Перечень заданий для стартовой диагностики для 8 класса

Перечень заданий по стартовой диагностике в 8 «В» классе:
Put the verbs into the correct form:
1/ Chris ….(go) volcano surfing every weekend.
2/ The group ……(ski) down the slope when the avalanche occurred.
3/Have you …….(see) the breaking news yet?
4/ Richard…… ..(travel) to Chile next Monday.
5/ Kate…….(watch) a documentery last night.
6/ The news……(start) by the time she turned on TV.
7/ The plane………(crash) during the severe storm yesterday.
8/ The rescuers are tired. They……..(search) through the rubble all afternoon.
9/ What time……the earthquake happen?
10/ The rescuers …….(work) for ten hours before they took a break.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present or past forms:
1/ Amy……..(sleep) when the earthquake happened.
2/ They…….(travel) to Iceland next week.
3/ Billy…….(go) climbing every weekend.
4/ Hundreds of people …….(lose) their lives as a result of the earthquake so far.
5/ Sam ……(read) at the moment.
6/ They ………(look) at the fire as it was quickly spreading.
7/ Brian was angry because he……..(wait) for Hannah for an hour.
8/ By the time we arrived at the beach, it…………(start) to pour with rain.