Сценарий сказки Белоснежка и семь гномов на английском языке.
Сценарий сказки «Snow White and the seven Dwarfs»
Составитель: учитель английского языка МБУ школы № 25 г. о. Тольятти. Муртазина Л.И.
Для составления сценария использовался мультфильм производства студии «Дисней» «Белоснежка и семь гномов» (1937 г.), саундтреки из мультфильма (Belosnezhka…sem-gnomov.html), нарезка видео из мультфильма. Подготовлена электронная презентация сказки.
1. Narrator
2. Snow White
3. Queen
4. Huntsman
5. Prince
6. Mirror
7. Dwarfs:
Doc; Happy; Sneezy; Dopey; Grumpy; Bashful; Sleepy.
8. Деревья
Сцена как бы поделена на две части. Справа изображение дворца. Трон. Посередине большое зеркало. Слева домик гномов: камин в паутине, около камина метла, стол заваленный посудой. Слева от стола на левой кулисе спинки кроватей с именами гномов.
Scene 1.
Слайд 1 из презентации (название сказки и фотографии братьев Грим)
Саундтрек «Увертюра».
Слайд 2. Раскрытая книга. Начало сказки.
Саундтрек “Someday my Prince will come..”
Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a lovely little Princess named Snow White. Her vain and wicked Stepmother the Queen feared that someday Snow White’s beauty would surpass her own. So she dressed the little Princess in rags and forced her to work as a Scullery Maid.
Слайд 3.
Саундтрек “Queen”. Королева перед зеркалом.
Queen: Slave in the Magic Mirror! Come here! I want to see your face! Speak!
Саундтрек “Magic Mirror”
Mirror: What would you like to know, my Queen?
Queen: Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?
Mirror: Famed is your beauty, but I see a lovely maid. Rags cannot hide her gentle grace. She is more beautiful than you!
Queen: Her name!
Mirror: Lips red as the rose, hair black as ebony, skin white as snow.
Queen: Snow White! (быстро уходит).
Scene 2.
Слайд 4. Реквизит: метла. Белоснежка за работой. Метет пол. Разговаривает со зрителями.
Саундтрек “I’m wishing…” Want to know a secret?
Promise not to tell? Поет.
We are standing by a wishing well.
Make a wish into the well.
That’s all you have to do.
And if you hear it echoing,
Your wish will soon come true.
I’m wishing. Echo: I’m wishing.
For the one I love.
To find me. Echo: To find me.
Today. Echo: Today.
I’m hoping. Echo: I’m hoping.
And I’m dreaming of
The nice things. Echo: The nice things.
He’ll say. Echo: He’ll say.
I’m wishing. Echo: I’m wishing.
For the one I love.
To find me. Echo: To find me.
Today. Echo: Today.
Слайд 5.
Появляется принц.
Prince: Today. Oh! Hello!
(Белоснежка убегает)
Did I frighten you? Wait! Wait please! Don’t run away!
Видео. Отрывок из мультфильма.
Now that I’ve found you!
Hear what I have to say.
One song.
I have but one song,
One song only for you.
One heart tenderly beating
Ever entreating
Constant and true.
One love
That has possessed me.
One love
Thrilling me through.
One love
My heart keeps singing.
Of one love
Only for you.
Scene 3. Королева и охотник.
Слайд 5. Реквизит: шкатулка.
Саундтрек “Queen”. Королева сидит на троне, повелительно хлопает в ладоши. Входит охотник.
Queen: Take her far into the forest. Find some secluded glade where she can pick flowers.
Huntsman: Yes, You’re Majesty!
Queen: And there, my faithful Huntsman, you will kill her!
Huntsman: Возражает.But You’re Majesty, the little Princess!
Queen: Silence! You know the penalty if you fail.
Huntsman: Покорно. Yes, You’re Majesty!
Queen: But to make doubly sure you do not fail bring back her heart in this (протягивает шкатулку).
Huntsman: Yes, You’re Majesty! Уходят.
Scene 4. В лесу. Реквизит: цветы, кинжал.
