«Ориентация в незнакомом городе» раздела «Достопримечательности Лондона»

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Glad to see you sit down, please. What sights of London do you know? $�=5B8G5A:0O @5G520O @078=:0 Let read these words Do you know the floral symbol of England? What is the most well known church in London? Where is Big Ben situated? Where does Elizabeth II, the Queen of Britain, stay when she is in London? Where do the famous black ravens live? Where do the country's leaders speak? What do you know about sights of London? (Let s check your homework) :B82870F8O =02K:�2 0C48@�20=8O . 48, .102 (00:39) Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar Square? Of course. It s very easy. Can you see that White Street over there? Yes. Go along that street. It will lead you to Trafalgar Square. Thank you very much. You welcome. Have a nice day. :B82870F8O 480�;38G5A:�9 @5G8 . 49, . 102 Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar Square? Of course. It very easy. Can you see that White Street over there? Yes. Go along that street. It will lead you to Trafalgar Square. Thank you very much. You welcome. Have a nice day. Ex. 50, p.102 Read ing dialogues. $87:C;LB8=CB:0 ?�@2�4OB CG5=8:8 ?� 65;0=8N (9:00) Look left, look right , Look up, look down Look yourself around (2) Look at your nose, Look at that place Close your eyes, open, wink and smile And our eyes are happy now. * * * * Hands up, hands down Hands on your hips. Bend left, bend righ Turn yourself around. Hands up, hands down Please sit �!25@H5=AB�220=85 CAB=�9 @5G8 ?� B55 Ex.18, p.54 (workbook) a) Complete the dialogue. Act it out with your classmate. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Tower of London? Go along this street and you will see it on the right. b)Put the dialogue in the correct order. Act it out with your classmate. You are welcome. Have a nice day. Excuse me, am I far from Trafalgar Square? How can I get there? m afraid you are. It s very easy. Take bus No.64 and you ll be there in ten minutes. Thank you very much. Key: Excuse me, am I far from Trafalgar Square? II m afraid you are. III How can I get there? IV It s very easy. Take bus No.64 and you ll be there in ten minutes. Thank you very much. VI You are welcome. Have a nice day.  5D;5:A8O Let s make conclusion of our lesson. How do you think who can get good mark today? How do you think who can get excellent mark today? Let s open your diaries and write down your homework. Your homework will be ex.55, p.103 104 or prepare some message about Winter Olympic Games in Sochi 2014. et s write a little poem about London. Topic (noun) 2 adjectives 3 verbs Phrase(4 words) Synonym of the first line (1 word) For example: Great, amazing Discover, learn, travel It s beautiful city. Capital If you want you can try to write your own little poem You have worked well today as usual. Thank you for the lesson. Good bye.