Конспект урока по английскому языку Health Is Above Wealth.

Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 8 классе
по теме “Health Is Above Wealth” на городской конкурс «Учитель года»
Учитель: Трефилова Татьяна Васильевна
Образовательное учреждение: ГБОУ «Гимназия №8», г. Севастополь

Practical aim: - enrich
·(слайд 1)Teacher: Hello, everyone! Glad to see you. My name’s T.V.
(слайд 2) I’m a teacher of gymnasium #8. Today we’ll work together.
II Warming up.
To start with I’d like to get acquainted with you to be a little bit closer.
I think these words will help me to do it (карточки).
Use these words and word combinations and promise me something or promise something to the members of your class.
(слайд 3) e.g. I promise I’ll assist you during the lesson.
(Ниже приведены примеры слов и словосочетаний для карточек)
Do my best cope
Act / be active focus
Create / be creative
·help / assist my classmates.
I promise I’ll be successful during the lesson.
I promise I’ll cope with difficulties.
I promise I’ll focus on the lesson.)

So, you’ve just promised me to be friendly, active and creative.
(слайд 4) And I hope today at our lesson we’ll work hard, we’ll create together, we’ll strive for success!
III. Main part.
(слайд 5) Now, I’d like you to say what the most important things for you are.
(Ss’ possible answers: family, friends, friendship, money, career, marriage, happiness, l
·слайд 6) Teacher: So, the topic of our lesson is HEALTH IS ABOVE WEALTH.
It is also an English proverb.
What other English proverbs and sayings do you know?
(Ss’ answers).
There are some more:
(слайд 7) After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.
·(слайд 8) Teaсher: We’ll speak about some bad habits that damage our health to our great regret.
We’ll work in two groups today. Let your group be “Red Apples” and your group - “Green Apples” (на столах у каждой группы лежат муляжи красного и зеленого яблок).
Teacher: What factors make a man healthy? (создание проектов)
a). To answer this question I offer you to create and draw a model of perfect health. Work in groups.
Then you should present your projects. (слайд 9)
(Учащиеся создают модели идеального здоровья, затем комментируют).
Teacher: So, according to your projects the perfect health is
(слайд 10) (healthy food, fruit, vegetables, vitamins, sport, fresh air, sun, sea, not bad habits ).
b). Now exchange your projects and destroy health. (What factors are bad for our health?) (слайд 11)
(Учашиеся обмениваются проектами и “портят” здоровье, затем комментируют).
So, health risks are: (слайд 12)
drinking alcohol;
taking drugs;
unhealthy food;
stress, etc.
c). Teacher: Give your projects back and answer my questions: (слайд 13)
- What do you feel seeing your health ruined? (HO1) (Students’ answers)
- What was easier, to create your health or to ruin somebody’s? (Students’ answers)
Teacher: Now let’s cure your health.
(Учащиеся забирают «своё здоровье» и “лечат”).
Teacher: Show your projects to see how you did it.
Комментарии учащихся.
(слайд 13) Teacher: Was it difficult to cure your health? ((Students’ answers)
Teacher: So, you’ve protected your health from bad factors. But does it look as perfect as it was at the beginning? (Students’ answers).
(слайд 14) So, Take care of your health ever since youth.
Teacher: Now, let’s relax a little bit and watch a funny, but useful cartoon. (просмотр мультфильма “No Smoking” из мультсериала “Goofy”). (слайд 15)
So, Prevention is better than cure.
Teacher: According to the research 60% of men and 20% of women smoke in Russia. (слайд 17)
Smoking kills them but still many teenagers start and adults continue smoking.
(слайд 18) Why do you think people
want to look cool and tough;
want to be healthy, wealthy and strong;
want to copy their friends;
gain (получают) a sense of independence;
want to get calmed down;
want to be successful;
think they are attractive;
want to get pleasure from smoking;
want to look like grown ups;
think it is delicious;
have a lot of free time and nothing to do;
- want to live healthy lifestyle;
want to avoid illnesses (Students’ answers)
Listening (Video). (HO3) (слайд 19)
Teacher: Smoking and alcohol damage our body and nearly every organ.
Let’s watch a video to see how serious the problem is.
There are some medical terms. Let’s look through them and practice their reading. (чтение и фонетическая отработка лексики )
You’ll watch and listen twice. After the first listening you’ll do ex. I, after the second listening you’ll do ex.II. Use HO3 and HO4.
AUDING / VIDEO (видеотекст) (HO4)
I. Fill in the gaps
Smoking and ________________ cause stressful changes to the human __________________ , organs and tissues.
·(слайд 20)
(Group “Red Apple” – Smoking, group “Green Apple” - Alcohol). Учащиеся читают текст просебя.
Teacher: Now exchange your ideas between groups. (Students’ answers).
(слайд 21) Teacher: So, can bad habits kill? (Students’ answers)
Say “No” to them once and forever.
(слайд 22) He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.