Слайд 6.
Саундтрек “Huntsman”
Белоснежка заходит с цветами, садится и разбирает цветы. За ней крадется охотник с ножом. Хочет убить, но не может. Белоснежка оборачивается. Она в ужасе.
Huntsman: I can’t, I can’t do it (становится на колени). Forgive me. I beg of your Highness forgive me.
Snow White: I don’t understand.
Huntsman: She’s mad, jealous of you! She’ll stop at nothing.
Snow White: But, who?
Huntsman: The Queen.
Snow White: The Queen?
Huntsman: Now, quick, child, run! Run away, hide! In the woods. Anywhere! Now, go! Go! Go! Go! Run! Hide!
Слайд 7.
Саундтрек “Far in the forest.” Танец деревьев.
Белоснежка бежит по лесу. Страшные звуки. Наконец она выбегает на полянку. И видит домик гномов.
Слайд 8.
Саундтрек “Just like a Doll’s house…”
Snow White: Oh! It’s adorable! Just like a doll’s house! I like it here. (Заглядывает в воображаемое окно) Ooh! It’s dark inside! Is there anybody home? Hello? May I come in? (Заходит в дом)
Слайд 9. Реквизит: Стол, стулья, кровати гномиков, туфель, камин, котел, паутина, метла, простынь, цветы.
Саундтрек “Lt’s see what’s there…”
(Осматривается, садится на стул) What a cute little chair! Why, there’re seven little chairs! Must be seven little children. And from the look of this table, seven untidy little children. And a shoe! And just look at this fireplace! It’s covered with dust. And look, cobwebs everywhere! What f pile of dirty dishes! I know! I’ll clean the house! Then maybe they’ll let me stay. Now, I wash the dishes, tidy the room. I clean the fireplace and I will use the broom. Убирает комнату и заходит в спальню.
Слайд 10. Oh! Seven little beds! Doc, Happy, Sneezy, Dopey. What funny names for children! Grumpy, Bashful and Sleepy. I’m a little sleepy myself. Ложится на кровать, закрывается простыней.
Слайд 11.
Саундтрек «Проход гномов из зала» Появляются гномы. Реквизит: фонари, лопаты, кайла.
Саундтрек «Heigh-ho!» Танец гномов.
Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!
Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!
It’s home from work we go!
Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!
Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!
Слайд 12. Останавливаются перед домиком.
Саундтрек “Lt’s see what’s there…”
Doc: Look! Our house! The lit’s light… Uh, the light’s lit. The door is open.
Happy: The chimney’s smoking.
Doc: Something’s in there.
Sneezy: May be a ghost!
Grumpy: Or a goblin!
Bashful: A demon.
Sleepy: Or a dragon!
Sneezy: What’ll we do?
Doc: Follow me! Shh!
Grumpy: Careful, men! Заходят в дом.
Слайд 13.
Саундтрек “Lt’s see what’s there…”
Doc: Search everywhere!
Grumpy: Quite!
Happy: Look! The floor, it’s been swept!
Sneezy: Hah! Chair’s been dusted!
Bashful: Our window’s been washed!
Sleepy: Our cobwebs are missing!
Doc: Why, why, why, why, the whole place is clean!
Bashful: My cup’s been washed! Sugar’s gone!
Doc: Something is cooking! Подходят к котлу.
Happy: Smells good!
Grumpy: Предостерегающе. Don’t touch it fools! Might be poison.
Sneezy: Нюхает цветы.Flowers! (чихает).
Grumpy: Shh! It’s here!
Слайд 14.
Саундтрек “Lt’s see what’s there…”
Doc: Yeah, it’s in the bedroom! One of us has to go and catch it! Все смотрят на простачка.
Happy: Протягивает свечу. Here, take it!
Doc: Don’t be nervous!
Sneezy: Don’t be afraid! We’re right behind you! Толкают его к двери.
Bashful: Yes! Right behind you! Простачок крадется в спальню. Видит, что там что то шевелится и бегом возвращается обратно.
