Раздаточный материал к интеллектуальному марафону Sports in Great Britain and Belarus (7 класс)


Horizontal: 2. Катание на санках. 5. Прыжки. 7. Бывает фигурное. 8. Игра с ракетками и воланчиком. 10. Спортивная игра с мячом. 13. Бейсбол. 14. Бег. 15. Гольф. 16. Шахматы. 17. Легкая атлетика.
Vertical: 1. Игра с двумя корзинами и мячом. 2. Катание на лыжах. 3. Гимнастика. 4. Зимняя игра с шайбой. 6. Вид борьбы на ринге. 9. Вид спортивной игры с сеткой, через которую кидают мяч. 11. Игра с мишенью и дротиками. 12. Игра с ракетками и мячиком.

II. Match the sport and the description.
1. tennis            a. is done in water
2. jogging b. a boat is need for it
3. swimming c. is a team sport
4. fencing d. is played by two or four with a ball
5. skiing e. can be done alone
6. skating f. wind is necessary
7. rowing g. is done on ice
8. hockey h. swords are used for it
9. sailing i. snow is necessary for it
10. boxing j. can only be done by two
III. Match the sport with the location.
a. golf            1. rink
b. boxing 2. pool
c. tennis 3. stadium
d. swimming 4. pitch
e. football 5. court
f. athletics 6. ring
g. ice-skating 7. course
IV. Which words written bellow are used with “go” (go climbing), with “play” (play tennis) and which are used with “do” (do karate)?
climbing, swimming, jogging, chess, table tennis, skating, tennis, bridge, body building, yoga, swimming, weightlifting, football, hockey, car racing, baseball, golf, basketball, horse riding, skiing, cycling, rugby, water skiing, gymnastics, roller skating, athletics
V. Find the words and write them down:

VI. Listen to the riddles and guess what kind of sport it is. Then match the pictures and the words. (На доске картинки с изображением различных видов спорта и карточки с названиями видов спорта)
It’s a game played between 2 people or two pairs of people who use rackets = tennis

It’s a game in which you try to knock a ball into a goal =football

It’s a game for 2 teams of 11 players who use special sticks to hit a ball = hockey

The act or sport of those who swim = swimming

It’s a game between 2 teams of 5 players. Each team tries to throw a large ball into the other team’s basket = basketball

It’s a game between two teams of 11 players in which players try to get points by hitting a ball and running between two sets of special sticks = cricket

It’s a game in which the players hit a small white ball into holes in the ground = golf

It’s a type of football played with an oval ball that you can catch and carry in your hands = rugby

It’s a game in which two teams hit a ball backwards forwards over a high net with their hands = volleyball

It’s a game played between two teams of players riding horses = polo

It’s a game in which you roll a large heavy ball along a wooden track in order to knock down a group of pins (objects shaped like bottles) = bowling

It’s a sport of directing a small boat with sails = sailing

It’s a sport of moving down hills or across the countryside in the snow = skiing

Sports such as running and jumping = track and fields

It’s a sport of lifting specially shaped weights = weightlifting