тема: разработка урока по английскому на тему: Continents and countries
The theme: Continents and countries
The aims: Educational: Оқушыларға Мемлекеттер және континенттер тақырыбын жинақтауға қажетті атмосфераны жасау.
Developing: есте сақтау қабілетін, логикалық ойлауын дамыту; жеке және топта жұмыс істей білу қабілетін дамыту; өз ойын айта білу қабілетін дамыту.Bring-up: шет тіліне деген қызығушылығын тәрбиелеу.
Тематикалық тақырып бойынша білімдерін жинақтау.
Ауызекі сөйлеу тілін дамыту.
Equipment: АКТ,cards with the names of capitals, flowers, cards with tasls.
The plan of the lesson:
Warm up:
Good morning! May I ask you a question? How are you? There are many guests at our lesson. Are you nervous?
Еске түсіреміз ( астаналар, елдер, тілдер)
Білеміз ( елдер, ұлттар, тілдер)
Үйренеміз ( ауызша сөйлеуді, жұмысты қорғауды, топпен жұмыс істеуді)
Today we’ll revise the information about “ Continents and Countries” together and in small groups. At the end of the lesson you will be able to compile a poster or a project and present it.
-Now let’s remember the reference material which we studied last lesson. Please, scan the text and fill in the table.
Ocean continents The largest country The smallest country The continent and the country
Have you already filled the table? Lets check it up.
Right you are.
Read the first column, please. What about continents? Name the largest country, the smallest country, the continent and the country.
You have just learnt some facts about Geography.
Could you answer the questions?
What is name of the planet we live on?
What will you be able to see if you look at the Earth from the space?
How many oceans are there on our planet?
How many continents are there on it? What are they?
What separates the continents from each other?
There are many countries on each continent, aren’t there?
What is the largest country in the world?
Let us review the names of some countries, their capitals, languages and nationalities. Look through these slides and refresh your knowledge.
Slide 1-Astana Slide2 –Northern Ireland Slide 3- Wales Slide 4- The USa Slide 5- Scotland Slide 6- Canada Slide 7 – Australia
Do you like presentations?
Take these sheets of paper and try to do your task.
Could you give the name of the continent which is the same as the same of the country situated on it? What language do people speak there? What is it capital?
Could you give the name of the largest country in the world? What language do people speak there? What is its capital?
And now , please, write and name the names of the countries.
1 group
Nadaca, ssirua, anihc, ncefra, diani, camarei2 groupIyatl, aauisatrl, nsiap, bgrirteaaintReady? You are welcome.
Name the capitals of :
Canada, Italy, great Britain, Russia
Australia, China, India, France
Vietnam, Spain, the USA, Germany
country capital nationality Language
Ottawa Australia American Spanish
Rome Chinese
Germany Today we’ve got more information about the planet about we live on it. We haven’t forgotten about oceans, continents, countries. People of different nationalities live in different countries. They speak different languages. Each country has it’s own national flag, anthem and its own traditions and customs.
Work in groups of four and tell the class what new information about our planet and people on you’ve learnt. Make a poster about the Earth.
Think about:
The Earth from the space
The continents
The countries
People, nationalities, languages
( You can use drawings and pictures)
And now present your posters to your classmates. These expressions can help you.
Let us present our poster.
This is our Earth. It is …..(round, big, friendly…)
There are …….( oceans, continents, countries)
We want to tell you about…
The capital of…..is….
The colours of the national flag are….( the flag is)
People in..speak…
Nationality in this country is…..
I think, this country is…
We love our planet. We are it’s friends!
You’ve worked well. Thank you for your activity! Did you enjoy it? I think it was wonderful. I am satisfied with your work.
Сабағымызға келетін болсақ. Қалай ойлайсыңдар бүгінгі сабақта мақсатымызға жеттік пе? Нені еске түсірдік ? Нені білдік? Нені үйрендік?
Қызыл гүл- сабақ өте жақсы өтті
Көк гүл – сабақ қызықты өтті
Қоңыр гүл – сабақ көңілсіз өтті
At home youll write the sentences on the topic “ Continents and countries”
What are these countries?
What are their capitals?
Find their information and say their colours.
Evaluation of pupil’s activity.Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good bye boys and girls.
