Урок английского языка по теме The World of the British Newspapers
Цели урока:
обобщить ранее изученную лексику, связанную с темой «Средства массовой информации»;
совершенствование речевой компетентности – коммуникативных умений учащихся в монологической речи, аудировании и чтении.
развитие навыков чтения и говорения в процессе работы с газетными материалами;
коммуникативно-речевое развитие учащихся через обобщение знаний о средствах массовой информации;
развитие навыков аудирования с полным пониманием.
Задачи урока:
организовать устное обобщение учащихся по оперированию лексикой по теме: «The world of mass media» на основе речевых и языковых упражнений;
организовать устную тренировку новых лексических единиц;
организовать просмотровое чтение с последующим заполнением таблицы;
организовать обмен краткими монологическими высказываниями на основе прочитанных новостей;
организовать практику аудирования по теме в формате ЕГЭ;
организовать практику словообразования по теме в формате ЕГЭ.
совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения монологической речи;
развивать навыки просмотрового чтения;
развивать языковую догадку при чтении аутентичных газетных материалов.
Средства обучения:
1. Пособие по культуроведению к учебнику английского языка для X-XI классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. В 2 ч. Ч.2 В.В. Сафонова, И.П. Твердохлебова. – М.: Просвещение;2. Англоязычные газеты “The Daily Telegraph”, “The Moscow News”3. Дидактические раздаточные материалы4. Компьютер или музыкальный центр5. Аудиозапись по теме (Laser B2, workbook, Unit 8 ‘Communication’, exam practice/ listening p.73).
Этап урока Ход урока Режим работы
1. Организационный моментBeginning
2. Начало урока
Warming up
3. Основная часть
Before reading
Reading Individual work
After reading
ListeningExam practice
Summing up the lesson
Saying good-bye 1. Good afternoon! You may take your seats! I am very glad to see you today!
2. Introduction. Today we are going to devote our lesson to newspapers. Mainly we shall talk about different types of British newspapers. You’ll get to know a few interesting facts about their size and contents. And if time permits we’ll have a look at the latest issues of ‘Moscow News’.By the way, can you tell me if you read newspapers?How do learn the latest news? What sources of information do you prefer?(Students give answers. It is expected that among the main sources there will be the internet and TV)
3. Since you all have just mentioned the internet and television let us revise the vocabulary of our previous lessons about “the world of mass media”.(It is possible to use a spider graph from the textbook p.146 or to draw your own spider graph on the blackboard. We also practice the vocabulary by means of putting the words into the following categories: “THINGS” (PC, radio, newspapers and magazines etc); “PEOPLE” (editor, reporter, journalist etc); “FUNCTIONS” (informing, entertaining)
Now let us have a look at the main sources of information for conservative British people.It is necessary to make sure that the students know the meaning of the words before reading: “dailies”, “qualities”, “circulation” and it is also advisable to set a time limit depending on the level of the group.
The students study Item A and Item B about two types of newspapers in Britain (pp.147-148).
It is possible to make up a short summary of what the students have just learned, or students can complete Figures 1&2 showing the differences between popular papers and quality papers in their contents and presentation (Ex. 4 pp. 148-149) in the textbook.
Now you may easily contrast and compare the following two newspapers: ‘The Daily Telegraph’ (Britain’s best-selling quality daily) and ‘The Moscow News’ (weekly independent newspaper).What kind of newspapers are these?Are they quality or popular papers? Why?Students contrast and compare the newspapers and prove their opinion.
(Usually I ask my friends or colleagues to bring the latest issue of any English newspaper from abroad so as to show it to my students; copies of ‘The Moscow News’ or ‘The Moscow Times’ may be easily obtained in the centre of Moscow. It is also possible to find information about these newspapers in the internet: www. moscownews.ru or www.moscowtimes.ru)
At every lesson we try to practice various exam tasks. At this lesson we are going to listen to an interview about a new newspaper. Students are given 10 seconds to look through the task before listening. Students listen to the interview twice and for questions 1-5 they choose the best answer (A, B or C).After the students have completed the task, we check it in class.
Today we have discussed the British newspapers.Hope you have enjoyed it. Will you write down the home assignment for the next lesson?(The teacher gives the home assignment and finishes the lesson).
Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye! T ––> Cl
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Exam practice
You will hear part of an interview about a new newspaper. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
1. Susan says The Daily Post is similar to a tabloid newspaper because it
A. has lots of stories about celebrities.B. has millions of readers.C. is quite small.
2. Susan says The Daily Post is different to many newspapers because it is
A. only for younger readers.B. also for younger readers.C. not for younger readers.
3. What does Susan say about The Daily Post and politics?
A. The paper isn’t interested in politics.B. The paper supports a political party.C. The paper doesn’t support a political party.
4. What does Susan say about The Tuesday Magazine?
A. It should have fewer advertisements.B. It should have more pages.C. It should be cheaper.
5. What might happen soon, according to Susan?
A. The Daily Post will drop its price.B. The Daily Post will sell fewer copies.C. The Daily Post will face strong competition.
Use of English
Read the text below. Use the word given at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS
You don’t really need any formal (1)___ to write a film, QUALIFYtelevision or radio script as it’s the quality script thatcounts, not what you have studied. However, you do need good (2)___ skills and it will also certainly be useful if you COMMUNICATEhave a vivid (3)___. This will help you to come up with a plot. IMAGINEOnce you have done that, your job is to make what happens as real and (4) ___ as possible. To do that, you will need BELIEVEto watch people very (5) ___ to see how they act. Ask yourself CLOSEhow they demonstrate their emotions when they are sad, angry, surprised, or (6) ___. ENTHUSENotice where they put their hands when they are deep in (7)___. DISCUSSPay attention to how different people express themselves in an (8) ___. Focus on the different ways people start ARGUEand finish a (9) ___. These are the kinds of areas you need CONVERSEto be looking at because of the difference between fascinatedviewers and bored viewers rests on (10) ___ like these. OBSERVE