Конспект урока к УМК Верещагиной, Притыкиной English 4 по теме London
Тип урока: Урок поискового чтения
1. Закрепление лексических и грамматических навыков;
2.Обучение поисковому чтению с излечением необходимой информации;
1.Развить навыки чтения
2.Обучить поисковому чтению с извлечением нужной информации
3. Закрепить лексические и грамматические навыки по теме «Лондон».
Оборудование: Презентация к уроку, учебник английского языка И.Н. Верещагиной, О.Н.Притыкиной 4 класс, ноутбук, магнитофон.
Ход урока:
1.Организационный момент:
- Good morning children! How are you today? Who is on duty? Let us say what date it is today and talk about the weather.
- What was your homework for today?
2.Сообщение темы и цели урока:
Today we are going to review the Present Perfect Tense and the Past Indefinite Tense, then we are going to read about the places to visit in London and finally we are going to answer the questions about these interesting places.
3. Фонетическая зарядка.
Let’s practice our sounds.
[r] read – read – read, drink- drank- drunk, write-wrote-written
Для проведения фонетической зарядки класс делится на две группы по рядам. Текст стихотворения раздается детям. Реплики каждого говорящего подчеркнуты разными цветами. Дети разыгрывают это стихотворение по ролям.
-Let's divide into two groups, the first group says phrases underlined in blue, and the other command reads phrases underlined red.
Стихотворение для фонетической зарядки:
-I am bored today.
- Well, read a book.
- I’ve already read it.
- Have a shower.
-I’ve already had it.
- Eat a cake.
I’ve already eaten it.
Write a letter.
I’ve already written it.
-Drink some juice.
-I’ve already drunk it.
-Sing a song.
-I’ve already sung it.
3. Речевая разминка.
Do you like to visit interesting places? Have you ever been to the Kremlin ( Red square, the Bolshoi Theatre) When were you there?
Have you ever been to America (Great Britain, London)? Have you seen Trafalgar Square, (St.Paul’s Cathedral )? Have you been to the Tower of London? Would you like to go there? Have you read the text about the Tower of London? Let’s review the most difficult words from the text.
4. Работа с текстом “The places to visit”( На мониторе фото видов Лондона).
Now let’s review one more fact about interesting places in London.
Let’s read the text one by one and answer my questions.
Работа со второй частью текста проводится в режиме T –Cl.
And answer my questions, please:
What place is called “the heart of London”? What can you tell us about this place?
Who and when built the White Tower?
What building was built by Christopher Wren in 17th century?
What can you tell us about Trafalgar Square?
You have learnt a lot about the places to visit in London. You have worked hard and you must be tired. Let’s relax.
6. Физкультминутка.(Под музыку).
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on your hips! Sit down!
Hands up! To the sides!
Bend left! Bend right!
One, two, three… Hop!
One, two, three… Stop!
Stand still!
Thank you, girls! Sit down!
Thank you, boys! Sit down!
Let’s continue our talk about London. You are to choose True, False or Don’t know. Look at the screen and mark the right answer in your sheets of paper.
1.London is the capital of Scotland.
2. The heart of London is the City.
3.A lot of people live in the City.
4. William the Conqueror built the Tower of London in the 10th century.
5. St Paul’s Cathedral is very far from the Tower.
6. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built the Cathedral in the 17th century.
7. Trafalgar Square is not in the centre of London.
8. The National Gallery of London is well-known over the world.
Let’s check your answers.
7.Повторение и закрепление грамматического материала по теме Present Perfect и Past Indefinite :
-And now you are to ask questions. Use The Present Perfect or Past Simple:
1. (buy)…… you ever …. a piano?
2. (buy) When ……..you…….the piano?
3. (be) ………. You ever ……to London?
4. (be) when ………..you……. in London?
5. (speak) ……. You ever…….. to a pilot?
6. (speak) When …..you…….to the pilot?
7. (see) ……..you ever…… the film?
8.(meet) When……you …….him?
- Well done, and now you are to write the sentences in Present Perfect or Past Indefinite:
I……… the film
I…..the film
……you …..the film?
…you…the film?
(see/in 2003)
….you….the film in 2003/
I…..the film
-And now let’s do exercise 19 on page 177, you are to choose the right form of the verb and write down the sentences.
8. Словарный диктант:
-Let’s write a dictation with new words of this lesson: capital, place, tower, square, tall, monument, bell
9.Our lesson is over today.
You have worked very well. Your marks are….. And now look at this tree. There are no leaves on it. You have cards of 3 colours. If the lesson was interesting, you have learnt something new – fix the green card (leaf), if the lesson was interesting, but you haven’t learnt anything new – please, fix the yellow card, and if the lesson was interesting at all and you haven’t learnt anything new – fix the red one . Well, let’s make our tree blossom!
Your homework for the next lesson is exercise 20 on page 177 and exercise 21 on page 177.
Good bye.