Методическая разработка праздничного урока, посвященного Дню Победы, «Незабываемые годы» («Unforgettable Years»)
ФГБОУ ВО «СГУ имени Н.Г. Чернышевского»
Геологический колледж СГУ
Методическая разработка
праздничного урока, посвященного Дню Победы,
«Незабываемые годы» («Unforgettable Years»)
для всех специальностей
по дисциплине «Английский язык»
Урок английского языка по теме:
«Незабываемые годы» («Unforgettable Years»)
Комментарии к уроку.
Форма урока за «круглым столом» остается актуальной. Содержание таких уроков составляет разговор по теме или проблеме близкой, интересной для учащихся. При подготовке к уроку учитывались работоспособность группы, возрастные особенности и уровень подготовки учащихся по тем вопросам, которые предполагалось обсуждать в сотрудничестве с преподавателем, друг с другом.
Организационный момент урока предполагает приветствие студентов преподавателем, сообщение темы предстоящего урока, четкую формулировку целей и задач.
Ход урока тщательно разработан. Беседа по теме включала подготовленные и неподготовленные сообщения учащихся, диалог - расспрос, диалог - обмен мнениями о бессмертных подвигах советского солдата, подростков в годы войны. Вместе с защитниками нашей Родины учащиеся прошагали от Бреста до Берлина.
Отличительной чертой данного урока является использование презентации, что способствовало активизации познавательной деятельности учащихся. Ребята подобрали изображения, отображающие ход войны, а также нарисовали стенгазеты, посвященные Дню Победы, все это позволило создать наглядные образы. Ребята подобрали стихи (К.Симонова «Жди меня», Р.Гамзатова «Незабываемый день»), дополнительный материал для выступления.
Условные обозначения: St. (слова студента); Tch. (слова преподавателя).Цели:
Развитие монологического и диалогического высказывания по теме.
Формирование умения поддерживать беседу, выражать свое мнение.
Развитие умения работать с дополнительной литературой, реализовывать межпредметные связи: история и иностранный язык.
Развитие интереса к новой информации.
Воспитание у студентов чувства патриотизма и гордости за героизм и самоотверженность народа во имя спасения Родины, уважения к советским солдатам, юным патриотам Отечества.
Сформировать познавательную потребность.
Умение работать в группе.
Умение мобилизовать группу к иноязычной деятельности.
Показать соответствие урока поставленным задачам.
Нормативность и адаптивность речи.
Гибкость владения аудиторией.
Тип урока: Урок-проверка знаний, событий и хода войны средствами английского языка в форме обсуждения за «круглым столом».
Форма урока: «круглый стол».
Материально-дидактическое оснащение: иллюстрации военных действий и героев ВОВ, учебники английского языка( Агабекян И.П. Английский для средних специальных заведений.2001), классная доска.
Ход урока
Начальный этап урока
Tch. Good-afternoon everybody. Nice to see you and our guests. The topic of our lesson is «Unforgettable Years». We are going to have a table talk. You had to find texts and poems about Great Patriotic War and Victory of Soviet people.
Далее студент читает стихотворение («Unforgettable Years»)
Tell me, comrade Was it in 41st That you crossed the riverAnd rescued our gun?In 41stThat cold NovemberPerhaps it wasBut don’t remember
Tell me, comradeWhen did you getThat wound whose scarYou carry yetI’d be glad to sayBut I can’t recallToo many wounds To remember them all“Unforgettable Years”
Tell me, comradeWhat about that MayWhen we celebrated Victory DayOh, I can easilyTell you thatI have the day and the hour off pat
Tch. Victory Day is one of the most important holidays in our country. It is also a great holiday for all the countries, who fought in the second World War wich was against fascism. Every day brings us nearer and nearer to the historic date of the anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War in May 9th! But now I want you to tell how it was. Look at these pictures. They are illustrated the war. (преподаватель показывает на картинки, изображающие ход войны, героев ВОВ). The first one is illustrating the beginning of the war.
St.1 It was 4 o’clock. Early morning on June 22nd, 1941,
190 divisions of fascist Germany,about 4,300 tanks;47,260 guns and mortars;
55 million officers and men invaded the USSR without a declaration of war. During the very first hours of attack over 1 million German bombers started bombing Soviet cities and towns. In the first months of the war the Nazis had more tanks and aircraft than the Red Army. On the very first day of the war tens of thousands of men lined up at the recruiting centers. Young and aged people demanded to be sent to the front. At the factories the places of those who had gone to the front were taken by women, teenagers, old people.
“Everything for the Front, everything for Victory” – that was the appeal of the Communist Party. The workers set up new workshops and factories in the steppes, out of doors, in pouring rain and biting frost. Every day more and more aircraft, tanks, guns, mortars and other arms went to the front.
