7 сынып ІІ жарты жылды? саба? жоспары а?ылшын тілі п?нінен
Form: 7 Бекітемін ____________
Date: 13.01.2016
The theme: It really works! Objectives: 1. денсаулығы туралы әңгіме
2. грамматикалық тақырыптарды қайта қарау , диалог студенттерді ынталандыру және өз пікірлерін білдіру , жаңа лексикалық тақырыпқа туралы кейбір ақпарат беруге
3. пән бойынша салауатты өмір салты , махаббат және дамытуға қызығушылық бір-біріне деген құрмет , ойлау , сөйлеу түсіну
Methods: group work, work in pairs, game technology. Inter-subject connection: Grammar, Phonetics, Biology, Kazakh, Russian The equipment of the lesson: a) visual aids: table with new words, table with tasks, proverb, pictures, a table with parts of the body, the crossword b) distributing material: texts, cards The technical aids: interactive board, slides, tape recorder, cassettes The procedure of the lesson I. The organization moment: a) - Good morning, children! How are you today? - Good morning, teacher! We are fine! And you? - Oh, I’m fine too, thank you. b) Dialogue with the pupil on duty. c) Introducing the theme and objectives: Today we are going to talk about health, to revise grammar material, to work in pairs, to express our opinions on the theme. b) Phonetic drill: reading the proverb, giving the Kazakh and Russian equivalents “Health is above wealth” “Денсаулық бірінші байлық” “Здоровье превыше всего” II. Main part: a) Warming up: Let’s start our lesson. Now, look at the board, please and guess the words. When you guess all these words you may know the theme of the lesson. H E A L T H Vocabulary work: there is a table with new words Arm қол Ear-құлақ Chest-кеуде Head-бас Shoulder-иық Mouth-ауыз Leg-аяқ Finger-cаусақ Now children let’s repeat it together in chorus 2. Pair work(listening dialogue by tape-recorder) A: Aidana, how are you? B: Oh, I’m not so good A: What’s the matter? B: I have a temperature A: Really! That’s too bad! Have you taken any medicine? B: Oh, not yet A: Well, do you know what you should do? You must stay in bed Now, children, let’s talk about home remedies 3. Group work 1 group- tell us about problems 2 group- tell us about some advices 3 group- tell us about home remedies Problems Advice Home remedy I have a toothache See the dentist Take some aspirin That well done. 4. Consolidation of the new material Children, let’s read the text and find the true or false sentences: a) Ice is good for burn F b) Warm milk helps you to sleep T 6. Comprehension check: What are good things? Divide into good and bad things Good things Bad things to do exercises to smoke to eat healthy food to use an alcohol To be healthy To eat just fruits and vegetables to keep the diet 7. Conclusion of the lesson: In Conclusion of the lesson I’d like you to think about a well-known proverb as. “The first wealth is health” “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” “He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything” Discuss one of them III. Concluding part: Home task a) learn the words b) Write a composition “My last visit to a doctor”
Form: 7 Бекітемін ____________
Date: 15.01.2016
The theme: At the doctor’sObjectives: студенттердің коммуникативтік мәдениетін сөйлеу және тыңдау дағдыларын дамыту мүмкіндігін қалыптастыру , олардың сөздік қорын байытады ; Кросс қалыптастыру - мәдени сана , елдің білімді нығайту , салыстыру және контраст қабілетін дамыту үшін , оңтайлы жағдайда жұмыс дағдыларын және жоспарлау дағдыларын оқыту , оқыту .
Жаңа сөздер : «Денсаулық» тақырыбына байланысты сөздерMaterial: computer, interactive board, presentation, course book “English” (Kuznezova T, Kozlov P), Baiterek (5, Module-Health), magazine “Speak English”Methods: listening, questions, work with multimedia presentation; work with pictures; dialogue, speaking, comparison, doing exercises, writing, role play.At the doctor’sObjectives: to enrich their vocabulary, to form pupils' communicative culture, to develop speech ability and listening skills; to form cross-cultural literacy, to strengthen knowledge of country studying, to train skills of planning and skills of working in an optimal mode, to develop of abilities to compare and comparison.New words: words which connected with the theme "health"Material: computer, interactive board, presentation, course book “English” (Kuznezova T, Kozlov P), Baiterek (5, Module-Health), magazine “Speak English”Methods: listening, questions, work with multimedia presentation; work with pictures; dialogue, speaking, comparison, doing exercises, writing, role play.Procedure of the lesson:I. Introduction: Organization momentII. Main part: a)Warm-up1) Listen to the speaker and read notes from Michael’s diary.( Baiterek)It’s winter now. We are in Canada. It’s often cold here. So a week ago I suddenly fell ill. It was just after the New Year party. I had a high temperature, a running nose and a sore throat. Also I had a splitting headache and a cough. My whole body ached. Mom told me to stay in bed and called for a doctor.The doctor examined my lungs, felt my pulse and blood pressure, took my temperature. He said it was a light case of the flu and told me to have a rest. He wrote a prescription for a gargle and cough medicine. I followed all the doctor’s instructions. Every day I took a tablespoonful of mixture 3 times a day and some pills. In three days I was better and I have almost recovered by now..2) Work with pictures. Can you explain what is wrong with people? What is doctor doing?3) Here are some rules for good health. But there are some mistakes. Find them.