Doc: Here! It comes!
Bashful: It’s after us!
Doc: Did you see it?
Простачок кивает.
Doc: How big is it?
Простачок показывает.
Grumpy: Was it a dragon?
Bashful: Has it got horns?
Sneezy: What was it doing?
Doc: He says it’s a… a monster asleep in our house.
Grumpy: Let’s attack it! While it’s sleeping!
Doc: Hurry, men! It’s now or never!
Grumpy: Break its bones!
Doc: Chop it to pieces!
Grumpy: We’ll kill it dead! Врываются в спальню, замахиваются. Простачок сдергивает простыню. Все видят Белоснежку.
Файл 15.
Саундтрек “It’s a girl…”
Bashful: What is it?
Doc: Why it… It’s a girl!
Happy: She’s beautiful, just like an angel!
Grumpy: Ворчит. Angel, hah! She’s a female! And all females are poison!
Doc: Not so loud! You’ll wake her up!
Bashful: Look! She’s moving! She’s waking up!
Bashful: What’ll we do?
Doc: Hide! Прячутся, Белоснежка просыпается и видит гномов.
Слайд 16.
Snow White: Oh, dear! Why, why, you are little men! How do you do?
Sneezy: How do you do, what?
Snow White: Oh, you can talk. Now, don’t tell me who are you. Let me guess. I know, you are Doc.
Doc: Yes, that’s true!
Snow White: And you are Bashful. And you are Sleepy. And you must be …
Happy: Happy, ma’am. And this is Dopey. He doesn’t talk none.
Snow White: Ooh! You must be Grumpy.
All: Oh, yes! Yes!
Grumpy: We know who we are. Ask her who she is and what she’s doing here.
Doc: What are you and who are you doing? Humph! Who are you and what are you doing here?
Snow White: Oh, how silly of me. I’m Snow White.
All: The Princess?
Snow White: Yes.
Doc: Well, well, my dear Quincess. Uh, Princess.
Grumpy: Tell her to go out.
Snow White: Please don’t send me away! If you do, she’ll kill me!
Happy: Kill you? Who?
Snow White: My Stepmother, the Queen.
Sneezy: The Queen? She’s wicked, she’s bad!
Grumpy: She’s an old witch. I’m warning you. If the Queen finds her here, she’ll swoop down.
Snow White: But she doesn’t know where I am. She knows everything! She’s full of black magic! She can even make herself invisible.
Snow White: Oh, she’ll never find me here! And if you let me stay I’ll keep house for you. I’ll wash and sew and sweep and cook…
All: Cook?
Doc: Can you make dapple lumpking… Uh, lumple dupplings?
All: Apple dumplings.
Snow White: Oh, yes!
Саундтрек “Hooray! She stays!”
All: Hooray! She stays! Бегут на кухню и обнюхивают котел.
Слайд 17.
Саундтрек “Music in your soup…”
Aah! Soup! Hooray!
Snow White: Uh, uh, uh! Just a minute! Supper’s not quite ready! You’ll just have time to wash.
All: Wash? Wash?
Doc: Why wash? What for?
Snow White: Show me your hands! Осматривает руки гномов. Недовольно качает головой. March straight outside and wash or you’ll not get a bite to eat! Недовольно гномы уходят умываться.
Scene 5. В замке.
Слайд 18. Реквизит: корзина с яблоками.
Саундтрек “Queen”.
Queen: Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?
Саундтрек “Magic Mirror”
Mirror: Over the seven hills in the cottage of the seven dwarfs lives Snow White, fairest of all.
Queen: Snow White lies dead in the forest. The huntsman has brought me her heart.
Mirror: Snow White is alive. The heart is of a pig.
Слайд 19.
Саундтрек “ Special Sort of Death…”
Queen: The heart is of a pig. I’ve been tricked. I’ll go myself to the dwarfs’ cottage. A poisoned apple. Sleeping death. Берет яблоко. It’s for Snow White. When she tastes the apple, her breath will still, her blood congeal. Then I’ll be the fairest in the land! Sleeping death can be revived only by love’s first kiss.
