Английского языка по сингапурской методике для 7 класса «Travelling and English-speaking countries.»
Учитель: Шарафиева Гульназ Ильсуровна, учитель английского языка II квалификационной категории Большеатнинской СОШ Атнинского района.
Стаж: 6 лет
Предмет: Урок английского языка по сингапурской методике.
Тема: Travelling and English-speaking countries. Развитие устной речи.
Класс: 7 класс
Тип урока: Урок обобщения и систематизации
Вид урока: Урок-беседа.
Оснащение: презентация Power Point, карта «English-speaking countries», карточки с лексикой по теме “Travelling” для игры “Tic-Tac-Toe”.
Обучать вести разговор в рамках изучаемой темы, расспросить собеседника, ответить на его вопросы, высказать свое мнение.
Обеспечить тренировку лексического материала в речевых упражнениях.
Формировать умение осуществлять поиск необходимой информации при чтении.
Высказывать и обосновать свое пожелание о посещении одной из англоговорящих стран.
Развивать навыки работы в команде.
Ход урока.
I. Greeting.
T- It's time to say hello
S- It's time to say hello
It's time to say hello
It's time to say hello
And start our lesson.
T- I'm very glad to see you. So, today we continue speaking about travelling. And now I want you to discuss the question “Do you like travelling? Why/Why not?” using the structure “Clock Buddies”. Find you partners at 12 o'clock. Don't forget to thank each other.
- Excellent. It's time to look at the plan of our lesson.
-poem reading (“Stir the Class”)
-dialogue (“Corners”/“Timed Pair Share”)
-speaking about countries
-Lexical work (“Think Write Round Robin”/ “Tic-Tac-Toe”)
II. Speaking.
- And now look at the screen. There is a poem about “Travelling”.
A poem “Travelling”
I like to ride in railway train
Through tunnels dark and wide.
Over the bridges crossing the river,
I feel so safe inside.
When water looks very smooth,
I like to sail by ships or boat.
A sea voyage is very good,
When you feel a sea breeze blows.
But airplane is the best of all,
It flies so very high
That people look like tiny dots,
And clouds go sailing by.
- You can see the translation of the underlined words on your tables. Look through them. Then read the poem to yourselves. Well, now find a means of transport and write them down in your sheets of paper. Stand up and mix. Find a partner and show each other your own variants, add the new ones or those that are not in the poem and go to the other partner. The structure is called “Stir the Class”. Thank each other and take your seats. Let’s check.
-Good job. Let's go on. What means of transport does the poet prefer most of all according to the poem? Right. The plane.And what means of transport do you prefer?
Plane car train
-Let's play “Corners”. Here you can see 3 corners. In each corner there is a transport. If you like planes come to the first corner, if you prefer cars go to the second corner, if you find trains comfortable go to the third corner. OK, all of you chose favourite transport. The next step is to find a partner in your corner to share your opinions about this transport, that is arguments on it. This structure is called “Timed Pair Share”. Because you have limited time. 30 seconds for each student. The student who is taller begins.
- So, we discussed different means of transport and came to the conclusion that plane is the fastest means of transport and we can go everywhere we want by it. So, what English-speaking country would you like to visit? Why? Well, show us this country on the map. What do you know about it? Ok, can you go to this country by train? Why?
-Very good. Take your seats.
III. Team-building.
-Let's do a quiz on English-speaking countries. The first table is the first team and the second table is the second team. Look at the screen. Here you see the questions. You should do this quiz using the structure “Think Write Round Robin”. Which team finishes quicker that team will be the winner. Then we will check the answers.
Quiz. Guess the country
It is situated in North America between Canada and Mexico.
It occupies the whole continent.
Has the third largest population in the world.
The capital of the country is Ottawa.
It’s a very small country.
Sometimes it is called “Oz”.
It is nearly as big as all Europe.
English spoken in ……. Is often called Kiwi English.
-Wonderful. Thank you. On your tables there is an envelope with 9 words on the topic “Travelling”. Take them and put on your tables like 3*3.
1 plane 2 transport 3 the fastest
4 travel 5 like 6 by
7 means 8 dangerous 9 people
-And now each of you should make up 3 sentences, using the words across (you may choose the first line or the second or the third). Only one variant is possible. Then using the words from one of these columns and for the last sentence using the words diagonally.For example:
1sentence: 4 5 6
2 sentence: 3 6 9
3 sentence: 1 5 9
- I give you 2 minutes to make up sentences. Then read your sentences to each other using “Single Round Robin”.
IV. Homework.
- Your homework will be to write a story about your last trip. Thank you for the lesson. See you. Bye.