Технологическая карта урока обобщения и систематизации ЗУН по теме. Тема: “ Walt Disney World”(6 класс)
Шаповалова Ольга Владимировна
КГУ «СШ №2» г.Тайынша, учитель английского и немецкого языка с 2005 года, имеет 2 категорию.
Технологическая карта урока обобщения и систематизации ЗУН по теме.
Тема: “ Walt Disney World”
Цель: Формирование коммуникативных навыков посредством внедрения модулей.
Задачи:- обобщить и систематизировать знания по теме «Творчество Уолта Диснея», проконтролировать навыки лексико-грамматического оформления высказывания, стимулировать детский интерес к дальнейшему изучению предложенного материала;
- развивать оперативную память, развивать любознательность, стимулировать интерес к дальнейшему самостоятельному изучению материала; стимулировать творческий поиск детей;
- воспитывать стремление к активному культурному отдыху детей, знакомить их с классическими произведениями мультипликации.
Организационный этап: сообщение темы, цели, задач урока
-Good morning, children. Let’s sing a song to great each other!
- Good! Sit down please.
-Today at the lesson we will speak about cartoons ( animated stories). You can watch them on TV. As for me, I like watching cartoons very much. I watch both Russian and English cartoons.
Этап ознакомления
-We will speak about foreign cartoons. So we will speak about cartoons made in America. We’ll speak about famous Disney’s heroes. Many of them are famous all over the world.
Do you watch cartoons?
What cartoons do you like to watch?
What is your favorite cartoon?
- And the topic of our lesson is “Walt Disney World” - the magic world!
-Today, at our lesson I have assistants. Tell me, who are they? What are their names?
- Mickey and Mini Mouse! They’ll help me all over the lesson. They prepare tasks for you. I hope that you’ll enjoy our lesson!
Этап тренировки: первичное применение приобретенных знаний.
1.Your home task was to prepare a fragment of the dialogue between famous cartoon heroes whom do you like best of all. You must act them. Each group should prepare 1 dialogue.
2.- And now you should work hard, to get a good mark!
1- Hello, Mini! I have heard that you have a massage for our pupils?
-Yes, I have. Peter Pan think up cipher [’saɪfər]. But I can’t understand it. Help me please! (Флипчарт 1)
-What is the famous Disney’s cartoon maker?
- Everybody knows that Disney is a great Creator of the legendary Mickey Mouse and Mini Mouse, the famous Donald Duck and Daisy and other cartoon characters, favorites of children and adults.
Today we’ll speak about them! About many Disney’s heroes!
2.- And now, Mickey Mouse wants to work with you. Please Mickey! Oh, I see you have something with you! What is it?
Mickey: Oh, yes! And it’s my first task: Read this letters in that order as they are joined with lines and make a sentence!
-Yes this is a magic box! And there is a task in it!
3. Unscramble the writing words and try to guess the popular heroes of Disney’s cartoons.
-So you see that in time Disney cartoons became more and more colorful, bright and interesting. There are a lot of cartoons created by Walt Disney. Many of them are based on famous fairy-tales.
Этап речевой практикисовершенствование навыков составления монологического высказывания4. Let’s watch a short episode from a cartoon of that time. (в помощь раздаются карточки с наводящими вопросами) After that you should write a short story about this episode. All your thoughts.-I’ll give you cards with questions that you may use to do this task.
- Excellent! Now you can compare your stories with this old fairy-tale. You know it, but you didn’t see this cartoon, because it’s very, very old!
- Yes it’s a famous cartoon “Cinderella”!
5. (Физминутка. Ребята танцуют с Мики и Мини)Teacher: And I think that you are tired a little? Let’ have a rest! Stand up and dance with Mickey and Mini
6. The next task is called “Parts and wholes”. You should combine these parts so as to get a popular name. Who will be the first? You can get 1 point for each right answer.
(флипчарт 2)
7. Let’s try to much picture with names.
(флипчарт 3)
8. -Thank you very much, Mickey for interesting tasks! You are very good and clever. But Mini also has tasks! Please join to our pupils and work with us!
9. -Mini wants to tell us about her working day! But she has missed some words, and then she put the pictures instead of words.
- Now read the text. Change the pictures on the words.
- Thank you very much Mini! You can join to our pupils!
And now our lesson comes to the end! You work hard at this lesson…(вбегает ведьма и прерывает учителя)
Witch: - No,no,no! Don’t end your lesson! You forgot about me!!! I’m also one of Disney’s characters!
-Teacher: Oh, yes, how could we do that?! We can imagine no one cartoon, no one fairy tale without witches.
Witch: I’m very, very angry! But I’ll forgive you, If you’ll do my task! O.k?!- We should do that, otherwise the wicked witch will break our lesson!
10. Here 're four witches: Abra, Wabra, Dabra and Cadabra
- Guess who is who. Use the clues below.
1. Dabra hasn't got a broom.
2. Wabra hasn't got a big hat.
3. Dabra and Abra haven't got long noses.
4. The fat witch isn't Cadabra.
5. Abra isn't standing next to Wabra.
-Oh, I see you are very clever! I’ll go away! Good bye!!!!! (ведьма убегает)
( ответ: Abra, Dabra, Wabra, Cadabra)
Заключительный этап: подведение итогов урока, сообщение домашнего задания
-Good job children! And now our lesson came to the end! At the end of our lesson I want you talk to me some more/just a little. Try to do the exerciser to repeat everything!
Write down the homework: At home try to make an interesting quiz
- I like it too! And now try to assess your neighbour on the right! Assessment by Blob. (Blob’s tree) ( ребята заполняют карточки оценивая друг друга, затем оценивают себя по Блобу)
Good job! Thank you very much! And now stand up, Please, and sing a good bye song!
IX. Заключение. T. – Dear children! We have worked a lot. Thank you very much. It was very pleasant to listen to you today. You spoke English, wrote, read and acted the dialogues and your marks are rather good. (Учитель ставит оценки за работу на уроке).