Short term planning, School after K.Satpayev English lesson, AkbissenovaS.K

Short term planning, School after K.SatpayevEnglish lesson, AkbissenovaS.KEnglish
14.04.2015 Тheme of the lesson Visual aids Aims Results of the lesson
Class : 5 «g» I am learning English Textbook 5class
Plan of the lesson  to teach students to express their own points of view and work in groups;• to develop skills of reading, listening, speaking and unprepared speech;• to enlarge country studying knowledge and educate the feeling of love towards• our motherland.
An expected results of the lesson: at this lesson I could organize an active participation during the lesson. Students with great pleasure planned their work, could discuss, control and mark themselves
II. The type of the lesson: Mixed
III. Method: Critical thinking, answer the questions.
IV. Visual aids: An interactive board, pictures of animals and plants.
V. Connecting with subjects: Kazakh and Biology. Cоздание атмосферы сотрудничества,
стимулирование учащихся к самостоятельной работе, развитие умений работать в группе и принимать совместные решения.
Time StrategieResources Procedure of the lesson 5 min Division the class into groups.
Role play
Telephone I.Organizational moment
1. Greeting
2. Well, children let’s begin our lesson Today we have a new lesson and an interesting lesson. First of all I want you to take cards with different colours. Please, take cards. According colours I want to devide you into two groups. Pupils with red coloures sit here, Your groups name is “English” and the second groups name is “Kazakh” Дается 2 минуты, чтобы
oпределиться в группы .
Затем группы по очереди задают друг другу
вопросы по предыдущей теме и
комментируют ответы.
5min Phormative assessment
Dialog learning
Critical thinking ІІ . Warm-up.
Phonetic practice:
Dear children, let’s begin our lesson with a phonetic exercise.
Three grey rabbits in the grass
Grow roses for us.
- Are you ready? 
- Good! Let’s start the work! 5min
Exercise books, dictionary III.Checking up the home task.
Ex.11,12 p. 152  
ДифференцированныйподходPhormative assessment Slides IV. Dear children,
Read the text and make a list of species.
Learn the new words. read the text very attentivеlyIt is necessary to learn foreign languages. That's why pupils have got such subject as a foreign language at school. Everybody knows his own language, but it is useful to know foreign languages.
I learn English, because I understand that I can use it. For example, if I do to England I'll be able to speak English too. English is used not only in England, but also in other countries.
I learn English because I want to read foreign literature in the original. I know and like such English and American writers as Charles Dickens, Mark Twain and others. I understand that I must learn English. If I know English well, I'll be able to go to the library and take books by English and American writers in the original.
I like to travel. But it is difficult to visit countries, when you don't know the language of these countries. If I know the language of the country, where I am going to, it will be easy do travel there. If I want to ask something, I can do it in English.
I like to read books. And I like to read newspapers, too. If I know, for example, English I'll be able to read English newspapers and magazines. Knowledge of different countries to understand each other, to develop friendship among them. For example, we have a foreign exhibition in Moscow. If is easy for me to visit this exhibition. You can see a lot of advertisement, signboard, names in the streets. They are in foreign languages. Very often they are in English. If you know English, you can read and understand them.
Now we bay many clothes from other countries. If you know English well, you can read something about the size of this or that thing. It is clear for you what it is made of.  
The students do different tasks.
Проработав новую тему по теоретическому mатериалу в учебнике,записывают новые
cловa в тетрадь
8 min Critical thinking Reading V. Now children let’s make Code of Ecological Rules.
 - Don’t break trees.
 - Don’t leave litter.
 - Keep the country tidy.
 - Respect the life and work of the countryside.
 - Keep dogs under control.
 - Put litter away.
 - Grow trees and flowers.
 - Don’t frighten birds and animals.
 - Don’t cut wild flowers.
 - Don’t burn fires. 3min VI. Cheerful minute. T: We are tired to sit at one place, therefore I propose you to relax. Let’s sing a song and dance! The words of the song “1,2,3,4,5.”: One, two, three, four, five, Once I caught a fish alive, Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Then I let go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This little finger on the right. 8 min
Теоретический материал в учебнике.
Выучить новую лексику по теме VII. Work in groups (design the posters).
Giving -up the home -task: Our lesson comes to the end. Open your dairies and write down your home -task for the next lesson - ex -10, p - 167 Homework Additional material
2 min VIII. Conclusion. T: Dear pupils our lesson is almost over. 
And now I would like to know your emotions.
What emotions do you feel? I feel…
Positive                  Negative
Satisfaction            UnsatisfactionHappiness          Sadness
Joy          Boredom
Proud                 Irritation
I’d like to thank you for our lesson. You’ve worked very well and hard today. I’ll give you good marks. Results of lesson. Good-bye!