Игра по страноведению Across the USA

Игра «Путешествие в Америку»
- Good morning, boys! Good morning, girls! I am glad to see you.
Учитель приветствует детей и предлагает им разделиться] на 2 команды по 57 человек в каждой команде.
Today we shall play the game "Visiting America". We have two teams. I hope you know ll answers.

Task I. London.
I want you to answer my questions on the topic "America". Команды по очереди отвечают на вопросы учителя по теме «Лондон».
Примерные вопросы:
What is the capital of the USA? (The capita! of
·stions. Are you ready to start?
Слова на карточке:
Put he words in a logical order:
Have, what , you, seen, in the park?
Who, last, was, in Los Angeles, year?
They, when, celebrate, will, Halloween?
Going, to Texas, why, he, is?
Whom, people, near, House, can, the, White, meet?

Task III.
Игра «Цепочка слов*
I can see you like to play games. The next task for you is to match the English words with their Russian equivalents. Каждая команда получает набор карточек для игры. На каждой карточке написаны два слова: одно слово на русском языке, другое слово на английском языке. Задание для учащихся: расположить карточки таким образом, чтобы получилась цепочка слов. После выполнения задания команды по очереди зачитывают цепочки слов.
Слова на картонках:
Country / звучать, sound / небоскребы, skyscrapers/ вид, kind / язык, language / принадлежать, belong / ковбой, cowboy / настоящий, true / возможный / probable, граничить / border on, столица / capital, страна.

Task IV
Игра «Составь слова»
It's time to play the game. You will make up the English words using the parts of the words.
ti squ mus
buil gov mo
eum pal sta
tou ern ment
nu ding ace
ment rist ture
zen te ci

Ключевые слова: citizen, square, museum, government, monument, building, palace, tourist, state.

Task V Sights of America.
Listen to me and guess what it is.

- the Capitol
Times Square
- the White House
the Grand Canyon
the Statue of Liberty Примерные рассказы:

It is one of the most beautiful places in the capital of the USA. It is the part where the President of the United States lives and works and it is not open to the public. It consists of 132 rooms. You can visit the library, the Red Ro
·ether. You '11 have to think for a while and write down as many sentences as you can on the topic "America». We will read your sentences in 4 minutes.
Слова на доске:
Capital, skyscraper, mighty, Disneyland, rodeo, cowboys, native, turkey.
Примерные предложения:
What city is the capital of the USA?
New York is a city of skyscrapers.
The Mississippi is a mighty river. ' .
I have always wanted to visit Disneyland.
Do you want to take part in a rodeo?
Cowboys like to wear jeans.
Native American
·s came from Asia over 20000 years ago.
Turkey is a symbol of Thanksgiving Day.

Task V “Holidays”
Учитель зачитывает тексты описание различных американских праздников. Каждый раз учитель представляет детям по 2 праздника. Названия праздников записаны на доске по парам. Учащиеся должны внимательно прослушать тексты и поднять таблички в той последовательности, в которой зачитал учитель. За каждый правильный вариант ответа ученик получает 1 звездочку.
Запись на доске:
1 Independence Day 2 Christmas Day
1 Labour Day 2 - Halloween
1 - President's Day 2 April Fool's Day
1 - Columbus Day
2 - St. Patrick's Day
Примерные рассказы учителя:
A) 1. Families and friends celebrate this day. Every town every city has parades, games and sports with prizes. that day 1776 the United States became independent from England. It was the beginning of a new life. (Independence Day.)

2. This is the biggest holiday of the year. Many people СЦ joy it most of all and say this is the main holiday of year. The President gives his speech on TV. Parents their children that Santa Claus will come to their hou$ night and leave presents for them. (Christmas Day.)

B) 1. This is one of the most favourite holidays of the Children dress up, shout "Trick or treat", get sweets, cakes and people have pumpkins with candles in their windows. (Halloween.)

2. This is a day of rest for the workers. There arc also parades on this day. This day is the end of the summer and the beginning of the school year. (Labour Day.)

С) 1. People celebrate this holiday in America in the same way they celebrate it in England. People make jokes on this day and have a lot of fun. People celebrate this holiday in spring. (April Fool's Day.)

2. On this day students and pupils read about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and other American presidents. (President's Day.)

D) 1. You can see the American flag everywhere on this day. People honour the man who was the discoverer of their country. (Columbus Day.)

2. This holiday is very popular in the cities where there are many people from Ireland. People often wear green on this day. If you don't wear green, someone may pinch you. (St. Patrick's Day.)
1/2; B) 2/1; C) 2/1; D) Ѕ
Task VI
Учитель открывает на доске заранее подготовленную запись слова «Washington». За 2 минуты ученики составляют слова из данного слова. Затем по очереди они называют свои слова. Каждое слово можно использовать только один раз. В финале выигрывает ученик, который назвал слово последним.