Урок по английскому на тему The geographical position of the USA 8 класс
Beineu Lyceum
Open lesson plan
Theme: “The geographical position of the USA ”Teacher: Kozybakova I.A
Grade: 8th
Theme: The geographical position of the USA
To give information about America; to teach correct usage of article with geographical names; to practice and doing exercises;
To develop pupils’ skills;
To bring up them to love Motherland and to respect other nations and its traditions;
Aids: slides, posters, cards
The procedure of the lesson
Organization moment.
Dividing class into 2 groups.
Warm –up
Checking up the home task. Method “Noughts and crosses”
New theme. The discovery of America
Magic box. New word.
Canyon – каньон, шатқал
Waterfall - сарқырама
Cave – үңгір
Peak - шың
Lowland – ойпат
Work with the text. Read and translate.
What do you know about America?
Brush up your grammar
Doing exercises.