А?ылшын тілінен Eating habits та?ырыбыны? жоспары

Theme: Eating habits
Objectives: SWBAT
Continue shaping the skills in using lexis on the theme “Health”; develop spoken speech, skills in reading, understanding the text, using learnt lexis; to teach to take care of your own health.
The visual aids: a computer, flipcharts, pictures, a game, a textbook, charts. “After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile ”The procedure of the lesson.I Organization moment
II The check up of the homework.Flipchart
Your home task was to provide the advantages and disadvantages of having a computer.
advantages disadvantages
We can get a lot of information It damages our eyes
III. Warm up. Talk to your partner
Why do you think they are healthy/unhealthy? (the list of different food)
IV. New theme: “Eating habits” Open your copybooks and write down the date and the new theme.
Complete the table
Healthy food Unhealthy food
Drinks: Snack:Drinks:
V. Talk to your partner
a) Do you share the opinion that “healthy is boring”?
b) Do you prefer school meals? Why? Why not?
c) What kind of diet is through to be healthy/unhealthy in Kazakhstan/
d) How popular are fast food restaurants in Kazakhstan?
VI. Read the text. Check the meaning of new words in your dictionary (work with the book, ex8, p.177)
VII. In groups of three find a suitable title for the text.
VIII Complete the table
Country Food
Central America
_______________ __________
Conclusion of the lesson: talk to your partner. Which of the food mentioned in the text you would enjoy eating? Which wouldn’t you want to eat any why?
Comments on the marks. Home task: ex 11, p.178 Look through the text again and find the food that you think is unusual.