-take long walks in the open air as often as you can.- eat a lot of sweets and ice-cream.-keep your body clean.-Wear dirty clothes.-sleep with your window open- When you are reading or writing let the light come from your left shoulder.-have a lot of fruits and vegetables- sleep with your eyes open-wear clean clothes.b) Reading. Speaking. Writing.1) What does doctor usually say? What does a patient usually say? Divide the phrases into 2 groups.I have a running nose.---------------------------------------I have a sore throat.Open your mouth.------------------------------------------- That’s a prescription for you.I have a bad toothache.------------------------------------ Let me take your temperature.Let me examine your lungs.------------------------------ Can you give me a medicine for my headache?Let me feel your pulse.------------------------------------ You should take it three times a day.2) Ex 4, p24. Say if you have any illness recently. Have you had any aches and pains recently? Are there any illnesses you have had or still have? If so, find the name for it in English.3) Ex5, p24. Do you know what famous people said about health? Read, try to explain how you understand them.1. Early to bed and early to rice makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (Benjamin Franklin)2. A sound mind in a sound body is a short but full description of a happy state in this world. (John Locke)4) Ex3, p23. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word (asthma, prescription, lung, pain, stomachache, attack, myself)2) They say she died of a heart attack.3) She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat, and now she has a stomachache.4) I’ve got this terrible pain in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position.5) He died of lung cancer, even though he never smoked a cigarette in his life.6) I went to the doctor, and she gave me a prescription for some medicine.7) Pollution makes his asthma worse, and it’s difficult for him to breath.8) I hurt myself when I fell off that chair.5) Listening. (Magazine “Speak English”) Listen to the words and phrases. Repeat the dialogue between Paul, Mary Stuart and the doctor. (parts “Making an appointment”, “Seeing the doctor”)6) Make up your own dialogue “At the doctor’s”III. Conclusion: a) marks. B) Home work: ex 11, p25; ex 7, p24.(Kuznezova T)
Form: 7 Бекітемін ____________
Date: 20.01.2016
Aims of the lesson:
Білімділік: “Health problem” тақырыбы бойынша оқушылардың білімін бекіту;
Практикалық: Үстеулердің қолданылуын қайталау;
Дамытушылық: Ойлау қабілетін дамыту;
Тәрбиелік: Оқушының уақытын тиімді пайдалануға үйрету;
Салауаттылық тәрбиесін беру;
Method of the lesson: answer the questions
Type of the lesson: mixed
The aids of the lesson:
Technical notebook___________________________________________
Didactic pictures, posters, blackboard, cards_________________________
Connection of the subjects: Kazakh
Outline of the lesson:
I. Organization moment
А) Greetings: Good morning, dear children! How are you? I’m fine, too. Sit down, please. I’m glad to see you today!
B) Checking up the attendance
С) Topic announcement and setting the task before pupils:
So children, today our lesson is Health Problem. Today we’ll talk about our health, past habits and eating. And we’ll revise our past grammar. It is Adverbs of frequency. We’ll learn the new words. Please open your books and write down the date.
II. Warming up activities:
Phonetic drill: tongue-twister
So children, look at the board. At first listen to me then you should repeat after me. Do you understand me?
Plain bun, plum bun, bun without plum.Speech exercises:
Checking and discussing home task:
Exercise 1. page 107.
Four parts of the body which you can move;
Five things which you can eat to be healthy;
the jobs of three people who work in a hospital;
three things you can take when you are ill;
III. New lesson
Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson
Our theme is “Health problem”. The new words. Let’s repeat our new words. At first listen to me then you should repeat after me.
Habits – дағдыларHealth – денсаулықTeenager – жасөспірімWeight – салмақAmbulance – жедел жәрдемHealthy – дені сауTemperature – температура
Prescription – рецепт
Weigh – салмақты өлшеуGroup work.Exercise 2. A. Talk your partner.
What foods are good for you?
What foods are bad for you?
B. Complete the diagram
Exercise 3. Read
When you are young and growing, it is important to eat a variety of food which is good for you. This makes you strong and healthy.
It is also important not to eat a lot of food which you don’t need or which is bad for you
Exercise 6. Now read the text and see how many of your words you can fi
Health Farm
«Thousands of teenagers are overweight», says Health Farm manager Mr. White, «many teenagers often do not know how to eat well and stay healthy, like Karen».
Karen was 13 years old. She weighed 110 kilos and was 1.55 m tall. Karen usually had a large bowl of cereal with a few spoons of sugar for breakfast. At school she always bought chocolate at break time and every lunch time she had fried chickens and chips. In the evening Karen usually had more fried food after she often ate a packet of biscuits or a box of chocolates in front of the television. She sometimes went out for a take-away Chinese meal or pizza before going to bed. Karen never ate any fruit and she rarely had fresh vegetables. Her main exercise was changing the TV channel or opening the fridge door.