а Дата: 4.02.2015г
Учитель: Дюсюпова Жанар Слямбековна The theme: My flat Тема: Моя квартира (слайд 1) Aims / Цели: (слайд 2) 1. Образовательные: сформировать знания учащихся о правописании и чтении названий комнат, употреблять их в предложениях, составлять предложения, используя структуру “There is …”, “There are …”. 2. Развивающие: развивать умения и навыки учащихся употребления имен существительных во множественном числе, устную речь, память, логическое мышление. 3. Воспитывающие осуществить эстетическое воспитание, воспитывать интерес к иноязычной речевой деятельности. Teaching aids / Оборудование: интерактивная доска, слайды. Type of the lesson / Тип урока: формирование и закрепление знаний. Methods / Методы: наглядный, словесный The plan of the lesson / План урока 1. Organization moment / Организационный момент. 2. Checking the home task / Проверка домашнего задания. (слайд 3) 3. Revision. Control of knowledge. / Повторение. Контроль знаний.Слайд 8 4. Phonetic drill / Фонетическая зарядка.Слайд 11 5. Introduction of the new material / Формирование новых знаний.Слайд 12 6. Fixing of the new material / Закрепление новых знаний.Слайд 17 7. Conclusion / Подведение итогов. 8. Evaluation / Оценивание знаний. 9. Giving the home task / Домашнее задание. Procedure / Ход урока 1. Organization moment / Организационный момент - Good morning, children! Sit down, please! - Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What season is it now? What month is it now? What day is it today? What date is it today? - O’K. Thank you. 2. Checking the home task / Проверка домашнего задания. - What was your home task? Are you ready? - Have you learnt the words? - Checking the words. A game “Find the words”. (слайд 3) 3. Revision. Control of knowledge. / Повторение. Контроль знаний. Teacher: Listen and repeat. (слайд 4) a sofa an armchair armchairs a chair chairs a toilet table Teacher: Listen and repeat. (слайд 5) a door doors a lamp lamps 4. Phonetic drill / Фонетическая зарядка. (слайд 6) - Let’s do phonetic drill. Listen and repeat after me. [ŋ] The sun is shining All day long Trees are full Of birds and songs 5. Introduction of new material / Формирование новых знаний. Teacher: Today we shall know the names of rooms of a flat. Tell me, please, how do you understand the words “flat” and “house”? Pupils: “flat” – квартира, “house” – дом. Teacher: This is the plan of a flat. You see the numbers on it. Let’s learn to name rooms in English. The plan of a flat (слайд 7) Teacher: Look at these pictures, read and repeat after me the new words (слайд 7) a corridor [ә ‘koridә] коридор (слайд 8) a bedroom [ә ‘bedrum] спальня (слайд 9) a living room [ә ‘liviŋ rum] гостиная (слайд 10) a study [ә ‘stʌdi] кабинет (слайд 11) a dining room [ә ‘dainiŋ rum] cтоловая (слайд 12) a bathroom [ә ‘ba:θrum] ванная комната (слайд 13) a toilet [ә ‘toilit] туалет (слайд 14) The plan of a flat a corridor [ә ‘koridә] корридор a bedroom [ә ‘ bedrum] спальня (слайд 8) (слайд 9) a living room [ә ‘ liviŋ rum] гостиная a study [ә ‘stʌdi] кабинет (слайд 10) (слайд 11) a dining room [ә ‘dainiŋ rum] cтоловая a bathroom [ә ‘ba:θrum] ванная (слайд 12) (слайд 13) Teacher: Write them in your vocabulary. (слайд 15) Teacher: Оборот there is / there are употребляются для того, чтобы указать на наличие предмета в определенном месте. (слайд 16) Предложения с оборотом there is / there are переводятся с конца. There is / there are отдельно на русский язык не переводятся. Eg. There is a book on the table. На столе есть (находится, имеется) книга There are five books on the table. На столе есть (находятся, имеются) пять книг. There is употребляется, если за ним следует существительное в единственном числе. There are употребляется, если за ним следует существительное во множественном числе. Если в предложении перечисляются несколько предметов, то оборот there is / there are согласуется с первым из них. (слайд 17) Eg. There is a chair and five books in my room. There are five books and a chair in my room. Для того чтобы задать вопрос, is / are надо поставить в начале предложения. Для того чтобы сказать что чего-то нет в указанном месте, после is / are надо поставить частицу not. (слайд 18) Утвердительная форма There is (there’s) There are (there’re) (есть, имеется, находится) Вопросительная форма Is there? Are there? (есть ли, имеется ли, находится ли?) Отрицательная форма There is not (isn’t) There are not (aren’t) (нет, не имеется, не находится) 6. Fixing of the new material / Закрепление новых знаний. - Look at the picture. Write the names of the room. (слайд 19) a living room a dining room a corridor a bedroom a study Teacher: Write the names of the rooms of your flat (house). (слайд 20) Pupils: A living room, a dining room, a bathroom, a bedroom, a corridor, a study. Teacher: Look at the picture and continue the sentences. There is a/an _________________ in the living room. There are ____________________ in the living room. Teacher: Write the sentences in your copy book. (слайд 21) Pupils: There is a picture in the living room. There are books in the living room. etc. Teacher: Interview your partner. Pupil 1: - Is there a sofa in your living room. Pupil 2: - Yes, there is one sofa in my living room. etc. 7. Conclusion / Подведение итогов. (слайд 22) Teacher: Today you were introduced the names of rooms. What new and interesting material do you know now? Pupils: A living room, a dining room, a bathroom, a bedroom, a corridor, a study, there is, there are. 8. Evaluation / Оценивание знаний. (слайд 23) 9. Giving the home task / Домашнее задание. (слайд 24) Teacher: page 107 Ex. 9 describe your living room, to learn by heart the new words from their vocabularies. In Exercise 10 you must write the sentences by examples using structures there is / there are. - Goodbye, children! (слайд 25) - Goodbye!