Tch. I know that this date is the beginning of the battle of Moscow.
St.2 The Hitlerites brought into action more than 100 000 men. 1 700 tanks and 950 aircraft against the Soviet capital. Hundreds of Nazi planes were sent to bomb Moscow every night. Over 500 000 people worked on building fortifications around the capital. Over 40 partisan detachments operated in Moscow Region.
“Russia is large, but we cannot retreat, behind us is Moscow”
When the Nazis were approaching Moscow, Zoya Kosmodemjanskaya, Liza Chaikina, Alexander Checalin joined a partisan detachment and gave their lives for their country. They stubbornly defended every inch of the Moscow land.
Tch. I want you to tell about the heroes General Panfilov and General Zhukov.
St.3 28 Soviet soldiers of General Panfilov’s division accepted battle. They decided to defend their positions to the death. Most of the heroes died, but the Nazis had been heed up. It was the main battle. Our soldiers were sure that the fascist army could not take Moscow. In early December 1941 General Zhukov’s troops attacked the Nazis and beat them back. The victory at Moscow inspired millions of people with new courage. From the first weeks of the war the Germans tried to capture Leningrad. They surrounded Leningrad. They had bombed out schools, hospitals, building and houses, food stuff stories. The siege of Leningrad lasted 900 days. For 900 days wounded Leningrad held out heroically defying the superior forces of the enemy. More than 600 000 people, children died during the blockade. It was difficult to get bread.
Tch. The next date will tell us about the Stalingrad Battle.
St.4 The Stalingrad Battle began on July 17. It was the greatest battle.The people defended every street, every building. Battles were wages for every block of houses, for every street. I have founded some important words which were written in letters of the defenders of Stalingrad.
“We have decided to defend Stalingrad with our lives. Fighting for Stalingrad, we are fighting not only for this one city. At Stalingrad we are defending our Motherland and everything dear to us, everything that makes life worth living. Here at Stalingrad the question is being decided whether the Soviet people will remain free or not…We shall defend Stalingrad to the last drop of our blood, to the last beat of our hearts and that we shall not let the enemy reach the Volga...”
A small groups of soldiers commanded by Sergeant Pavlov defended the ruins of a four – storied house on one of the city squares for 2 months. Soldiers stood side by side in the defense of Stalingrad. On February 2, 1943 the Stalingrad Battle ended in a brilliant victory for the Soviet troops. Ninety-one thousand soldiers, officers headed by Field Marshal Paulus were taken prisoner.
Tch. Who was the Danko of Stalingrad?
St.5 Danko is a legendary hero, but M. Panikakha is the hero of the Great Patriotic War. He lived in Stalingrad. At the end of September, 1942, very heavy fighting began in the northern part of the city. This was the factory region where the “Red October”, the “Barricades” and the famous Stalingrad, tractor plant were situated. The people of Stalingrad were proud of their factories. M. Panikakha, a sailor and member of the Komsomol, was in the trenches here, fighting together with his battalion. The Germans had sent tanks against the battalion, which had only hand-grenades to use against the tanks. M. Panikakha wanted to destroy the tanks with hand-grenades. The moment came and Panikakha had thrown his last grenade. Suddenly one of tanks came straight at Mikhail. He sat in the trench with a bottle in his hand waiting for a tank. When the tank was near the sailor stood up straight in the trench ready to throw the bottle. At the moment a bullet hit the glass of the bottle and in seconds the sailor was a living torch. He jumped out of the trench and ran to the fascist tank. After the War the soldiers had returned to their homes, but people will never forget M. Panikakha’s feat, the Danko of Stalingrad.
Also, I want to tell about the feat of the partisans of the Kuban, young partisans Jenya and Pavlik. They were brothers and lived in Novo-Alexandrovskaya. Together with partisans they took part in fighting against fashists. They went to the railway station to watch the trains, German tanks, lorries. It was night. The boys waited tanks in the bushes. When the tank appeared Jenya threw a grenade and hit it. The tank stopped and began to burn. The battle began. Jenya threw an anti-tank grenade. But in a moment machine-gun turned in Jenya’s direction. That was the last moment of his life.
Tch. Tell please about the Berlin Operation.
St.6 On April 16, 1945 the Soviet Army began the Berlin Operation. The Soviet troops surrounded Berlin on April 25. The Soviet troops took one city block after another. On the night of April 30 at 2 o’clock two Soviet soldiers set up the red Banner of Victory on the top of the Reichstag building. On May 2nd Berlin capitulated.In the war against the fascists Soviet children had their own accounts to settle with the enemy. Fascists killed their fathers and mothers and brothers, sisters ruined their houses and schools, homes. From the very first hour of the war 9-12-15 old children were ready to fight the fascists. They wanted to go to the front. And little children ran from their homes to the front. The brave little boys and girls built barricades, dug trenches, brought important information to the Soviet troops. Hundreds of them gave their lives for their Motherland.