Health Farm helped Karen with her diet and exercise plan. She now eats lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and goes swimming regularly. She never did any sport before because she was always so worried about her size. She now weighs 60 kilos and is still losing weight.
Mr White says, “Teenagers often come to the Farm depressed and with very little confidence. When they leave us they are usually happier and much more confident about themselves.”
« Тысячи подростков имеют избыточный вес » , говорит менеджер Health Farm г-н Уайт, « многие подростки часто не знают , как правильно питаться и оставаться здоровым , как Карен » .
Карен было 13 лет . Она весила 110 килограммов и был 1,55 м в высоту . Карен обычно имели большую миску каши с несколькими ложками сахара на завтрак . В школе она всегда покупали шоколад во время перерыва , и каждый раз обед она жареные куры и стружки. Вечером Карен , как правило, были более жареную пищу после того как она часто ел пачку печенья или коробку конфет перед телевизором . Она иногда вышли на вынос китайской еды или пиццы перед сном . Карен никогда не ел любые фрукты , и она редко была свежие овощи . Ее основной упражнение изменения ТВ-канала или открытия двери холодильника .
Здоровье Ферма помог Карен с ее диетой и планом осуществления . Теперь она ест много свежих фруктов и овощей и идет регулярно плавать . Она никогда не любой вид спорта раньше, потому что она всегда была так беспокоятся о своем размере . Теперь она весит 60 килограммов и по-прежнему теряет вес.
Г-н Уайт говорит , " Подростки часто приходят на ферму депрессии и с очень небольшим доверия . Когда они оставляют нас они, как правило счастливее и более уверенными в себе " .
Exercise 7. Which paragraphs are about: Какие пункты находятся :1. Karen’s new habits. 3
2. General teenage health problem. 1
3. The health farm’s results. 4
4. Karen’s old habits. 2
1. Новые привычки Карен . 3
2. Общие подросток проблема здоровья . 1
3. Результаты здоровье фермы. 4
4. старые привычки Карен . 2
Group work.Exercise 8. Group A. Write a list of Karen’s bad habits before she went to Health Farm.
Group B. Write a list of Karen’s good habits after she went to Health Farm
Adverbs of frequency
Position of adverbs
usually always never sometimes often rarely
Әдетте бұл үстеулер мағыналық етістіктің алдында қолданыладыI usually get up at seven o’clock
I don’t often go to the cinema.
She never eats bananas.
We always watch TV in the evening.
I sometimes go swimming.
Sometimes және usually сөйлемнің басында және соңында қолданылуы мүмкін.Sometimes I play tennis. I play tennis sometimes.
Usually he goes to school by bus. He goes to school by bus usually.
Бұл үстеулер әрқашан to be етістігінен кейін қолданылады.
I am never late.
They are always polite.
Exercise 11. Look at the text in exercise 6 and find sentences with adverbs of frequency. Which adverb is used frequently?
Exercise 13. Complete the questionnaire to find out if the students in the class are interested in healthy lifestyle. Ask several students the questions and record their answers. Tell the class the results.
Заполните анкету , чтобы узнать, если студенты в классе заинтересованы в здоровом образе жизни . Спросите нескольких студентов на вопросы и записывать ответы . Расскажите класса итоги .
1 Do you have breakfast?
alwaysusuallysometimesnever2 Are you careful about what you eat drink and drink?
alwaysusuallysometimesnever3 How often do you weigh yourself?
every day
once a week
from time to time
never4 How often do you do exercises?
every day
once a week
from time to time
neverVI. Round off activities:
Giving and explaining the homework:
- Exercise 12. Put the adverbs in brackets into the correct place in the sentences.
- Exercises from Practise your grammar. (Exercise 2. p.190-191)
Brief reference to the next lesson: “School exchange programme”
Form: 7 Бекітемін ____________
Date: 22.01.2016
The theme of the lesson: Step four. School Rules
The objectives of the lesson:
1. Етістік үлгілерін пайдалана отырып, меңгерту алдыңғы материалдарды бекіту.
2. сөйлеу мен оқу қабілетін дамыту.
3. Бір-бірін құрметтейді және бір біріне сыпайы болуға үйрету.
III. Visual aids: Activ Board.
IV. Types: lesson – introduction.
V. Method: complex work, association, question – answer, gr. work, Round – Robin.
The Procedure of the lesson:
1. Org moment: Greeting the Students
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
What day is it today?
What date is it today?
2. Warm – up:
3. Checking – up home – work:
4. Introduction, explanation of the new material:
5. Consolidation of the new material:
6. Giving home work:
7. Evaluation:
8. Conclusion of the lesson:
1. Org moment: Greeting the students
2. Warm - up:
How do you help your mother?
Now, pupils today we’ll take Grammar material
Model verb: must, mustn’t, have to
1. Remember: Модальда етістіктен кейінгі мағыналық етістік to шылауының қолданылады.
Example: He must do his homework. She must do it.
Модальді етістіктерден кейін 3 - жақтағы жекеше мағыналық етістіктерде – s, (es) жалғауы болмайды.
Example: She must do it. He should take an umbrella.
2. do / does сұраулы сөйлемде қолданылмайды.
Ex: Can I help you? What should I do?
