Test. Form 7.Unite 4. Are you a friend of the planet?Учебник «English» 7 класс. Авторы: В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа, Э.Ш.Перегудова, И.П.Костина, Е.В.Кузнецова.
Test. Form 7.
Unite 4. Are you a friend of the planet?
Вставь пропущенные буквы и переведи слова.
d.mage, n.ture, sp..l, rec.cle, pol..tion, d.stroy, redu.e, litt.., dist..b, prote.t, w.ldl.fe, env..onment.
Распределите слова на 2 столбика (исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные) и переведите их:
Animal, bin, school, wildlife, electricity, energy, environment, litter, nature,
tree, garden, bottle, air, bag, paper, forest.
Раскройте скобки в Present Simple passive.
1.Over 40 thousand monkeys (catch) every year.
2.Air (spoil) by cars and works.
3.Wildlife (study) by naturalists.
4.Old paper and glass (recycled) at the large works.
5.Russia (wash) by three oceans and 12 seas.
7.Towns(build) instead of forest.
8.Ozone levels (study).
Вставьте артикли где необходимо the or –(no article).
I went to … England last year.
… Nile flows through … Egypt.
….Lake Baikal is the deepest one in the world.
I live in … Gagarina street.
… USA is the fourth largest country.
When a student, Tom spent two years in … Africa.
… Pacific is the largest ocean on our planet.
… Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
Перепишите предложения используя модальные глаголы (must, can, should)
Don’t use toxic oven cleaner. (must)
To clean the oven use lemon juice instead. (can)
Reuse shopping bags to carry products from the shop. (can)
Choose a paper bag instead of a plastic one at the grocery shop. (can)
Don’t throw away old clothes and toys. (should)
Donate your old clothes or toys to people in need. (can)
Choose thing that are made from recycled material. (should)
Walk or ride bicycle to school. (should)