Конспект по английскому языку для 5 класса «Турнир знатоков английского языка»

Кульбака О.П.,сш № 63 г.Мариуполь
Турнир знатоков английского языка 5 класс
Цели: -повторить лексику по темам"Страны и национальности"и "Животные";
-закрепить знания, умения и навыки ,сформированные на уроках;
-формировать навыки чтения , письма и аудирования ;
- развивать познавательный интерес ,память , внимание ,чувство речи и творческие способности учеников;
-воспитывать позитивное отношение к изучению английского языка
Оборудование: карта по теме "Страны и национальности" , картинки
по теме"Животные",раздаточный материал,DVD-
Ход урока.
1.Организация класса. Приветствие ,ознакомление с темой и целями урока.
Today dear children we will play a game between three teams. We revise the words using DVD and different games.
2.Разминка.Актуализация опорных знаний.
З.Начало турнира .Представление команд.(команда называет название своей команды , командира и девиз команды)
А)Конкурс" Скороговорки"(Командам выдаются 3 разные скороговорки 5 баллов набирает та команда , в которой 3-4 участника правильно и быстро произнесут скороговорку)
1. Betty Botta bought some butter,
<But>,she said, this butter's bitter,

But a bit of better butter
Will make my batter better.

2.Never trouble trouble
Till trouble troubles you.
It only doubles trouble
And troubles other too.

3. Peter Piper picked

A peck of pickled peppers;
A peek of pickled peppers;
Peter Piper picked.
В)Конкурс” Видеоролик”(Команды смотрят видеоролик о Лондоне , выполняют задание и получают за каждый правильный ответ по 1 баллу)

С)Конкурс” Пантомимы”(Один или несколько участников из каждой команды показывают животных ,если слово угадывается ,команде которая отгадала засчитывается 1 балл)
D) Инсценирование диалогов.(Проверка домашнего задания)
Pat:67190. Hello.
Mary:Hello, Pat.
Pat:Oh, hello, Mary. How are you?
. Mary:Fine, thanks. And you?
Pat:I'm fine. Let's go to the cin-ema2 today.
Mary:Yes, all right. See you. Bye.
Pat:Bye, Mary.
Jane:364 5328. Hello.
Mark:Hello, Jane. It's Mark.
Jane:Oh, hello, Mark.
Mark:Let's go to the club.
Jane:Sorry, I'm busy. Let's go to
Mark:OK. See you, Jane.
Jane:Bye, Mark.
3.Excuse me.
Where is the post office, please?
—It's over there.
—Thank you very much.
—That's all right.
—Where can I. buy stamps and send a tetter?
—You can buy stamps at the post office round the corner.
—Is it far from here?
—No, it's opposite the museum.
Excuse me.
Yes, can I help you?
—Yes, could you tell me the way to the toy shop?
—It's in Pembroke Street. Cross the street and turn right at the corner.
—Thank you.

Excuse me. Is this the right way to the bookshop?
Yes, it is. Go straight ahead. It's over there.
—Thank you very much.
—Not at all.

Can you tell me how to get to the market?
Well, vou can take a taxi or a bus.
How far is it?
—It's about two miles.
—Can you help me, please? What's the best way to get to this address?
—I think by bus but you can go on foot.

—Can you tell me where the police station is?
—Turn right and go straight ahead.

Assistant:Can I help you'.'
Alexander:I'd like a pair of trainers, please.
Assistant;What size?
Alexander:Size 41, please.
Assistant:Try this pair on. They are the cheapest, the lightest andthe most comfortable. They're very popular.
Alexander:They're rather small.
Assistant:Try these th.cn. They're bigger.
Alexander:How much are they?
Alexander:I think they're great.
Mike:Can 1 sec that toy dolphin, please?
Assistant:This one?
Mike:No, the one to the left of it.
Assistant:Here you are. It's very nice.
Mike:Can you show mc these dolls and those rubber rings,please?
Mike;No, those. The red and blue ones.
Alexander: Hello, could you show me one of those T-shirts?
Assistant; Here's a nice one. What size? Alexander: Size 44, I think.'
Assistant: Yes, here's one. Alexander: How much is it?
Assistant: £4.50. Alexander; Here's £5.00.
Assistant: That's 50 pence change.
Mike; Can I see your new T-shirt? Oh, it's very smart but it's not your size. Let's go and change it. Alexander: Can you change this T-shirt, please?
Assistant; Why? What's wrong with it? Alexander: It's too big for me'. Have you got them in a smaller size?
Assistant: How about this one? Alexander: Can I try it on?
Assistant: Certainly.
Mike: I think that's better. Russian and British sizes aren't the
4.Заключительная часть урока.
1)Подведение итогов.
2)Выставление оценок.