But dwarfs will think she’s dead. She’ll be buried alive. Buried alive! Смеется, берет корзину с яблоками и убегает.
Scene 6. лайд 20. В домике гномов.
Саундтрек «Танец гномов и Белоснежки».
Вбегают гномики с Белоснежкой. Они веселятся и танцуют. Белоснежка падает на стул. Гномы усаживаются вокруг неё.
Слайд 21.
Snow White: That was fun!
Doc: Tell us a story.
Happy: Yes, tell a story.
Sneezy: A true story.
Bashful: A love story.
Snow White: Well, once there was a princess.
Doc: Was the princess you?
Snow White: And she fell in love. The Prince was charming!
Doc: Was he strong and handsome?
Bashful: Was he big and tall?
Doc: Did he say he loved?
Happy: Did he steal a kiss?
Snow White: He as so romantic! I couldn’t resist. Поет.
Саундтрек “Someday my Prince will come..”
Someday my Prince will come…
Someday we’ll meet again.
And away to his castle we’ll go
To be happy forever I know.
Some day when spring is here
We’ll find our love a new.
And the birds will sing
And wedding bells ring.
Someday when my dreams come true.
Grumpy: Hah, mush!
Саундтрек «Бой часов».
Бьют часы и гному собираются на работу.
Doc: It’s time to go working. Don’t forget my dear! The old Queen’s sly one full of witch craft. So beware of strangers.
Snow White: Don’t worry. I’ll be all right!
Саундтрек «Heigh-ho!»
Гномы уходят, поют.
Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!
Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!
We go to work!
Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!
Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!
Белоснежка возвращается к столу. Садится и начинает что то шить. Появляется королева.
Слайд 22.
Саундтрек “Queen”.
Queen: The, the little men are not here?
Snow White: No, they are not but…
Queen: Oh! My heart! Take me into the house and let me rest! A drink of water, please! Белоснежка усаживает её и дает воды.
And because you’ve been so good to poor old granny I’ll share a secret with you. This is no ordinary apple. This is a wishing apple. One bite and your dreams will come true.
Snow White: Really?
Саундтрек “Have a bite…”
Queen: Yes, girl! Now, make a wish and take a bite!
Snow White: I wish… I wish… And that he will carry me away to his castle where we will live happily ever after
Queen: Fine! Now take a bite! Слайд 23. Белоснежка откусывает яблоко.
Snow White: Oh! I feel strange! Падает.
Queen: Her breath will still
Her blood congeals! Now I’ll be the fairest in the land! Убегает!
Отрывок из мультфильма «Гибель Королевы».
Слайд 24.
Саундтрек “There’s Trouble…”
Появляются гномы.
All: Wake up , wake up !
Sneezy: Don’t sleep , Snow White !
Doc: But she doesn’t look like a dead person .
Happy: Her lips are red .
Bashful: Her skin is white .
Grumpy: Her hair is black as before .
Doc: Oh, our dear Snow White is dead!
Гномы обступают Белоснежку и кладут её на кровать.
Bashful: She is too beautiful to be buried in the cold earth.
Grumpy: What shall we do?
Гномы сидят грустные вокруг Белоснежки.
Doc: We won’t bury her in the cold earth.
Слайд 25. Появляется принц.
Prince: Hello, my good men! Why are you crying?
Sneezy: Our dear Snow White is dead. Плачет.
Doc: You must kiss her to wake her up!
Prince: Oh, I’m ready to do it!
Встает на одно колено, целует Белоснежку.
Wake up, wake up, please!
Snow White: Просыпается, потягивается. Oh, where I am?
Prince: You are safe with me. I cannot live without you!
Snow White: Oh, my prince, I’m so happy!
All: Three cheers for Snow White and her Prince!
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Белоснежка поет “ Someday my Prince will come…”
Слайд 26.
Саундтрек «Увертюра».
Narrator: Very soon Snow White and her Prince got married and lived happily for long, long time.