3. «Must» қажеттілік пен міндеттемелер туралы айтқанда айтушының ойы ретінде қолданылады.
Ex: I must cut my hair.
You really must work hard.
4. «Have to» қажеттілікті заңды ережеге негізделген, міндетті түрде істелуге тиісті істі, әрекеттерді сипаттау үшін қоладынылады. Мысалы:
Ex: children have to go to school (заң)
You have to wear a Uniform (ереже)
Болымсыз түрде mustn’t, don’t have to
Mustn’t – белгілі іс әрекетті істеуге болмайтындығыDon’t have to – қажеттіліктің жоқтығын айтқанда қолданылады.
Example: It’s a secret. You mustn’t tell anybody
Some children iron their socks, but you don’t have to
It’s a waste of time.
Read some school rules:
1. You must
do your homework.
arrive at school at 1o ‘clock
wear a Uniform
Bring a letter from your parents
if you missed your lessons
Stand up when a teach comes
into the class room.
be quiet in the classroom
in the library
Keep your classroom tidy.
2. You mustn’t (Ескерту)
be late for the lessons
bring mobile phone
run in the corridors
chew chewing gums
wear jeans or trainers
make a noise during the lesson
leave school at break time
3. Ex 3. Complete the sentences with must, mustn’t and translate them into
a) We _____________ bring CD players to school
b) We_____________ have a dictionary at the English lesson.
c) We _____________ stay at school until 2 o’ clock.
4. What do you use after must and mustn’t? Complete the table with the correct form of the verb.
to wear -------- wearing -------- wear ------ wears
She ------ must _______________________ a uniform.
It ------- mustn’t _____________________ earrings.
5. A work in small groups. Think of some rules for your ideal school.
6. Listening: Listen to Tom and guess what his job is.
сыпайы ------------ polite adjқысқа женді ----- short – sleeved adjклиент ------------ сustomer n
алып беру ------- serve v
Text: I dont’t have to get up early in the morning.
I have to start work at 11 o’ clock in the morning or at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. I don’t have to work on Wednesdays, but I have to work at weekend. That’s the busiest time. I have to serve meals and I have to be polite to customers.
I have to wear short - sleeved white shirt, black trousers and a nametag. I love my job.
III. Consolidation, of the new material: Round - Robin
Now, pupils today we discussed about school rules:
Please, say what must we do, and mustn’t do at school.
IV. Evaluation: Your mark is……….
V. Homework: Ex 8
VI. Conclusion of the lesson: Today you are so active. Thank you for attention! Good - bye.
Form: 7 ә,б,в Бекітемін ____________
Date: 27.01.2016
Theme of the lesson: What should you do to keep fit?Aims of the lesson: a) Оқушыларға денсаулықты сақтау үшін не істеу керектігін айта отырып, өткен сабақта өткен модальды етістіктерге (must / have to) шолу жасап, ақыл - кеңес беруге should етістігінің пайдаланылуы туралы мәлімет беру.б) Оқушылардың есте сақтау, сөйлеу, жазу қабілеттерін дамыту.в) Оқушыларды ұқыптылыққа, тиянақтылыққа, денсаулықтарына немқұрайлы қарамауға үйрету.Plan of the lesson:I. Organization momentII. Checking home workIII. BrainstormingIV. New theme(to repeat ”must/have to” and explain ”should”)V. Practice workVI. Physical activityVII. TestVIII. Giving marks and home workI. Organization moment- Good afternoon, pupils!- Good afternoon, teacher!- Sit down!- Who is on duty today?- We are on duty today- Who is absent?- All are present- What date is it today?- Today is the 28th of January- What day is it today?- Today is Friday- What season is it now?- Winter- Sit downII. Checking home work- What was your home work for today?- Ex: 14 p112- Are you ready? Who wants to read?My parents have to go out to work.My father has to get up early in the morning.My mother doesn’t have to keep my room tidy.My sister has to do the shopping.My brother has to do the washing up.My grandparents don’t have to take the dog for a walk.III. BrainstormingEx: 1… One word does not belong in each list. Find it.Ill / sick / sad / unwellDoctor / nurse / teacher / chemistSleep / take care of / nurse / look afterHeadache / a sore throat / toothache / pillIV. New theme (to repeat ”must/have to” and explain ”should”)Pupils, what do you know about must and have to?Must – қажеттілік және міндеттемелер туралы айтқанда көбінесе айтушының ойы ретінде қолданылады.I must cut my hair.You really must work hard.Have to – қажеттілікті және заң, ережеге негізделген міндетті түрде істелуге тиісті әрекеттерді сипаттау үшін қолданылады.Children have to go to school. (заң)You have to wear a uniform. (ереже)Ал, біздің бүгінгі жаңа сабағымыздың тақырыбы:What should you do to keep fit?Денің сау болуы үшін не істеу керек?Should – пайдалы ақыл - кеңес бергенде қолданылады.You should work hard.You shouldn’t tell lie.V. Practice workEx: 2. Here are some things a person can do to take care of his/her health. Which two do you think are the most important?Not smoking / Taking regular exercises / Eating good quality food / Having regular check - ups /Dieting to keep your weight down / Not drinking alcoholОқушылар should модальды етістігін қолдана отырып, өз ойларын айтады.Ex from CD of Way AheadShouldEx: 7 to read the text, translate, then working on text:School subjects: ----------- Technology:Maths ------------------------ TVEnglish --------------------- Video - recordersGeography ----------------- DVDChemistry ------------------- computersPE ----------------- CarsEx: 8 Find the words from the text with the same meaning.A short time ago – recentIn good health – fitAt the present time – nowadaysUnhealthy food – junk foodVI. Physical activityӘр бойдан бір оқушыдан шығып, жаттығу көрсетіп, қалғандары соны қайталайды.VII. TestEx: 5 p 113. How fit are you?VIII. Giving marks and home work- Your home work is Ex: 6. to write your own ideas a bout: TV, exercises, junk food, computers, booksNow I want to give your marks: …….- The lesson is over! Good bye!
