Внeклассноe мeроприятиe Merry Christmas Party — 2015
Merry Christmas Party
2nd-3rd grades, 2015
Под мелодию “Jingle Bells” ведущий выходит в центр зала и приветствует гостей и участников.
Christmas is here,
Christmas is here.
Merry Christmas, Mothers!
Merry Christmas, Fathers!
Merry Christmas, Childr
· музыка ABBA “Happy New Year”
instrumental orchestra.
Host: You can see, it’s snowing. So, let’s build a snowman.
Игра: Let’s Build A Snowman (исполняется песня и во время песни на доске выклеивается СНЕГОВИК) – (Genki English, CD10)
Host: Dear children
·always merry. They say he comes from the North Pole. He brings gifts for good boys and girls. Let’s call him.
Хором зовут “Father Christmas! Santa Claus! You are welcome!” Let’s sing the traditional song “Jingle Bells”. Maybe Father Christmas can hear and visit us.
Хором исполняют песню Jingle Bells (в исполнении Boney M) Появляется Санта Клаус на санях с оленями.
Father Christmas: Oh, you are very merry and friendly! How beautiful is here! Children! I have got some questions for you!
- Are there a
· класс
- Do you like sweets, apples, cakes, gifts, ice-cream, chocolates, juice, tea.? – 3 класс
(Дети хором отвечают на вопросы).
Let’s feed my reindeers. They like carrots very much. Do you have some carrots for them?
(Дети кормят оленей морковками)
Father Christmas: I see, that you are very good children. You have a very nice Christmas tree! I see here many interesting things: animals, toys, sweets! Help me, please, name them!
(Дети называют предметы, висящие на елке: golden balls, candles, Christmas crackers, bells, snowflakes, stars, garlands, chocolate, candies, apples, cookies, nuts and ets.).
Father Christmas:
But there are no lights!
Let’s light the fir-tree!
Please, say together with me:
1, 2, 3
Christmas-Tree in lights be!
(Повторяют три раза, елка загорается).
Our Christmas-tree is lighting, let’s have fun!
Песня: Christmas (CD4 – Jenki English)
Host: Father Christmas is a bit tired. Sit down, please, relax. Children want to recite Christmas poems for you. But don’t forget of some gifts, please.
Дети читают рождественские стихи и получают подарки.
Father Christmas: Very nice and lovely poems. I like them. Would you like to play games with me? Игры возле елки:
Snow Basketball
Frozen (в конце игры исполняется веселый танец – поппури на тему Christmas)
Christmas Ride – катание на санях
Host: Let’s invite the parents and play one more game all together. Дети приглашают родителей и, стоя в кругу, играют и поют
If you are happy
1. If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands (clap-clap).
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands (clap-clap).
If you are happy and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands (clap-clap).
3. Stamp your feet.
4. Snap your fingers.
5. Nod your head.
6. Say “OK”.
7. Do all six!
9. Host: Do you know what color is Christmas? Let’s check. Повторяются цвета и исполняется песня “What Color Is Christmas?” (Genki English CD10)
10. Host:
A merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
We shall meet you next year!
A merry Christmas for me,
A merry Christmas for you,
A merry Christmas for everyone.
That’s what I wish - I do.
Good bye, dear children!
Good bye, Father Christmas!
Our celebration is over. Let’s give Christmas cards to your parents and sing a song!
Хором все вместе исполняют песню: We wish you a Merry Christmas!
11. Christmas Photo near Christmas tree
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