Тест 10 класс Man the creator
Test. Unit 1. The 10th form.Variant 1
1. Complete the gaps with suitable pronouns
1. She washed … hands and face.
2. We invited Liz to stay with … in … house.
3. Do you know that man? - Yes, I know ….
4. This is his book. Give … to him.
5. Can … help …? - Yes, please. … would like a pair of shoes.
6. That butterfly looks like a flower. Aren’t … wings wonderful?
7. What's … phone number? May I phone you?
8. We know … well. They are friends of … .9. Give me … photo and I'll give you ….
2. Make up plurals
A mouse, a half, a crisis, a goose, a potato, a phenomenon, a cherry, a portrait, a sheep, a child, an ox, a grown-up, a sportsman
3. Choose the right variant
1. His aggressive (manner/manners) of speaking (have/has) never failed to shock me. 2. After the cremation the (ash was/ashes were) scattered at sea.3. The outskirts of Moscow (is/are) settled very intensively. 4. Police (have/has) arrested the robber fast. 5. The military (have/has) occupied the building. 6. Where (is/are) the cattle? 7. I like gymnastics. (It/They) (is/are) my favourite sport. 8. The (content/contents) of the letter upset me. 9. I prefer food with a low fat (content/contents).
4. Express the same in English
A. 1. На заднем плане портрета можно рассмотреть вазу с фруктами. 2. Многие художники проявляли удивительное чувство пространства. 3. Преобладающий цвет в картине «Подсолнухи» - желтый. 4. Общее впечатление, которое производит картина, лиричное и трогательное. 5. Художник уловил выражение лица натурщика. 6. В городском пейзаже контрастируют холодные и теплые тона.
B. в тени отца, жертва убийства, ужасный звук, прийти к соглашению, семейные разногласия, наигранные манеры, жадный человек, голубоглазый натурщик, душераздирающий шедевр, прогрессирующий ученик, четвероногий друг.Test. Unit 1. The 10th form.Variant 2
1. Complete the gaps with suitable pronouns
1. Peter likes to eat. … breakfast is always big.
2. The bag is heavy. What is there in …?
3. Look at them! ... are playing like kids.
4. - Are … a teacher? - No, … am not. Be careful. Don’t hurt … .5. They live in the country. … house isn't big but … is comfortable.
6. Jeans always stay in fashion. People like … .7. She is mad about … car. She spends hours washing … .8. Pubs are an important part of life in Britain, but … aren’t open to everyone.
9. Jane, don’t cut … with the knife.
2. Make up plurals
A lily-in-the-valley, a woman, a butterfly, a millennium, an antenna, a mother-in-law, a cactus, a puppy, a thief, a crisis, a still-life.
3. Choose the right variant
1. Police (have/has) arrested the robber fast. 2. Mathematics (is/are) not the most popular subject at school. 3. It is my (custom/customs) to walk to school every morning. 4. Where (is/are) the cattle? 5. The outskirts of London (is/are) settled very intensively. 6. His aggressive (manner/manners) of speaking (have/has) never failed to shock me. 7. We had to pay (custom/customs) on the sweaters we had bought in Scotland. 8. The (content/contents) of the letter upset me. 9. (This/These) species of butterflies has disappeared.
4. Express the same in English
A. 1. На заднем плане портрета можно увидеть двухголового дракона. 2. Этот шедевр жанровой живописи прошел испытание временем. 3. Преобладающие цвета этого натюрморта – холодный лиловый и зеленый. 4. Цвета картины контрастируют друг с другом. 5. Общее впечатление, которое производит картина, чарующее и романтичное. 6. Художник продемонстрировал истинный талант и четкость исполнения.
B. нищий художник, жертва преступления, источник разногласия, без притворства, стремительно развивающаяся страна, рукописный документ, широкоплечий натурщик, жадные полицейские, в тени здания.