Педагогическая мастерская Цвет. How do I express myself?

. Работа педагогической мастерской.
Говоря об использовании активных творческих методов обучения, нельзя не упомянуть о широко известных педагогических мастерских.
Педагогические мастерские - это система обучения, предложенная французскими педагогами. Обучение основывается на решении проблемной ~ ситуации, которая стимулирует учащегося к постановке множества вопросов. Затем идет коллективно-индивидуальный поиск оптимального количества вариантов решений. Получение знаний в мастерской осуществляется в форме поиска, исследования, путешествия, открытия.
Главное в технологии педагогических мастерских - не сообщать и осваивать информацию, а передавать способы работы.
Принципы построения работы педагогической мастерской:
Работа основывается на духовной деятельности человека и прежде всего на слове.
Ненасильственное привлечение к процессу деятельности.
Отсутствие оценки, соревнования, соперничества.
Чередование индивидуальной и коллективной работы.
Важен не столько сам результат, сколько процесс.
Рефлексия как итог процесса.
Я использую практику педагогических мастерских на уроке английского языка при изучении темы "WHAT IS НОТ WITH THE YOUNG GENERATIONS". Данный урок является введением в тему, подготовкой учащихся к тому, о чем пойдет речь в дальнейшем, а именно о том, как подростки выражают себя, как они ощущают себя в этом мире и какие проблемы их волнуют.
Тема урока: How do I express myself: The color and thoughts about it.Цель урока: повысить интерес учащихся к теме и предмету в целом и, как следствие, способствовать раскрепощению и самовыражению ученика- личности.
Сопутствующая задача: развитие способности воспринимать информацию на английском языке на слух.
Подготовка к уроку: Учащиеся приносят с собой краски, кисточки и листы бумаги. Парты ставятся в круг, чтобы создать наиболее комфортные условия для творческой работы. Самое главное - создать позитивное и доброжелательное настроение, чтобы все участники процесса чувствовали себя уютно.
Ход урока:
Teacher (Т): Good morning, my friends! Choose any place you want. Today we have unusual lesson, because we are going to paint! I hope you feel yourself comfortable, so let’s start.
At first, try to relax and choose one color, which correspond to your every day morning mood, I mean what associations do you have according to your morning spirit, when you get up usually. Have you chosen? Ok. Now take a piece of paper and brush, please, and paint with the color you have chosen before everything what you want. It doesn’t matter, what it may be. it doesn’t matter if you have abilities for painting or not. Only your fantasy and associations. You have 5 minutes for it. You shouldn’t sign your works.
While students are painting, the teacher gives everybody little piece of sticky tape. Having finished work, the teacher ask students to hang their works on the blackboard.
T: Students, look at the pictures and everybody say some words about them, please, say your impressions, bus say only good, positive opinions in a very friendly manner.
Every student expresses his positive opinion about pictures and teacher also do the same.
T: Thank you very much for your kind words. But now I want to explain what the color you preferred means. ( explanations depends on what colors are represented on the pictures, also all unknown words, which students ask teacher write on the blackboard). For example: Who have chosen The Green, up your hands please. Green color means that you are very hard-working person and have abilities to patience and sense of optimism. Who have chosen the Yellow, up your hands please. Yellow colors means that you are very good friend, who always can support somebody and any person can rely on you. Who have chosen the Orange, up your hands please. Orange color means that you have abilities to love and give love to close people and also you are not aggressive at all. Who have chosen the Red, up your hands please. Red color means that you are the leader, who try to be the first in everything, you are stubborn and strong-willed, but sometimes, disobedient. Who have chosen the Black or White, up your hands please. Black and white colors mean that you are the person of contrasts and opposites, your mood often changes and becomes different. Bun also it means that you are many-sided and very interesting person. Who have chosen the Blue, up your hands please. Blue color means that you are calm and self-confident person. Stability is typical of you.
So boys and girls, I think that you have known something new about yourself and may be it will help you in your future. Now I ask you to be divided into some groups or pairs (in any way you want), take a piece of paper or two or more (but join them in one) and paint what you want, the first thing, which come to your mind but you should do it together. You should invent the idea of your picture together and paint together. And remember, please that we haven’t a competition between each other, we only express ourselves. You have 20 minutes.
While students are painting, teacher goes around the class and encourages them. 20 minutes later teacher asks students to hang their works on the blackboard.
T: Now everybody look at our works, please, our masterpieces and say some positive words if you want. (Students express their opinions or say exclamations). Now you see that you are very creative and interesting persons with different tastes and emotions.
. For your homework I ask you to write some your impressions about our lesson. Thank you very much, you have worked well today. Goodbye.