Сценарий учебно-познавательной игры «Investigation in progress: Secret Services» в рамках Всероссийской национальной образовательной программы «Гимназический союз России»
2. Представление игры
Слайд 1 Investigation in progress
We are pleased to greet our participants. Today you are going to be secret agents as James Bond, and we want you to try to take part in this exciting game.
Слайд 2 Secret Intelligence Service
Answering the questions you will score points and you will have an opportunity to win the game.
Let me present our jury
Now we would like you to present your secret agencies and evaluate other teams.
Слайд 3 Present your secret services
Use the evaluation cards, pay attention to accuracy, creativity and time management
3. Первый тур игры. Творческое представление участников - “Present your secret service”.
We want to thank all the teams for their presentation. Let’s ask our jury to score the points
4 Второй тур игры Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) «Своя игра»
Now your agencies will try to answer some questions according to the topic
Слайд 4
This round of questions will be about SIS, James Bond series of spy novels, Casino Royale and Daniel Craig. Choose the topic and quantity of points. You’ll get points for the correct answer. If your answer is not correct, other teams can give their answer.
Let’s ask our jury to score the points
5. Третий тур игры Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) – творческое решение актуальных проблем по поддержке и защите национальной безопасности и экономического благосостояния всего мирового сообщества
Слайд 33 – distinguishing features
In this round of our game your task will be to name current threats to national security, military effectiveness and economy – write 5 global problems. Use your papers. You’ll have 5 minutes. While teams are preparing we will listen to soundtracks from the latest films about James Bond. Our jury will evaluate your answer. You can get 0-5 points
Слайд 26 - Evaluation card
Clear English (0-2)
Facts (0-2)
Творческое представление участников.
We want to thank all the teams for their presentation. Let’s ask our jury to score the points.
6. Feedback
Слайд 27 - feedback
Мы хотели бы попросить высказаться наших коллег
Now we want our participants to speak up
7. Заключительное слово