Конспект урока по английскому языку Travel agency 9 кл
Шакиржанова Гульбакыт Ержановна - учитель английского языка имени Маншук МаметовойЗКО, Бокейординский район, п. СайхинШкола:
Общеобразовательная средняя школа имени М. МаметовойКласс:
Тема урока:
“Travel agency”
Цели и задачи по формированию компетентностей:
а) информационной;
б) коммуникативной;
в) по решению проблем
-алгоритмизировать знания учащихся по теме “Travelagency”;
-способствовать формированию навыков устной и письменной коммуникации по теме “Travelagency”;
-направить мыслительную деятельность детей на защиту окружающей среды, изучение грамматики английского языка;
Тип урока:
Технологии, применяемые на уроке:
технология проблемного обучения;
Методы: демонстрация, иллюстрации, объяснение, вопросно-ответный метод, пример
Межпредметные связи: грамматика, фонетика
Средства обучения:
наглядные пособия: картинки, слова; раздаточный материал: листы с текстом и заданиями;
Ход урока: Деятельность учителя: Деятельность ученика: Ожидаемые результаты:
1. Introdution1.Introduction.
-Good morning, boys and girls!
-Sit down, please.
-I am glad to see you! And what about you?
-How are you?
- What date is it today?
- What day of the week is it today?
- How many seasons are there in a year?
- What season is it now?
- Do you like winter?
-Good morning, teacher.
-We too.
-Fine, thank you.
-Today is the 10 th of February.
- It is Monday.
- There are 4 seasons in a year.
- It is winter.
Ученикиприветствуют учителя
2) Warm-up
3) Checking up
4) New words
5) Presentation
6) New theme
7) Practice
8) Home work
9) Evaluable
t s s t t w c c f t p
r r k r j e o h a il
a iia l n u e m c a
v iiie t n a ik n
e e n n in t p l e e
l a g e n c y p y t j
g g e t b y s h ip n
o o d r h o l id a y
o y d iv P a r is b
d e x p e n s iv e v
- Let’s check your home task. Your home task was the learning by heart the new words. Let’s repeat them.
Travel agency [’trævəl][eɪdʒənsi] туристическоеагентствоtour [tʋər] тур, поездка
advertisement[ædәvәtаɪzmənt] объявление, реклама
recommend [rekəmend] рекомендовать;
skiing-resort [ski:] [/rɪzɔ:t] лыжныйкурортVacant — [’veɪkənt]Свободно
No entry [entri] входвоспрещенReturn ticket- [rɪ’tɜ:rn] [tɪkɪt]обратныйбилетOccupied— [’ɒkjəpaɪd]Занято
Station [’steɪʃən]Станция, вокзал
- Good morning! Come in, please, and make yourself comfortable.
- Good morning! I saw your advertisement and I would like to choose a tour for the end of September.
- Yes, we can offer you tours to any country of the world.
- What can you recommend me?
- Are you going by yourself?
- No. I need a trip for three. We are taking our 3-year old baby with us. We’d like to have a good and not very expensive holiday.
- Oh, then I would recommend you to see Paris and Disneyland in September. You can spend unforgettable days there.
- Thank you but we’ve already been to Paris last year.
- I see. How about going to Switzerland, to a skiing-resort in the Alps? Snow, fresh air, beautiful mountains …
Today we will repeat pronouns
Какправило, начинаяизучатьанглийский, мырисуемвтетрадитакуютабличку:
this (ед.ч.) – это, этот these (мн.ч.) – это, эти
that (ед.ч.) – то, тот those (мн.ч.) – то, те
люди и вещи, находящиеся рядом с говорящим: This is our best worker. Это наш лучший сотрудник.
Those boxes are yours. Воттекоробки – ваши.
That was a real disaster. ЭтобылапростокатастрофаComplete with the right demonstrative
(Talking about a book in your hand) How could you buy something like ?
(With a bowl of cherries on your lap) cherries are delicious!
(During a long walk) I should have worn shoes I bought in Greece last year; have never been comfortable.
Could you bring me book I left in the garden?
(From the marriage vows) To have and to hold from day forward.
I hate books which tell you: " is what you have to do to become rich.".(About a picture hanging on the wall) are my children.
(About a picture you've just taken from your wallet) is my wife.
Make a short advertisement about your travel agency
I think this lesson was interesting and useful for you.
Thank you for your work. The lesson is over.
Ученики отгадывают кроссворд. И запоминают слова с переводом.
Complete with the right words demonstrative
(Talking about a book in your hand) How could you buy something like this ?
(With a bowl of cherries on your lap) These cherries are delicious!
(During a long walk) I should have worn those shoes I bought in Greece last year; these have never been comfortable.
Could you bring me that book I left in the garden?
(From the marriage vows) To have and to hold from this day forward.
I hate those books which tell you: " this is what you have to do to become rich.".
(About a picture hanging on the wall) those are my children.
(About a picture you've just taken from your wallet) This is my wife.
Ученики записывают домашнее задание
Ученики быстро настраиваются на урок
Все готовы к домашнему заданию
Дети прочитали и перевели диалог. Диалог записывают на диктофон и слушают свою речь.
Умеют воспринимать иностранную речь на слух.
Ученики внимательно слушают и участвуют на уроке