Поурочное планирование по английскому языку Food and drinks
Grade 1
Topic: “Food and drinks” Learning objectives that this activity is contributed to UE 9
Teachers Glinova.A.VLesson objectives: All learners will be able to:
Recognize the teacher’s question “Do you like …?” when talking about personal food preferences and react correspondingly using “yes”|”no” with the teacher’s support
Most learners will be able to
Answer the teacher’s question “Do you like …?” when talking about personal food preferences with the teacher’s support
Some learners will be able to
Answer the teacher’s question “Do you like …?” when talking about personal food preferences without the teacher’s support
Language objectives New vocabulary:
New commands:
New construction: “Do you like …?”, “I like/I don’t like”
Previous learning Food and drinks
This is (a) …
Planned timings Planned activities
4 min Revision:
A teacher shows pictures with food: “What’s this?”
Students answer as a class.
A teacher uses a shopping bag and pictures with food. The pictures are in the shopping bag. A teacher takes the pictures out of the shopping bag one by one saying: “I like/I don’t like” using mimics and gestures.
4 min Practice:
A teacher distributes shopping bags with a set of pictures to each student. Students taking turns take out pictures one by one using the constructions “I like/I don’t like” and put the pictures into special boxes: “I like” box and “I don’t like” box. Before putting pictures into the proper box they should pronounce sentences with “I like/I don’t like” constructions.
4 min Consolidation:
A teacher models the situation by taking pictures from “I like” box and “I don’t like” box.
Then a teacher nominates students.