The theme of the lesson: The Discovery of America
Астана Kаласы
№8 орта мектептіS
АCылшын тілі п‰нініS мaCалімі
Мутебаева Асел Бейсенбаевна
The theme of the lesson: The Discovery of America
The aim of the lesson:
I. Educational:
1. To master pupil’s communicative skills using Active vocabulary a
·nteractive board, please. You can see a crossword there, when you guess the key - word in it we’ll know the theme and the aim of our trip.
What is the key word? What are we going to speak about?
b) We have guests. Do you know who they are?
Фонетическая зарядка.
Follow the speaker’s pronunciation:
America, Central America, North America, South America, Christopher Columbus, the United States of America, the USA, continent, planet; to discover ,discovered, a discoverer, a discovery, a sail, to sail, sailed, a sailor, to reach, reached.
Работа с лексикой.
Match the words from two columns:
1) to discover a) моряк
2) a sail b) достичь, добраться
3) a discoverer c) открытие
4) to reach d) плыть под парусом
5) a sailor e) первооткрыватель
6) a discovery f) парус
7) to sail g) обнаружить, открыть
Совершенствование навыков чтения и перевода.
Read and translate the information about the discovery of America.
Работа по презентации № 1. “Christopher Columbus”.
Развитие навыков устной речи.
Работа по презентации № 2“Correct the Statements”.
Read the statements and correct them.
Развитие навыков диалогической речи на базе прочитанного текста.
Read the text and make up dialogues based on the information. Try to use why-questions.
Christopher Columbus’s Voyages.
Columbus made some more voyages
·life and to have no problems with the church. After three months’ voyage these people landed in the North-east of America. There were 74 men and 28 women on the “Mayflower”. They set up a colony and called that part of the country “New England”.
Возможные вопросы для использования в диалоге:
When did the first settlements appear in America?
Why did Columbus make some more voyages to the New World?
When did the “Mayflower” sail to America?
Why did the people want to leave England for America?
When did they reach America?
Who was on board the ship?
Развитие навыков аудирования.
Просмотр видеофрагмента “Christopher Columbus”.
Watch a short film about voyages of Christopher Columbus and fill in the gaps in your answer sheets.
1. Columbus read ___________________, __________________, _________________________.
2. The spices were ___________________________ in Europe.
3. Columbus planned to sail ___________________ around the world in order to ________________ the lands to the East.
4. Columbus believed that the world was ________________________.
5. Columbus approached _______________ _________________ ____________________ ________________ repeatedly.
6. He ______________ with a crew of a hundred men and ___________________: Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria.
7. On October 12, 1492 they ________________________ _______________________.
8. There Columbus met a group of natives who lived on the __________________________.
9. He __________________________ the people there Indians.
Watch a short film and imitate the singer’s movements. Sing together with the singer and your classmates.
Контроль знаний по теме.
Выполнение компьютерного теста по теме, разработанного в программе «My Test».