Tch. Who was Lyonya Golikov?
St.7 He lived in a village that stood near the bank of the river Polo. His father was a raftsmen and his mother worked on the farm. Lyonya had two sisters. It was in August 1942. A group of scouts and Lyonya were lying in ambush and expecting to come German troops. They spent the whole night but nothing happened. But suddenly Lyonya noticed a car in the distance. He dashed back and hid near the bridge behind a pile of stones. When the car came closer to the bridge and slowed down to cross it, he threw a grenade at it. There was an explosion and Lyonya saw a German jumped out of the car with a red bag and a submachine-gun. Lyonya fired but missed; he run after him. The German stopped and fired a short burst from his submachine-gun. The boy fell, took off his heavy boots and started running barefoot. Lyonya fired and the German was dead. He took the German’s gun and the red bag and brought those things to the camp. There were the important documents, very important information which was sent off to Moscow. So the Pioneer Lyonya Golikov became Hero of the Soviet Union.
Tch. What another young heroes do you know?
St.8 Let me tell about Zina Portnova. Zina and her parents lived in Obol. Her father worked at a big plant and her mother had a job in an office. Zina was a schoolgirl. During the war Zina became a scout. She was very observant and brought a lot of useful information. But once she was sent to get in touch with those members of the YUnd organization who remained alive. On her way she was stopped by the disertir and taken to the Obol Gestapo for questioning. The girl was taken to prison and savagely beaten. The Nazis wanted to find out all about the partisans, their hiding-place and so on, but they couldn’t make her talk. Zina was taken to a special room for interrogation; the captain struck her on the chest and the blow threw her backwards. She hit her head against the wall. Suddenly the German heard a car outside, he came to the window. Zina took the revolver and fired at him, then another officer. She dashed out of the room and ran. The German soldiers ran after her. They got her on the very bank of the river. She was shot near a small pine-tree on a cold January morning in 1944.
Tch. I must say, that young and old people, people of all nationalities, writers and teachers, collective farmers and poets supported our soldiers.
For example K. Simonov and his famous poem “Wait for Me” (учащиеся читают стихотворение наизусть):
Wait for me, and I'll return, Wait, and I will come.Wait when heavy yellow rainsTry to bring you down.Wait through summer's wasting heat, Wait through falling snow, Wait when others still repeatNot to stay alone.
Wait with hope when letters stop, Strong and tough just be...Turn away from those who're stern, From their grief stay free.Wait for me, and I'll returnNo illusions..TryTo escape the ones who mourn, Keep away your heart.Let my son and mother cryAnd believe I am dead.And ignore friends' tears aroundWhen weak hope is spent.
Bitter wine they'll drink..forget, Their compassion, too.Wait for me, believe instead..Pray and smile once more.Wait for me, and I'll return.I will go through flame.I'll be back to you, I'll burnAny threat's disgrace.
They will never understandHow among the fireOut of lethal empty spaceI have come alive.Only you and I will know whyI am at home again..Why you've learned to wait in timeLike nobody has.
Перевод стихотворения читают два студента:
Жди меня, и я вернусь.
Только очень жди,
Жди, когда наводят грусть
Желтые дожди,
Жди, когда снега метут,
Жди, когда жара,
Жди, когда других не ждут,
Позабыв вчера.
Жди, когда из дальних мест
Писем не придет,
Жди, когда уж надоест
Всем, кто вместе ждет.
Жди меня, и я вернусь,
Не желай добра
Всем, кто знает наизусть,
Что забыть пора.
Пусть поверят сын и мать
В то, что нет меня,
Пусть друзья устанут ждать,
Сядут у огня,
Выпьют горькое вино
На помин души...
Жди. И с ними заодно
Выпить не спеши.
Жди меня, и я вернусь,
Всем смертям назло.
Кто не ждал меня, тот пусть
Скажет: - Повезло.
Не понять, не ждавшим им,
Как среди огня
Ожиданием своим
Ты спасла меня.
Как я выжил, будем знать
Только мы с тобой,-
Просто ты умела ждать,
Как никто другой.
Tch. Now I want to hear your opinion about War and Victory. What does it mean for you and your family?
Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение. Например:
The 9th of May 1945 is in the people’s memory and hearts. Time will not take that historical day away from us.
The 9th of May is the great day. It is the wonderful holiday. It is the national holiday and at the same time a very personal.