(слайд 23)Teacher: Now, let’s come back to our cards with which we started the lesson and using these words express your ideas on the topic of our lesson.
·слайд 24) Your homework is comment on the proverb One can buy a doctor but not health.
(слайд 25) So, I wish you Stay healthy!
Be happy!
For this you should eat a lot of fruit, vegetables and vitamins.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, says the English proverb.
(Угощение яблоками).


Teenagers / People / Adults / They
want to impress their friends;
help their parents;
want to look cool and tough;
want to be healthy, wealthy and strong;
want to copy their friends;
gain (получают) a sense of independence;
want t
· ткани Consumption – употребление
Brain – мозг Heart muscles contraction – сокращение сердечной
Adrenal glands – надпочечники мышцы
Liver - печень
Heart rate – сердечній ритм Stomachelining – слизистая оболочка желудка
Blood pressure – кровяное давление Kidney - почка
Arteries – артерии
Fatal consequences – фатальный исход

Smoking and drinking cause stressful changes to the body and its organs and tissues.
When smoking the brain is stimulated and sends signals to the adrenal glands to release norepinephrine (норадренопочечники) which raises the heart rate.
Carbon monoxide (угарный газ) enters the blood in place of oxygen.(кислород)
The nicotine, present in the smoked cigarette, raises the body’s blood pressure.
Atheroma (опухоль) builds up and blocks arteries which if totally blocked, increases the heart’s workload (нагрузки) sometimes with fatal consequences.
The consumption of alcohol causes intoxication.
Alcohol makes the heart beat ubnormally and decreases the force of heart muscles contraction.
Cirrhosis of the liver is caused by access alcohol.
And alcohol also inflames the stomachlining.
Increased water loss from the kidney, leading to the hydration (гидратация), is also the effect of alcohol.


Smoking is one of the worst things kids and adults can do to their health.
Cigarettes kill 50.000 people every year.
Each cigarette shortens your life for five minutes.
Smoking wastes your time and empties your pockets.
Smoking people have many chances in their appearance.
They smell like an old ash tray, their teeth and fingers getting yellow, their breath is stinky (неприятный)
Smokers not only ruin their own health, but also the health of other people.
We have to inhale (вдыхать) the poisonous (ядовитый, отравленный) air they blow out.
Heavy smokers are more likely to develop certain illnesses when they get older.
They are lung (легкие) and throat cancer (pak), heart disease, emphysema and others.
According to the World Health Organization tobacco-related illness will be the world’s leading killer by the year 2020, responsible for more deaths than alcohol, drugs, AIDS (Acquired Deficiency Syndrome), tuberculosis, road accidents, put together.




Drinking alcohol is a very old and wide spread danger.
The health risks of alcohol are great.
It is the third greatest cause if death after cancer and heart disease.
Alcohol travels fast to the brain (головной мозг).
From the brain it travels to other important organs such as the liver (печень) and the kidneys (почки).
The increases of it in blood makes one feel more energetic by giving the feeling of a lift, but in fact you get slow reaction and loss of memory.
Many people use alcohol to become more sociable and confident in dealing with others, but they make enemies.
They think alcohol help to relax and forget about immediate problems, but get health problems.
Many experts feel that smoking and alcohol are so common and so dangerous that they can be called epidemic.


have yellow teeth and fingers;

If have awfully smelled hair and clothes;
you you have problems with skin and hair;
smell like an old ash tray;

drink have a bad cough and headache;
alcohol have stressful changes of the body and its organs;

have slow reaction and loss of memory;
have intoxication;

have unclear speech;

have nervous strokes (срывы);

have anemia;

have heart disease, chest problems and ulcer (язва)

have the heart rate (сердцебиение);

have lung (легкие) and throat cancer (рак);

have the blood pressure (кровяное давление);

have even AIDS

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