Планирование по теме Classroom objects

Lesson: Unit 2, Classroom objects School: 226 gymnasium
Date: 24.11.2016 Teacher name: Aimagambetova Bibinur Abilkaiyrova ArailymClass: 1 Number present: 12 absent: -
Learning objectives(s) that
this lesson is contributing to 1.UE4
Lesson objectives All learners will be to:
•say names of the classroom objects intelligibly
•say simple greeting and classroom words
Most learners will able to:
•say common singular and plural nouns
•make sentences using this\these describing where the objects are
Some learners will be able to:
•use demonstrative pronouns this\these to indicate things
•make basic personal statement and simple statements about object
Previous learning: use cardinal numbers 1 -10 to count, use basic adjectives and colours “Point, colour and say” 5 min Ss. given worksheets with classroom objects. First T. reads the number and color then Ss themselves should point and color, e.g. :T:-one is blue ,two is red ,three is yellow, four is green; (formative assessment: with smiles)
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)
11-15min D)Teacher pre-teaches using realia/visual aids:desk, chair, book, pen, bag teacherruler, rubber, felt tip
What's in the bag?
Filling a large school bag with items from lessons (e.g. book, pencil, pen etc.). Show the bag to students and shake it to rattle the objects inside. Students pull objects out of the bag and teacher name them. Pull out 1 object per student. Finally, place the objects around the classroom and have each student return each object as teacher call out its name and students put it back in the bag and name it. (formative assessment: with fingers)
(W)Teacherusesvisuals/flashcards to promptlearners to say the words.Pointing with stickers
T:points objects in the classroom with stickers and tell Ss Say how many people and objects there are in the class pointing. (formative assessment: with smiles)Example: There is one teacher in the class. There are two chairs in the class.
Assessment criteria: Talk about people and places using singular and plural forms
Descriptor: A learner
*makes up sentences about people;
* makes up sentences about objects;
*uses singular and plural nouns. Range of common objectflashcardshttp://www.mesenglish.com/flashcards/animals.php
Schoolbag, pen, felt tips, pencil, book
minutes (W) Teacher uses visuals/flashcards to promptlearners to say the words
Memory game
Choose 6 to nine students, tell a sentence to the first person ( This is a pen .) then let them to repeat your sentence and ad done more name to the end.( These are felt tips.) Go on until someone confused and leave the game, the last person wins. Language focus/aims Repetition: drill, inner grammar. A, an, this ,these functions might be taught.
Students use a, an, this, these, some and the to indicate the following objects: .(formative assessment: with smiles)Example: A pen. This is a pen. The pen is blue.
Assessment criteria: Name objects using a, an, this, these, some, the and say where they are
A learner names objects using determines a, an, the appropriately;
uses this / these appropriately Range of common objectflashcardshttp://www.mesenglish.com/flashcards/animals.phpEnd
27-35 minutes (D) Teacher pre-teaches using realia/visual aidscomputer board door window
What is in my hand?
T:puts school object in hand, let them ask questions to find the object in teacher’s hand.
Students take out all the school things from their bag. Talk about them.Example: These are my books. They are green and blue.
Assessment criteria: Talk about people, objects and classroom routines
Descriptor: A learner makes up sentences about classroom objects; says what his/her friend has got.
Giving feedback: Sandwich (filing worksheets with sandwiches to know are they hungry or full about today’s lesson) 2A) can be used: PrimaryColours Starter, Hicks andLittlejohn (CUP 2002)
Additional information
Differentiation –how do you plan to give more support?
How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment-how are you planning to check learners’ learning ?Cross-curricular links Health and safety check ICT links Values links
Weaker Ss work with T’s support
Stronger Ss work on their own Formative assessments: with smiles, with fingers, sandwich assessment; Ss will be safely arranged and seated in front of the monitor away from electrical outlets and cables.
Working in group Ss will develop their collaborative skills,learn how to work in group and to be tolerant and respect to each other.
Were the lessonobjectives/learningobjectives realistic?What did thelearners learntoday?What was thelearning atmospherelike?Did my planneddifferentiation workwell?Did I stick totimings? Whatchanges did I makefrom my plan and Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?1:2:What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?1:2:What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?