Form: 7 «б»Бекітемін ____________
Date: 2.02.2016
The theme:: Art galleries
Сабақтың мақсаты: Өнер галереясына байланысты берілетін сөздік
қорларын байыта отырып, сөйлеу тілін дамыту.
Лондондағы өнер галереясы туралы мағұлмат беру.
Халықтар мәдениетіне деген құрмет сезімін тәрбиелеу
Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап, топтық
Сабақ типі: Жаңа материалды меңгерту сабағы
Сабақтың түрі: аралас
Көрнекілігі: Тақырыптық суреттер, слайд, видио, ақпараттық
құрылғылар, карточкалар
Пән аралық байланыс:Қазақ тілі, бейнелеу өнері, тарих
Сабақ барысы:
Organization moment
А) Greeting
Good morning girls and boys!
How are you?
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
What is the matter with him/her?
What month is it now?
What season is it now?
What date is it today?
What day is it today?
II. To check up pupils home task
Girls and boys what was your home task?
Our home task was ….
Are you ready?
Let`s begin our lesson with your home task.
IІІ. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.
The theme of our lesson is “Art galleries”.
Art is long, life is short
2268855-1270003832225179705003183255-127000IV.Жаңа сабақ
1514475198120Art gallery00Art gallery
226885578041500Write your association.
Art gallery is a building or space for the exhibition of art, usually visual art.
Architecture - a monumental form of art,
which aims to create structures
and buildings necessary for life and human activity
16014701553210Art gallery
00Art gallery
Sculpture - space - fine arts, master the world in plastic images.16840201266190003991610139382500300291535096450081216524892000039281103286125001524635322262500
Literature - an art form in
which the material c
arrier imagery is the word.
Theater - an art form, artistic mastering
the world through dramatic action, carried out the creative team. Choreography - a kind of art, which are material movements
and poses of the human body, poetic reflection,
organized in time and space, art system components
V. Writing
To present new words
Art archeological
Gallery opportunity
collectionVI. Reading
There many arts in the world, but the most popular are: literature, music, theatre, cinema and others. Every person has his or her own favourite art.
Also every country has museums and galleries. Some of them are world famous. A museum is a place where various collections of works of art are displayed. There are different kinds of museums: history museum, museums of art, archaeological museums, science museums and others. I would like to tell you about some og the most famous museums in the world.
If you go to Great Britain you should definitely visit the British Museum in London. The museum is very big and you can see works of art in glass, stone, gold and also a few collections on natural history there.
VII. Writing
Find from the text nouns, verbs, adjectives
Noun Verb Adj.Art displayed famous
Gallery tell interesting
Museum works natural
VIII. A game
The game “Press conference”. Two pupils ask questions according to the text. Others should answer to them.
What arts do you know?
What are the most popular ones?
What museums are there in Britain?
IX. Make as many words as you can
X. Пысықтау
Free speaking strategy.
Words Sentences Proverbs
Art Gallery Museum XI. To show the video.
XII. Бекіту
Free writing strategy.
Every pupil write his or her own opinion about art gallery in one copy-book at the end the last pupil read it.
XIII. Қорыту
Conclusion.Complete the table.
I know I knew I want to know
XIV. Үйге тапсырма
Өнер галереясына ұсынғыңыз келген туынды. Сурет салып келу.
XV Бағалау
Form: 7 «б»Бекітемін ____________
Date:3.02.2016Theme: Additional reading
Aim: consolidation of grammar
Objectives: 1) to practise some, any in statements and questions;
2) to develop pupils’ skills in speaking and listening
3) to bring up the feeling of love towards the foreign language
Methods: pair work, group work, game
Form: traditional
Visual aids: CD-ROM, pictures
The procedure of the lesson:
1. Organization moment.
Greeting. Declaration of the objectives of the lesson.
2. Warm-up
Listen and sing.
The sun wakes up, The sun goes down,
Yes, the sun wakes up. Yes, the sun goes down.
The sun smiles, The moon comes up,
Yes, the sun smiles. Yes, the moon comes up.
The wind blows, The night lies still,
Yes, the wind blows. Yes, the night lies still.
