Контрольная работа за первое полугодие для 5 класса (УМК Forward)

just left.
7. __________ almost finished this quiz, haven't you?
You were

Choose the right answer
1 Выбери правильное предложение
Last year I go to India.
Last year I went to India.
Last year I am going to India.
Last year I will go to India.
2 Выбери правильное предложение
I usually getting the bus to work.
I usually gets the bus to work.
I am usually getting the bus to work.
I usually get the bus to work.
3 Выбери правильное предложение
Next week I am going to the cinema.
Next week I will going to the cinema.
Next week I is going to the cinema.
Next week I went to the cinema.
4 Какой глагол стоит НЕ в Past Simple?
He walked.
He went.
He works.
He bought.
5 Какой глагол стоит НЕ в Present Simple?
She listened.
She talks.
She waits.
She watches.
6 Какой глагол стоит НЕ в Future Simple?
He will go.
He will come.
He will arrive.
He leaves.
7 В каком времени стоит глагол в этом предложении?
'I got home from work at 6.30pm.'
Present Simple
Past Simple
Future Simple
8 В каком времени стоит глагол в эт
·ом предложении?
'The children are playing outside.'
Present Continuous
Past Simple
Present Simple
9 В каком времени стоит глагол в этом предложении?
'I'll take you in my car.'
Future Simple
Present Simple
Past Simple
10 В каком времени стоит глагол в этом предложении?
'They go to college on Mondays.'
Past Simple
Future Simple
Present Simple

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).
My house is (big) than yours.
This flower is (beautiful) than that one.
This is the (interesting) book I have ever read.
Which is the (dangerous) animal in the world?
A holiday by the sea is (good) than a holiday in the mountains.
Who is the (rich) woman on earth?
The weather this summer is even (bad) than last summer.