А?ылшын тілінен School canteen та?ырыбыны? жоспары

Theme: School canteen
Objectives: SWBAT
To revise knowledge of the theme “School canteen”
To develop pupils’ skills and habits in reading, writing and speaking. Rich vocabulary notes. To teach them to respect each other and to be polite.
Visual aids: the interactive board, pictures, diagrams.
Methods: discussion, answering the questions.
Organization moment.
Checking up home task:
Ex17 a) fill the diagram about eating in Kazakhstan, b) retell the text “Traditional food”
Presentation of the new material.
The theme of the lesson “School canteen”
-Do youhave your classes in the morning or in the afternoon?
-Where do you have your lunch?
-Do you take your snack with you?
-Do you have a canteen at school?
Now, let’s read the text “School canteen”
Presentation of the grammar material.
Grammar reference:
There is-жекеше түрде
There are-көпше түрде
Passive voice-ырықсыз етіс
Ырықсыз етіс деп істі кімнің істегендігі көрсетілмей, не істегендігі көрсетілген етістіктің түрін айтамыз.
A passive verb is a form of be+ a passive participle. E.g is bought, are cleaned, was worn, were written.
We use be+ a passive participle after will, going to, can, must. E.g The exercises will be done tomorrow. The exercises are going to be done.
Practice. Ex3 a), p.71 What is there in the canteen?
Ex3 b), p.71 Complete: Some children don’t eat_________
They choose__________________________
Ex4,p.72 Read the sentences and write in column B the correct tense.
Ex5, p.72 Fill the gaps.
Ex6, p.72. Match the sentences.
Conclusion: -now, let’s conclude our lesson. Let’s revise
Today’s grammar theme.Marks
Home task
The lesson is over, good bye!
Theme: The environment
Objectives: SWBAT
Teach students new words and how to use them in speech.
Develop the students speaking, listening, writingDevelop students skills and habits in a dialogue and asking questions.
Help students to choose their future profession, to love English.
The type of the lesson: Consolidation lesson.
Organization moment.
Checking up the attendance
Asking the date and the day
New theme of the lesson: Today we’ll study the new material “Environment”. What do we know of this word? We know about air pollution of the city, town and villages.
If you understand, tell me is there any air pollution where you live?
Next task: look at the blackboard. Read these sentences and unscramble the words. One of you come and write one of theme, and others write in your note-book.
Work in pairs:
T: What city do you live in?
S1: I live in a small village
T: Is the weather hot and sunny today?
S2: The weather is hot and sunny today
T: do you live near any mountains?
S4: Yes, I live near the mountains.
Listening. The text “Cambridge and its environment” Now all of you listen to the text from the tape. Then we’ll translate the text. If you understand it I’ll ask you some questions.
T: Is Cambridge in the south of England
T: Is it an old city?
T: Is the air clean in Cambridge?
New grammar material “should”
“Should” is used for advice. Rewrite the sentences using “Should” Give your seat to old people. Always stand up when teacher comes into the room. Always stand up when you answer your teacher’s questions. Always wear a uniform
Home assignment: to write a story about environment in your city.
The conclusion of the lesson.