The rain falls down, Then the sun wakes up,
Yes, the rain falls down. Yes, the sun wakes up,
3. Play the drawing game.
Write the word food on the board in large letters. Ask a child to think of a food and come up and draw it on the board. While s/he is drawing, the rest of the class tries to guess what it is. Is it an ice cream? Is it bread? How many words for food does the class already know?
4. Revising the cardinal numbers.
Fill in the gaps.
Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine
5. Checking homework. Ex.3 p. 49
Speaking (Ask and answer)
Children ask and answer questions about the prices of the food, as in the examples.
How much is ice cream? It’s forty-two pence.
How much are oranges? They’re fifty-one pence.
6. Revising “some” and “any”
Some is used in positive statements `(Yes, there is / are some…) and that any is used in negative statements (No, there isn’t / aren’t any…) and, usually, in questions Is / Are there any …?
Use some of the food cards you have made. Ask questions like this: Are there any apples ? Is there any bread? Children answer: Yes, there are some apples, or No, there isn’t any bread.
7. Pair work.
Click the correct answers.
Shopping list
eggs fish
peas sugar
bread butter
milk biscuits
potatoes cheese
Is there any fish on the shopping list? Yes, there is.
No, there isn’t.
Yes, there are.
No, there aren’t.
Are there any eggs on the shopping list? Yes, there are.
Are there any strawberries on the shopping list? No, there aren’t.
Is there any milk on the shopping list? Yes, there is.
Are there any biscuits on the shopping list? Yes, there are.
Is there any bread on the shopping list? Yes, there is.
Are there any tomatoes on the shopping list? No, there aren’t.
8. A game (Spelling)
Give the children a card each and ask them to write two words for food on it.
Divide the class into teams.
- A child from one team asks the other team to spell a word on his or her card, e.g. Spell apple.
- The other team tries to spell the word with a child saying a, the next child p, and so on.
- Score one point for each correct word.
PB Page 51
9. Grammar (Look at this!)
Put the cards you have made for the food in the grammar gang lorry. Put the grammar gang on the blackboard to hold the cards.
Put on the lorry the words some, any, is, are and write the example sentence beginnings yourself. Point out the rules for some and any, and the singular and plural.
Children come up, draw out food cards and put them above the sentence beginnings.
10. Speaking (Ask and answer)
Children look at Jill and Emma, pretending to shop. Children read the dialogue.
Children write out a short shopping list. They then take turns asking and answering, as in the example.
11. WB Page 54
Words and pictures (Look, draw and write)
Children decide which foods take the singular verb, is and which take are and draw pictures in the correct basket.
Children write the words in the blanks.
Reading (Read and draw lines)
Children read a question on the left and draw a line to the answer on the right.
Home task: Ex.2 p.56 (Look and write. Which one is different?)
Form: 7 «б»Бекітемін ____________
Date: 5.02.2016
Theme: vocabulary
1 ) Ensure that during the lesson the students mastering of vocabulary on the subject.
2 ) Promote the expansion of horizons of students .
3 ) To develop reading skills.Planet, system, ocean, continent, nationality,
Methods: pair work, group work, game
Form: traditional
The procedure of the lesson
Org. moment
T: Good morning, dear children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?
How are you today? What’s the weather like today?
Find the words connected with the theme "Countries”:
Checking up
Cards. Grammar rules
The theme of our lesson is "about health”. We are going to learn new words and know how to use them
Ex: 11 p.118 look at the stress marks (•∙/∙•/∙•∙). Listen and practice saying the words.
Ex: 11 b. p.119 put each word in the correct column
Active Vocabulary
Garlic сарымсақ
Stock сорпа
Insomnia ұйқыздық
Cough жөтел
Remedy ем, дәрі
Chest кеуде
burn күйік
handkerchief бет орамал
liquid сұйықтық
slice тілім
cloth мата, шүберек
ankle жіліншік
patient науқас
responsibility жауапкершілік
energy қуат
waist бел
lung өкпе
prescription рецепт
pain ауру
junk food құнарсыз тағам
survey шолу
rub ысқылау
ache ауру
hurt ауырту
swallow жұту
examine тексеру
offer ұсыныс
suggest кеңес беру
strip шешу
follow еру, ілесу
recorder жазу
V. Giving marks and home work
- Your home work is Ex: 6. to write your own ideas a bout: TV, exercises, junk food, computers, books
Now I want to give your marks: …….
- The lesson is over! Good bye!
Form: 7 «б»Бекітемін ____________
Date: 17.02.2016
Сабақтың тақырыбы: “Modal verbs” модальді етістіктер.
Сабақтың мақсаты:Білімділік: Оқушыларға модальді етістіктің қолданылуын түсіндіру және сөздік қорларын молайту,білімдерін жетілдіру Дамытушылық: Оқушылардың оқу, жазу, сөйлеу және тыңдау арқылы түсіну қабілеттерін дамыту, ауызекі сөйлеу қабілеттерін арттыра отырып,түрлі тапсырмалар арқылы оқушылардың ойлау қабілеттерін жетілдіре түсу,есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыта отырып ,оларды көптілділікке баулу;
Тәрбиелік: Оқушылардың бойында адалдық,адамгершілік қасиеттерін қалыптастыру,сыйластыққа, елжандылыққа,отансүйгіштікке және өз сыныптасына құрметпенқарауға тәрбиелеу, мәдениеттілікке үйрету;
Сабақтың типі: жаңа сабақты меңгерту.
