Внеклассное мероприятие Зимний стихотворный вернисажна предметной неделе иностранных языков по темеРождество
Внеклассное мероприятие
На предметной неделе иностранных языков по теме “Рождество”
Учитель английского языка
Новикова Елена Дмитриевна
T: Hello everybody! We are glad to see you all at our winter poetic opening day.
Look at this magic box. There is something in it. Let’s open the box.
Oh! Here’s a letter. I’ll read it.
Dear children! I think you guess my name. I can’t write it, because my enemies prohibit doing it.Only you can help me. If not, lots of children won’t get their presents on time. You should, first, guess my five riddles, second, recite five winter poems, third, make a funny snowman… Oh, I can’t write anymore. Help me, help…help
T: Do you know the author of the letter? Yes, he is Santa, of cause. Are you going to help him?
Let’s start then.
Riddle №1. It’s a white season, when children ski, skate, toboggan and play snowballs. What season is it?
(Children) It’s winter.
T: Do you know when winter starts?
(Children) In December.
Here comes the first poem.
“December”.December comes with white snow
And cold winds begin to blow.
From the cold and starlit sky
Merry snowflakes fly and fly.
They fall softly in the night,
All are still, all are white.
Now listen another poem about December.
December is the best of all.
Snowflakes dance, snowflakes fall.
People see the New Year in-
When December ends, it will begin.
Riddle№2 You can see me all around. I’m white upon the ground. What am I?
(Children) You‘re snow.
T: You’re right, children. So comes the third poem.
Snow.The cold white snow falls softly down
On the tree tops bare and brown,
In the still night, when all’s asleep,
Falling, falling thick and deep.
In the country, in the town
Falling, falling softly down.
Here is another winter poem.
Falling snow.Look into the garden,
Where the grass was green.
Covered by the snowflakes,
Not a blade is seen.
Now the bare black bushes
All look soft and white
Every twig is laden-
What a pretty sight.
T: Well, it’s a great job, children. Now let’s make a singing pause. Sing and dance.
Riddle №3. You like to make me. I’m fat, but I’ m not your pet. Who am I?
(Children) You‘re a snowman.
A poem about a snowman.I’m a little snowman short and fat.
Here’s my scarf and here’s my hat.
When the snow is falling, come and play.
Build a snowman every day.
T: Building a snowman is fun, isn’t it? Let’s build our snowmen. They will be unusual snowmen, because we’ll draw them with closed eyes.
We need four painters. Come out to the blackboard, close your eyes with a scarf. Here we go.
1. Draw a head.
2. Draw a body.
3. Draw 3 buttons.
4. Draw 2 eyes.
5. Draw a nose.
6. Draw a mouth.
7. Draw a hat.
8. Draw 2 stick arms.
T: Our snowmen are ready. Open your eyes, look and have fun.
Here comes riddle №4. The little old woman has twelve children: some short, some long, some cold, some hot. Who is this old woman?
(Children) She’s a year.
T: Oh, it’s true.
Santa hid something in the classroom. Find it. You have only a minute.
(В классе спрятаны карточки со словами, из которых должно получиться предложение)
It’s time. Now try to make a sentence, using these cards.
The year ends when winter starts.
T: But winter starts with New Year’s Day. Hurray!
Here comes a poem.
New Year Day.New Year Day, happy day!
We are all glad and very gay.
We all dance and sing and say:
“Welcome, welcome New Year Day”!
T: Children! It’s the last Santa’s riddle. But what’s this? I can’t read it. You should unscramble it.
Work in groups, please. You have 3 minutes.
(I veli ni het Nroht Poel and rbign erpestsn to uoy)-I live in the North Pole and bring presents to you.
Who is he?
(Children) He is Santa.
T: Here’s a lovely song about Santa. Watch the video, sing and enjoy.
T: Look! It’s the last Santa’s task.
Decode my letter and read it.
3 4 1 10 7 6 3 11!
6 14 6 11 5 15 9 13 1 8 4 10 10 15 2 5 10 6 11 12 8 1 11!
a c d e h i k m o r s t u w y
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Dear kids! I wish you a merry Christmas!
T: What’s this? Somebody’s knocking at the door. Come in, please.(Входит Санта).
-Hello, Santa! How are you?
-Hello, everybody! You’ve done it! Great job! I’m here, with you. Here are you presents. Wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
-Thank you, Santa. We also have a present to you. It’s our winter ABC. Here you are.
-Thanks a lot! It’s Marvelous! But it’s time for me to go. I need to give presents to other kids! Bye!
-Bye, Santa!
T: Well, it’s time for us to say good-bye too. I think you’ve enjoyed the party, haven’t you? Bye!
(Children) Bye-bye!