Сценарий праздника по английскому языку I know ABC

Сценарий праздника «I know ABC»
(на сцену выходят мальчики)
М. 1. I hate English! Again “two” in my diary! “You don’t know the alphabet!” (передразнивает учителя)
М. 2. “I would like all the letters disappear forever”! (раздается гром или страшная музыка, мальчик пугается) It’s frightening.(На сцену выкатывается яблоко и банан) Oh I’d like to eat an apple and a banana to calm down.(тянется к банану и яблоку, но на сцену выскакивают два человека с буквами A и B)
A: you haven’t got an apple without me
B: you won’t get bananas without me
Together: you won’t find what you want
Just try and you will see!
M1: I can’t believe! Where are my computer and discs?
C: (с нарисованным компьютером)
I go away and take with me
Your discs, computer – so watch TV
D: (с диском)
(Выскакивают T и V (с телевизором)T: Forget about us forever!
V: I hope we will see you never!
E: (выходит E с наушниками )I also say good bye
You wanted this, so don’t cry!
М2: My ear-phones, please!
Without you I’ll feel unease
М1: Oh father help me, I get mad
(выходит папа с Father f –выделена красным, с ним G(с проводами ), I (с I - pad) )
F: I take the other gadgets and I –pad
(выходят J, H, K c указанными выше продуктами)
I’ m so unhappy, oh idea
(идет к столу)
I saw some jam and ham right here
I’ll eat a little bit
A sandwich with ketchup and meat
J, H, K : Stay hungry silly boy
The alphabet isn’t a toy!
M1: My toys, of course they can’t betray
I like all them, they like to play!
(L, M, N, O, P, c игрушками lion, monkey, ox, panda, nutcracker)
L. M. N. O. P. Q
Lion, monkey, panda, ox
The nutcracker from the box
Go away the pawns , we win
And of course with you the queen (выходит девочка с шахматами и ферзем)
М 2: (плачет)where’s my rabbit
(мальчик с R и кроликом проскакивает мимо)
М 1: Where is my sister?
(девочка с буквой S пробегает мимо)
М 2: Where is my uncle?
(мальчик с U проходит мимо)
М 1: Where is my Windows Vister?
(мальчик с W и картинкой заставки с компьютера)
М: 2 I’ve just lost the things I had
Now I’m going mad
М 1: Letters, please return my thing
I will study everything
I will learn the alphabet
Just from A even to Z
1/ We’ ll forgive you but before
2/Promise study English well
3/Don’t forget us anymore
4/Sit at school from bell to bell.М 2: Yes, I promise
М 1: Yes of course
5/but three sisters are still afraid
6/ they are furious and ask
7/ are you ready to work hard
8/and fulfill their big task?
Вед 1 Ребус 1. (на проекторе)
(NB при презентации при угадывании буквы – сделать вылет слов на картинки с выделенными буквами)
Look please at the pictures and say what letter has hidden in these words (x)

Вед 2. Look, please at the pictures and say what letter has hidden in the words (y)

Вед 1. Look, please at the pictures and say what letter has hidden in the words (z)

Вед 2. Good work, but we’ve got one more task for you.
Look at the pictures and tell in what order the must go according to the alphabet.
(NB на презентации они должны быть перемешаны)

(выходят дети с буквами X Y Z)
X: you’ve proved that you are smart
Y: You’ve proved that you are clever
Z : The alphabet is now your friend
Remember us forever
Вед 1:
And now let’s forget who’s right, who’s wrong.
Let’s sing the song, the alphabet song.
Alphabet chant
Look at her, at him, at me!
Look at them and say it again
We like fun and what about you?
V and W X Y Z
That’s the alphabet, that’s what I said.
Вед 2. Boys and girls, our letters are very funny and happy. They want to play. Do you want to play with us?
Let’s play a game (Make a word) I need 3 people from the audience. I’ll give a word to each other , you should collect the necessary letters from the pupils.
(NB тем временем учителя раздают буквы сидящим в зале. А также необходимы три карточки со словами)Вед 1 «The most attentive» Look at the screen and find the pairs of letters where mistakes are.
Aa Bb Co Dg Ee Fv Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Li Mn Nm Oa Pp Qq Rp Sc Tt Uy Vv Ww Xc Yu Zs
(NB на презентации должен быть и правильный вариант)
Вед 2:
The letters in the words are in jumbled order, put them in the correct way/
lerru sonwanmfoster gertipplea pecilnipg wocВед 1: the last game is called “Lost letter”. Look at the screen and tell what letters are lost in every word and fill in the gaps.
S_nny C_t Ch_ese B_keH_rse M_use Dra_on Com_uter Dres_
N_se _anuary Moun_ain(Входит Mr Alphabet) Oh, sorry but I lost my daughters – letters. Where are they?
Вед 1: Here they are
Mr. Alphabet: Oh my dear, it’s time to go home, in our books.
Letters: Yes
Mr. Alphabet:
We say you good bye,
But remember forever
We are with you
We are everywhere
The alphabet’s your friend
With ready helping hand
The letters help to see
How clever you can be
Вед 2 : Thank you very much. Our letters are very pleased. And they want to sing. Let’s sing with us and repeat after us.
If you are happy and you know it clap your hands
If you are happy and you know it clap your hands
If you are happy and you know it
If you are happy and you know it
If you are happy and you know it clap your hands ( общий поклон и убегают)