Сабақтың түрі: аралас
Оқыту технологиясы: : СТО,түсіндіре-баяндау әдісі, сұрақ-жауап әдісі,миға шабуыл әдісі
Көрнекілігі:грамматикалық таблица,электронды оқулық,карточкалар
Сабақтың барысы:
. І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі
-Good morning, children!
-Who is on duty today?
-What day is it today?
Before beginning our lesson let’s do psychological test.
Circle- you are sociable, kind person. In all places you are welcome, because you always help your friends and avoid conflicts.
Square- you are strong and hardworking person. You can get, rich everything you want.
Triangle- you are leader. You like to reach difficult aims, therefore you use and do everything.
Rectangle- You are very quite. You don’t show your emotions. You always follow other’s rules, points of view.
Zigzag- you are very original person. You have unusual thinking and taste.
Thank you.
II. Home work.
-What was your home task for today?
-Open your copy books, I’ll check your home task.
Ex: 16 Say if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) or not given in the text (NG)
III. Phonetic drill.
Did do does
Did do does
Can could shall should
Must may might
Will would did do
Did do does
These are all the special words
IV. New lesson.
.. Модальді етістіктер — сөйлемге қатысатын негізгі емес (көмекші есімдіктермен (do, does, did) шатастырмаңыз) етістіктердің тобы. Олардың қатарына мына етістіктер жатады (жақшада өткен шақтағы түрі): can (could), could, may (might), might, must (had to), have to, ought to, should, would, need to.Ағылшын тілінде қызметіне қарай етістіктер 3-ке бөлінеді.
Кейбір етістіктер кейде көмекші етістік, кейде мағыналы етістік, ал кейде модальді етістік қызметін атқарады. Оны қызметіне қарап білеміз. . Модальді етістікке келетін болсақ, олардың өзінше ерекшелігі болады.
Модальді етістіктердің де көмекші етістіктер сияқты 13 түрі бар. (тақтада көрсетіледі)Олардың модальді етістік аталу себебі және ерекшелігі мыналар:
1) 13 етістіктің 7 –нен кейін яғни ( can, may, must, shall, should, need, dare )-
«to» қолданылмайды.
2) жақтарға байланысты (-S) жалғауы жалғанбайды.
3) сұраулы және болымсыз сөйлемді модальді етістік өзі жасайды яғни көмекші етістік қолданылмайды. Бүгінгі сабақта модальді етістіктің үшеуін яғни (саn, must, might) өтеміз.
Can –істей білу/ алу, қабілеттілік, мүмкіндік, рұқсат , сыпайы түрдегі өтініш
Must- міндет, борыш, аса қажеттілік, міндетті болуы.
V. Doing exercises.
1.They (can/might)—–might——be away for the weekend but I’m not sure.
2. You (may/might)-may——leave now if you wish.
3. Could /May-Could——-you open the window a bit please?
4. He (can/could) Could be French, judging by his accent.
5.May/Can–Can——you play the piano?
6. Listen, please. You (may not/ might not)-may not——–speak during this exam.
7.They (can’t/may not)—Can’t—–still be out !
8. You (couldn’t /might not)—might not——-smoke on the bus.
9.With luck, tomorrow (can, could)—Could——-be a sunny day.
10. You (can/might)–might—–be right but I’m going back to check anyway.
VI. Work with electronic book
VII .Read the dialogues.While reading the dialogue pay attention to the use of the modal verbs
Listen to the music with modal verbs and sing a song with a teacher..And answer the teachers uestion. Work with cards
1 May it be shadow’s call with fly away
May it be you journey on to light the day
2 We might as well be strangers in another town
3 Should I stay or should I go?
4 You mustn’t sigh and mustn’t cry
VIII Conclusion
KLW strategy
I know
I Learn
I want to know
IX Giving marks.
I will them marks.
Your marks are…
X . Home work
Ex:19 Read the conversation, choose the right sentences
Make up sentences using the ” modal verbs
Form: 7 «б»Бекітемін ____________
Date: 24.02.2016
The Theme of the lesson: “Holiday postcards”
1) балаларға мерекелік ашық хаттар туралы түсінік беру;
2) тапсырмалар орындау арқылы модальдық етістіктер туралы білімдерін бекіту, сұрақтарға жауап беру және сөйлем құрауға үйрету арқылы сөйлеу дағдысын қалыптастыру, сөздік қорын молайту;
3) өз елінің көрікті жерлерін мақтан тұтуға, сүюге және достарын құрметтеуге, сыйлауға тәрбиелеу.
Көрнекіліктері: оқулық, интерактивті тақта, компьютер, слайдтар,
ашықхаттар, тапсырмалар,
Әдіс - тәсілдері: көрсету, әңгімелеу, сұрақ - жауап, мақтау - мадақтау
I. Organization moment
II. Phonetic drill
III. Checking up the hometask
IV. Supposition Strategy
V. Organization Strategy
VI. Holiday postcards
VII. Supposition Strategy II
VIII. Working on the exercises
IX. Writing postcards
X. I’ve learnt Strategy
XI. Hometask
XII. Conclusion
I. Organization moment
Good morning, children!
