Урок Собеседование при устройстве на работу (10 класс)

10 класс
Неделя 1 День 21.04 Урок 7
Тема урока Job interview
Общая цель
Научить использовать лексику по теме на собеседовании при трудоустройстве
Ожидаемые результаты
A. знают лексику по теме
B. умеют использовать лексику в диалогической речи
С. умеют оценить работу других учащихся
Тип урока комбинированный
Задания Необходимые материалы
Ресурсы, учебник, интерактивная доска, диск, рисунки с изображением людей
Ход урока:
Этапы урока Действия учителя  Действия ученика
Вводная часть
1. Орг. Момент 1
- Good afternoon, dear pupils and guests! –I am glad to see you. Today at the lesson you will work hard to train yourselves during the conversation between employee and employer while job interview. You will estimate each other with a help of criteria.
2. Психологический настрой
First of lets make a circle and play a game with a ball. Take a ball, answer to my question and give me the ball back.
Have you ever worked?
Did you have part-time or full-time job?
How much money did you earn?
What job did you do?
How many hours a day did you work?
What do you want to be in future?
Thank you, you may take your places and we shall have a task in which you should put words in the correct columns in the given table. You have 5 minutes for this work.
3. Преодоление речевого барьера SB Ex 4 В р 84
A moustache – усы
Straight – прямой
A double chin – двойной подбородок
Wavy – волнистый
Broad-shouldered – широкоплечий
Wrinkles - морщины
Cropped – подстриженный
A ponytail – конский хвост
Highlights – прядь
A tattoo – татуировка
Long – длинный
Spots – прыщи
Slim – стройный
A scar – шрам
Long eyelashes – длинные ресницы
A fringe – челка
Short - короткий
A beard – борода
Medium height – средний вес
Tall – высокий
Plump - полный
Well-built – хорошо сложенный
Freckles – веснушки
Bushy eyebrows – густые брови
Clean-shaven – чисто выбритый
Spiky – заостренный
face hair Height and build Special features
Long eyelashes
Bushy eyebrows
A double chin Wavy
A fringe
Short Slim
Medium height
Well-built A scar
A moustache
A tattoo
A beard
The time is up and it’s time to check your works and estimate them with a help of criteria. 2 min
Игра с мячом
2 min
5 min
Pupils put these words
in the correct columns in the given table
Критераиальное оценивание
Все правильно -5
1-2 ошибки -4
3-4 ошибки- 3
5-6 ошибок - 2
Основная часть
4. Групповая работа
Now you should use these words for describing given pictures on which you can see portraits of different people. You have 7 minutes for this work. Your work will be estimated with a help of criteria.
Используют новую лексику Правильно построенные предложения Соблюдение грамматики Работа всей группы The time is up and you should select one person who will present you work to another group. Pupils in these groups should estimate the presentation.
5. Парная работа
For the next task you should compare in pairs and make your own dialogues on the theme job interview. For this work you have 10 minutes for preparation and you may use questions from exercise 6 on page 28 in your student’s books. Pay attention to the criteria which will be used for estimation.
Используют новую лексику Правильно построенные предложения Соблюдение грамматики Артистизм Громкость и четкость речи Диалог без опоры на записи 6. Индивидуальная работа
Look to the dialogues which are given to you, read it and choose the task for you. If you want to get satisfactory mark you may make true and false task. To have good mark you should answer to the questions after the dialogue and if you want to have excellent mark you should make your own questions.
A 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F
В 1 Susan’s first place of work was an insurance company. She assisted the vice president of corporate sales. She did most of his legwork for him and took care of all the administrative duties.
2 She is the regional sales representative
3 The position the company advertised offers her the opportunity to move into a managerial position. She believes this is the right step at this point in her career.
4 He has to discuss his application with his colleagues and get back to Susan next week.
7. Writing Ex 3 p 61 WB
Now it’s time to practice grammar making exercises 3 on page 61 from your work books.
A 2 is he
3 they are
4 are they
5 he is
6 is he
7 we are
8 are we
В 2 where we are
3 why they are all laughing
4 why you are so angry
5 how old she is
6 where they are from
Учащиеся описывают портреты на картинках
7 min
10 min
Учащиеся составляют диалоги собеседование при трудоустройстве
6 min
8 min
Критериальное оценивание

A 7+ =5
6+ = 4
5,4 + =3
A 5+ =5
4+ = 4
3 + =3
Итог, рефлексия 8. Home task: Ex 1 p 23WB
You should write about knowledge and skills you have got at our todays lesson and put it on the blackboard.
Лестница успеха
Know… 2 min
3 min