Proiect didactic It’s a Beautiful World.
Stages of the Lesson (Learning Activities) Resources (materials) Strategies(methods, techniques,forms of activities.) Evaluation Time Note
1.Evocation●Greeting●Checking-up the homework ●Motivation for the new lesson●Announcement of the topic of the lesson●Objectives of the lesson.2.Realization of meaning
●Give other determinatives (adjectives) for England
●Name the places of interest of London.●Watch slides with the London’s places if interest “Welcome to London”●Say what they would like to visit if they had the possibility to visit the UK.●Vocabulary of the text „The England of my dreams”
●Read the text and answer the questions(Ex 2 p 43)
●What questions about England would you like to ask Caterina if she were here now?●Evaluation
●Homework(Write a list of tourist attraction in London.Describe one of them.
Textbooks Copybooks
Textbooks Flashcards
pictures slides Laptop Blackboard
Textbooks Copybooks, pens
Individual Work
Whole class work The Natural Approach Communicative approachGrammar translation method. Discussion
Group work
Students’ capacity to write a piece of prose
Brainstorming Communicative
Students’ capacity to recognize the places of interest.
Students’ ability to present their point of view Students’ critical thinking and imagination.
Understanding of the meaning of the vocabulary and in formation.
Students’ ability to read and speak.
Expressing themselves on the topic.
Students’ ability to write a list of tourist attractions in London.(Describe one of them). 2 min
2 min
5 min
6 min
10 min
5 min
7 min
30 min
8 min
2 min
3 min