, самостоятельно.Развивающие:Включать учеников в такие виды деятельности, которые развивают у них волевую, эмоциональную и мотивационную сферы обучения.Образовательные:1. Обучение употреблению активной лексики в речи.2. Отрабатывать употребление неопределенных местоимений;Тип урока: комбинированный.Оборудование: учебник для 6 класса “ Английский язык” Т. Аяпова, З. Абильдаева; проектор, компьютер, раздаточный материал (кроссворды, тесты, карточки).The Procedure of the lesson:1. Org. moment.- Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you! Take your seats, please, and let’s start our lesson.- What is the date today?- Today we’ll speak about food, answer some questions, listen and sing a song, revise grammar material and have test after it.2. Phonetic drill. (Slide 2. Презентация)[i:] – sweet, tea, meat, cheese[i] – biscuit, tin, chips, Christmas[ai] – pie, kind, like, knife– sandwich, salad,, have[ei] – cake,, plate, table3. Речеваяразминка.
4. Give a name for each of the following groups. (Slide 3)• potato, carrot, cabbage –• grape, pear, pine - apple –• milk, tea, coffee –5. Checking homework.So it time to check your dialogues. Your homework was to prepare dialogues about food.6. Physical pause.Stand up! Please!Let s have a rest.Hands up, hands downHands on hips.Sit down.7. Guess what it is. (riddles). (Slide 4)1. Little children like it very much. It is white.2. It is yellow and long. It is very tasty.3. You usually put it into your tea or coffee. It is sweet.4. You use it in salads. It is red and round.8. Revision of the grammar material. (Slide 5, 6, 7)MUCH LITTLE SOMEMANY FEW ANYCan you tell what are they? When do we use them?10. Let’s work in your exercises books.Make sentences with these words (cheese, milk, orange, apple, tea )11 Let’s sing a song. (The Food song ) (Slide 8)11. Test. (Slide 9 - 10)1. Would you like … tea?a. some; b. any.2. There is … butter in the fridge.a. some; b. any.3. We haven’t got … milk.a. any; b. some.4. He eats … fish.a. many; b. much.5. Why did you eat so … ice creams?a. many; b. much.6. I have… time, I can’t go with you.a. little; b. few.7. There is … juice in my glass.a. little; b. few.8. There … pine - apples in the basket.a. is; b. are.9. There … much snow in the yard.a. are; b. is.10. I have got … friends.a. many; b. much.12. Creative task. Work in groups.And now I have a special task for you. You need to make healthy menu for breakfast, dinner and supper.13. Crossword.14. Reflection..There are three apples on your desks.A red apple - the lesson is very interesting, there are no problems, easy to understand.A green apple -- the lesson is very interesting, there are some problems in practice.A brown apple -- the lesson is not very interesting, there are problems to use in practice.15. Conclusion.So our lesson is over. Thank you for your lesson. You are hard - working children. I'm satisfied with you. Never forget we are what we eat. If you want to be healthy, nice, strong, try to use healthy food, avoid junk one.Your homework will be the following: At home you should make up your menu and tell us about what you like
Countable nouns used singular and plural forms.For example: This bag is small.Those bags are big. Uncountable nouns used only singular forms.The water is hot. There isn’t much snow.There is no – s on milk, because we can’t count it. It’s an uncountable noun.There is an – s on apples, because can count it. It’s a countable noun.Some , any Some - used in positive sentences and in question sentences.For example: There are some bananas on the table.Can I have some coffee?Any - used in negative sentences and in question sentences. For example: Is there any water in the glass?There aren’t any pens in the bag.Much, many есімдігі.Much - used in question sentences and in negative sentences with uncountable nouns. For example: Don’t put much sugar into coffee.How much cheese is there in the fridge?Many - used in question sentences and in negative sentences with countable nouns. For example: There aren’t many people in the room.How many children have they got?A lot of – used with countable and uncountable nouns and used in question sentences and negative sentences. For example: There is a lot of tea.There are a lot of cups of teaVI. Doing exercises.Well, pupils open your books on page 48Ex3. Complete the chart using the words in Ex.1 and Ex.2Fruit Vegetables Drinks Other foodorangebananaapple to eat and drink