I believe that we are excited on V-day, especially when we meet war veterans.
The name of war heroes will live in our memory forever.
Tch. Now open your exercise-book and write main dates of the war. (под запись на доске)
June 22, 1941 -9 May 1945 The Great Patriotic War22 июня 1941 -9 мая 1945 Великая Отечественная война
22 June to the end of July 1941 defense of the Brest Fortress 22 июня -конец июля 1941 Оборона Брестской крепости
10 July -10 September 1941 Battle of Smolensk10 июля -10 сентября 1941 Смоленское сражение
July 10, 1941 Beginning the defense of Leningrad 10 июля 1941 Начало обороны Ленинграда
11 July -19 September 1941 Defence of Kiev 11 июля -19 сентября 1941 Оборона Киева
August 5 - October 16, 1941 The defense of Odessa 5 августа - 16 октября 1941 Оборона Одессы
October 30, 1941 -3 July 1942 Defence of Sevastopol30 октября 1941 -3 июля 1942 Оборона Севастополя
July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943 Battle of Stalingrad 17 июля 1942 - 2 февраля 1943 Сталинградская битва
12-18 January 1943 Break the Siege of Leningrad 12-18 января 1943 Прорыв блокады Ленинграда
5 July -23 August 1943 Battle of Kursk 5 июля -23 августа 1943 Курская битва
August 5, 1943 The first fireworks in Moscow in honor of the victories of the Red Army 5 августа 1943 Первый салют в Москве в честь побед Красной Армии
September-December 1943 r Battle for the Dnepr сентябрь -декабрь 1943 Битва за Днепр
September 8, 1943 Release of Donetsk8 сентября 1943 Освобождение Донецка
September 16, 1943 Release of Novorossiysk16 сентября 1943 Освобождение Новороссийска
January 20, 1944 Release Novgorod20 января 1944 Освобождение Новгорода
April 8 - May 12, 1944 Crimean Offensive8 апреля - 12 мая 1944 Крымская операция
May 9, 1944 Release of Sevastopol9 мая 1944 Освобождение Севастополя
June 20, 1944 Release of Vyborg20 июня 1944 Освобождение Выборга
February 13, 1945 Liberation of Budapest13 февраля 1945 Освобождение Будапешта
April 16 - May 2, 1945 Berlin operation16 апреля - 2 мая 1945 Берлинская операция
May 8, 1945 Surrender of Germany8 мая 1945 Капитуляция Германии
May 9, 1945 End of WWII 9мая 1945 Окончание Великой Отечественной войны
June 24, 1945 Victory Parade in Red Square 24 июня 1945 Парад Победы на Красной Площади
Tch. You know about the title «Hero – City» – the highest degree of difference. The title of «Hero City» was assigned to the cities of the Soviet Union, where workers showed heroism and courage in defending the Motherland in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. There are Leningrad, Stalingrad, Sevastopol, Odessa, Kiev, Moscow, Novorossiysk, Kerch, Minsk, Tula, Smolensk, Murmansk and Brest Fortress.
Вы знаете про звание «город-герой» - это самая высокая степень отличия. Звание «город-герой» присваивается городам Советского Союза, где рабочие показали героизм и мужество в защите Родины в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг. Эти города - Ленинград, Сталинград, Севастополь, Одесса, Киев, Москва, Новороссийск, Керчь, Минск, Тула, Смоленск, Мурманск и Брестская крепость.Now open please your text-books on page 200. There is a text about the Hero – City Moscow. Read please, translate and answer the questions.
Работа с текстом «Москва» по учебнику Агабекян И.П. «Английский для средних специальных заведений.» (стр.200)
Tch. Ваше домашнее задание – подготовить доклад о городе - герое на выбор.
Tch. А сейчас уважаемые гости и студенты давайте почтим память павших в бою минутой молчания. Минута молчания.
Данная методическая разработка может использоваться на занятии, посвященном Великой Отечественной Войне, как в обычном учебном процессе, так и на внеклассном мероприятии. Студенты описывают самые значимые события ВОВ, работая с наглядными пособиями, классной доской и учебниками.
В докладах и стихотворениях может быть использован перевод на русский язык по усмотрению преподавателя. Желательно дополнить занятие записями песен про войну на английском языке.
Разработка предназначена для студентов 1-2 курсов всех специальностей.
Список использованных источников.
Агабекян И.П. Английский для средних специальных заведений, 2011
Материалы Wikipedia (свободная энциклопедия интернета http://www.wikipedia.ru)
Carl J. Schneider, Dorothy Schneider “Facts On File ”, 2003
Чернет П. Е. IQ Words:ребусы и задачи на английском языке,2005