План – конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 8 А классе “Planning a trip. At a travel agency”
конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 8 А классе
“Planning a trip. At a travel agency”
Цели урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в чтении, аудировании, монологической и диалогической речи, формирование навыков говорения и аудирования; овладение основами ведения этикетного диалога в обозначенных ситуациях общения.
Задачи урока: активизация лексики по теме «Путешествие» в коммуникативной деятельности учащихся в новых ситуациях, совершенствование навыков аудирования с извлечением основной и детальной информации, совершенствование навыков работы в группах, совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи, развитие толерантности по отношению друг к другу, способности к сотрудничеству, создание условий для реализации возможности учащихся попробовать себя в роли туристического агента.
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, лингафонный кабинет.
Ход урока.
Приветствие. Отчет дежурного.
Good morning. Glad to meet you. Who is on duty today?
Questions to the pupil:
What is the weather like today?
The weather is windy, frosty, snowy
What is the season?
It is winter now.
Is winter good for travelling?
I think winter is good for travelling abroad, to the seaside.
Фонетическая зарядка.
Today we continue speaking on the top
·ts, to visit a travel agency.
(учащиеся повторяют за учителем слова на слайде, переводят их и отвечают на вопросы)
Who is a holidaymaker?
A holidaymaker is a person who plans his holiday.
Where do people travel?
People travel abroad and around their countr
· my family to the seaside by train.
What documents do people need for travelling abroad?
For travelling abroad people need a visa, a passport, customs declaration.
Погружение в проблему. Сообщение темы урока. Аудирование с извлечением основной информации
·(учащиеся выстраивают логическую последовательность шагов по планированию путешествия)
Do you always follow these steps planning your trip?
Yes, we always plan our trip according to this plan. We go to the travel agency, plan our holiday activities, book t
(учащиеся знакомятся с вопросами, смотрят видео файл и отвечают на вопросы)
So, today we’ll visit a travel agency, study some peculiarities in the job of a travel agent and try ourselves in the role of travel agents.
(учитель сообщает план урока)
Stages of our work.
Home task checking. (history of travel agencies)
Grammar rules revision. (modal verbs MUST, SHOULD, NEED to)
Listening comprehension. (professional qualities of a modern travel agent)
Speaking (dialogues on the topic)
Совершенствование навыков чтения с извлечением детальной информации. (проверка домашнего задания)
At home you’ve read the text about the history of travel agencies. Let’s summarize the information , answer my questions and speak about the importance of travel agencies in the life
·учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по тексту домашнего чтения, обобщают информацию)
5.Совершенствование навыков аудирования с извлечением детальной информации
As you can see travel agencies have always been very popular.
Do you plan your trip in travel agenci
·(повторение грамматики- модальные глаголы must, should, need to)
Let’ s revise grammar rule, our listening task is based on.
Modal verb
Строгое долженствование, обязанность
(Вы ) должны
(-) нельзя
Совет, рекомендация
(Вам) следует
Наличие или отсутствие необходимости делать что-либо
(Вам) нужно/не нужно
Have a look at the slide. You see a table. There are modal verbs in the left column and there are professional skills of a travel agent in the right o
·edict what professional skills a travel agent MUST possess, what skills he NEEDS and SHOULD to have. Some of the words may seem unknown to you? Let’s read them and translate. WORDS: skills - умения , budget- бюджет, to master - совершенствовать.
(учащиеся работают в группах, соотносят качества с модальностью и у доски заполняют схему, проговаривая свой выбор)
I think a travel agent must..
We think a travel agent should
We think that a travel agent must..
While-listening. Now let’s listen to the tape a
·nd find out if we were right. You will listen to the tape twice. Put on the ear-phones.
(учащиеся слушают аудиозапись и соединяют профессиональные качества турагента с модальными глаголами)
After- listening task. (учащиеся сравнивают свою таблицу на доске с результатами аудирования и обобщают информацию)
Now let’s check your predictions.
A travel agent MUST
balance client dreams with real budget;
have good interview, telephone, computer skills;
A travel agent NEEDS
coordinate the customers’ schedule;
sell airline tickets;
experienced help.
A travel agent HAS
master many kinds of information: geography, visa regulations, ecotourism;
A travel agent SHOULD
So, as you see to be a travel agent is rather difficult and responsible job.
Would you like to become a travel agent?
Yes, I would.
Why would you like to become it?
This job gives me a chance to travel a lot, learn many interesting facts about other countries, learn foreign language, make new friends.
Now let’s have a rest. You’ll see pictures showing different means of travelling. Try to imitate them and pronounce. Repeat after me.
(Учащиеся видят на слайде способ путешествия и имитируют его)
We travel by plane.
We travel by train.
We travel by car. We travel so far.
We travel by ship.
We travel on foot.
We travel hitchhiking. Let’s choose our route.
7. Cовершенствование навыков диалогической речи.
Today you have a chance to act the roles of travel agents. On your desks you see the envelopes with the Task 2.
Destination : Saint Petersburg
Type of tour: package, with a family
Transport: by plane, by train
To see sights of S.P., Hermitage.
Documents: passport, tickets.
Time of leaving: in 2 weeks
Destination: Scotland
Type of tour: package, with colleagues
Transport: by plane
To see Stonehenge and Irish dances festival
Documents: visa, passport, declaration
Time of leaving: next month
Destination: England
Type of tour: alone
Transport: by plane
To study in Oxford University
Documents: passport, visa, declaration
Time of leaving: next year.
Destination: the USA
Type of tour: with friends
Transport: by plane
-to visit popular music group concert
Documents: passport, visa, declaration
Time of leaving: next week
Destination: Velikiy Ustug
Type of tour: package tour with the family
Transport: by train
To visit Santa Claus’s Motherland
Documents: passports
Time of leaving: the end of December
Destination: Egypt
Type of tour: package family holiday
Transport: by plane
-to spend winter holidays at the seaside, to sunbathe, swim in the sea and see the sights
Documents: passport, visa, declaration
Time of leaving: in January
There are different situations at a travel agency. I want you to act out these dialogues in pairs. You have 5 minutes to prepare and we will listen to your dialogues. The rest of the class should carefully listen to the dialogues and fill in the following table. Have a look at the slide.
Time of leaving
Holiday activities
(учащиеся в парах составляют диалоги по предложенной ситуации и разыгрывают мини-сценки «В агентстве путешествий», остальные ученики заполняют таблицу с пунктами: пункт назначения, количество человек, цель поездки, документы, время поездки, транспорт).
8.Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.
Our lesson is coming to an end. I want you to summarize what interesting and useful things you have learnt on this lesson today.
What new facts have you learnt on this lesson?
We’ve learnt the history of travel agencies, professional skills of a travel agent.
What stages of the lesson did you like most of all??
I liked watching, listening and dialogues.
What was difficult for you?
It was difficult to act out dialogues, to do listening comprehension.
What skills did you improve?
We improved listening and speaking skills.
You have worked very good this time. Your marks for today are:
Next time we’ll have a reading lesson and we’ll make a round the world tour with the great travel agent Jules Verne? Who offers you a package holiday trip around the world in 80 days. Write down your home task.
The lesson is over. See you soon. Good bye.