Good morning, teacher!
Sit down, please!
Who is on duty today? I am on duty today
Who is absent? All are present
II. Phonetic drill
Let’s take our phonetic drill
First I’ll read then you’ll repeat after me!
III. Checking up the hometask
What was your hometask for today?
P1: To revise modal verbs
Let’s do tasks on computer
(Балалар тапсырма орындайды, мұғалім тексереді).
IV. Supposition Strategy
Now, look through the postcards and say what about is it?
P1: about life
P2: about wishes
P3: about postcards
T: yes, quite right this poem is about postcards
Today we are going to speak about holiday postcards
Where were you in your summer holidays?
Dana: I was in Kokshetau
Rabiga: I was in Shymkent
Did you like your summer holidays?
What are the most popular places of Kazakhstan do you know??
V. Organization Strategy
VI. Holiday postcards
T: Look at the blackboard. There are some postcards about the most popular places of Kazakhstan.
(Мұғалім оқиды, балалар оқиды, сұрақтар қояды)
1. Where is Olga?
2. Does she enjoy this place?
VII. Supposition Strategy II
T: Now, look through the postcards and find the adjectives.
P1: beautiful
P2: hot
P3: nice
T: Now your task is to make up the sentences using these words
VIII. Working on the exercises
T: Now let’s do exercises. Ex3 on p131
(Балалар оқиды, мұғалім тексереді)
T: Ex6 p132 read the conversation
IX. Writing postcards
T: Now let’s write holiday postcards about your summer holidays.
(Мұғалім открытка үлестіреді, сосын балалар оқиды.)
X. I’ve learnt Strategy
T: Now I give you semantic cards your task is to complete them.
XI. Hometask
T: Your hometask is to learn by heart the conversation.
XII. Conclusion
T: Today you have known about holiday postcards. You have learnt how to write holiday postcards.
You’ve been very active and nice! I give you good marks according to your participation. You should love your country and the sights. You should be polite and friendly with each other and respect each other.
Our lesson is over! Good - bye!
Form: 7 «б»Бекітемін ____________
Date: 26.02.2016
The theme of the lesson/ сабақтың тақырыбы: “Travelling light”
The aims of the lesson/сабақтың мақсаты:
1)Educational: to teach pupils “camping” vocabulary and how to use it in speech;
2)Developing: - to develop the pupils` speaking, listening, writing habits;
-to develop pupils` skills and habits in monologue (dialogue) speech through asking (answering) questions;
3) bringing up: to teach pupils` to love nature and to protect the environment.
The form of the lesson: combined
The type of the lesson: consolidation lesson
The visual aids: a presentation, pictures, posters
The procedure of the lesson
I.Organization moment
Good morning, pupils! Sit down.
Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What is the date today? What day is it today? What is the weather like today?
Take out your books, pens and notebooks. Get ready for the lesson!
Let`s begin our lesson with a warm-up.
Look at the interactive board and repeat this ex-s.
III.Checking homework
What was your homework? (to learn the names of countries)
Greece ___________________________
Wales ___________________________
IV.Presentation of the new theme
Now, children, we are going to talk on the theme “Travelling”. What words do you associate with travel? Complete the spider map.
Hitch-hikingTravelling lightCamping
V.New vocabulary and expressions on the theme:
sleeping bag
hair dryer
VI.Listen to the text about “Travelling Light”
(1 stage - London)
I.Work with a pictures
-What do Ann and Tom take with them and what they don`t take with them? (a radio, an electric razor, an alarm clock, pajamas, tooth brushes)
What does “to travel light” mean? (to travel with a hand luggage only)
The next kind of travelling is camping
V.Text “Camping Holidays”
(2 stage - Canada)
(To introduce with new words: camping, match, tin opener, tent, ticket, backpack)
The tasks is to read and tick the ideas we like most of all.
Make questions and answer them.
VI.Make a Venn`s diagram
Travelling LightBothCamping holiday
independent of weather, use transportTo take one bag, good for young peopleCheap and easy, depends on the weather, not to use any transport
VI. Ex.6 p.141 (to complete the word map)
(3 stage - Egypt)
Ex.7 p.142 (to read and tick the ideas they like most of all)
(4 stage - Greece)
About camping holidays. Your task is to translate and say if you are agreed or not.
Camping holidays are good for health.
Camping holidays are cheap and easy.
Camping holidays are good for young people.
Camping holidays depend on weather.
Camping holidays are for people with not much money to spend.
Well done!!!
VII. Put the words in the correct column:
(5 stage - Japan)
VIII. work in a group
(6 stage - Kazakhstan)
Children, it was very nice to speak to you on the themes “Travelling” and “Camping”. But remember that we should care for our nature and we must protect the environment.
XII.The end of the lesson
We have done many kinds of work at our lesson. You were very active and clever at the lesson. Good luck to you. The lesson is over. Good bye!