Урок-сценка по английскому языку на тему Children`s adventure (1 класс)

дети поднимаются на корабль, осматриваются и слышат храп)

Tim: What`s that noise?
Lucy: It`s my dad. He`s asleep. Shhh! Be quiet!

(Капитан просыпается, видит детей и удивленно спрашивает )

The Captain: Who`s these?
Lucy: They`re my friends: Tim, Ben. Rick, Megan and Sally/
The Captain: Welcome to our ship. Let`s go for a ride.

(звук мотора)

Megan: Oh, look! What`s this?
The Captain: This is my treasure!
Sally: What`s this?
The Captain: This is my telescope.
Sally: Can I look, please? (смотрит в телескоп и видит пиратов)
Oh, no! The pirates are coming!
Tim: The pirates are bad! They want our treasure!
Children: The pirates!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!

(Пираты поднимаются на борт корабля)

Pirate 1: You`re here!
Pirate 2: Where`s the treasure?
Ben: I`ve got an idea!...

(держит за спиной мышку и передает ее Рику)

Pirate 3: Give me your treasure!!!!
Rick: Here you are!!! (бросает им мышку, пираты пугаются и убегают)
Pirates: A-A-A-A-A-A! We`re scared of mice! HELP!

Megan: We`re safe now!
Lucy: Let`s sing our favourite song!

Tim: Hello! We`re Tim, Ben, Rick, Megan and Sally. What`s your name?
Tim: What`s that noise?
Children: The pirates!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!
Песня про корабль “The big ship”

The big
Песня про корабль “The big ship”

The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-o,
The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
On the last day of September.
The Captain looked at the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-
·Песня про корабль “The big ship”

The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-o,
The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
On the last day of September.
The Captain looked at the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-
·(бросает мышку, пираты убегают)
Children: The pirates!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!

Песня про корабль “The big ship”

The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-o,
The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
On the last day of Septe
·t`s this?
Megan: We`re safe now!
Children: The pirates!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!

Песня про корабль “The big ship”

The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-o,
The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
On the last day of Se
·ur ship. Let`s go for a ride.
The Captain: This is my treasure!
The Captain: This is my telescope.

Песня про корабль “The big ship”
The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-o,
The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
·k, please? (смотрит в телескоп и видит пиратов)
Oh, no! The pirates are coming!
Children: The pirates!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!

Песня про корабль “The big ship”

The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-o,
The big ship sai
· You`re here!
Pirates: A-A-A-A-A-A! We`re scared of mice! HELP!

Песня про корабль “The big ship”

The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-o,
The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
On the last day of September.
· scared of mice! HELP!

Песня про корабль “The big ship”

The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-o,
The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
On the last day of September.
The Captain looked at the alley-alley-o,
The al
·Песня про корабль “The big ship”

The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-o,
The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
On the last day of September.
The Captain looked at the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-
·Песня про корабль “The big ship”

The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-o,
The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
On the last day of September.
The Captain looked at the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-
·Песня про корабль “The big ship”

The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-o,
The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
On the last day of September.
The Captain looked at the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-o,
The Captain looked at the alley-alley-o
On the last day of September.
The sailors jumped in the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-o,
The sailors jumped in the alley-alley-o,
On the last day of September.
The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
The alley-alley-o, alley-alley-o,
The big ship sailed on the alley-alley-o,
On the last day of September