Сценарий музыкальной сказки на английском языке (по мотивам русской народной сказки Волк и семеро козлят)
The sparkles
(based on «The Wolf and the seven Goaties»)
The presenter
The Goaties
The Mother Goat
The Wolf
The postman
The magpie
The firefighter
The doctors
The policeman
The presenter:
On December 31st
In the wooden hut
There was a lot of frost
In the wolf’s grey heart.The Wolf:
I’m so lonely, I’m so sad!
Fur is thin and cold.
Not a present in this world
Have I ever had!
The wind is blowing from the East to the West
And I need some people to become a welcome guest
The presenter:
In the goat’s house there’s a mess!
Mother Goat is rushing –
Little Goats are blushing!
Where’s the streamer, red and bright?
Should be there at Christmas night!
The Mother Goat
Going shopping!
Will be soon –
Always on the move!
Check the locking,
Watch cartoons
And switch off the stove.
Need the streamers for the tree,
In two hours will be free!
The Goaties:
Dear mommy, please stay calm!
We will be okay.
Will not leave our cosy farm
On this Christmas Day.
Knock on the door
The Goaties: Who is there at the door?
The postman:
This is me, your local postman,
Father Christmas’s friend.
Brought some presents for the goatiesAnd I want to enter.
The goaties happily grab the box and carry it inside
The Goaties:
1 G: Father Christmas? Wow! Wow! Wow!
Such a lovely day!
2 G: Shall we open it right now
Or we’d better wait?
(The Wolf is jumping out of the box)
The Wolf:
Hi my goaties!
Here I am!
Missing you so much!
The Wolf:
Don’t be scared, don’t be shocked.
Let me be your guest!
Where’s your mother, pretty Goat?
Went away so stressed?
That’s my present – little sparkles.
Goaties, hurry up!
Look around – it all darkens,
Need to light them up!
(The goaties light the sparkles up and dancing)
The Goaties:
Christmas is coming,
bringing our gifts!
Sparkles around!
Ouch! Just sniff!!!
The Wolf:
Goaties, I’m burning!
Help me asap!
Save my nice coat,
Don’t have a nap!
G1: Carry the firehose! Water supply!
G2: Are you daydreaming? Faster! Banzai!!!!
G1: Bring me some bandage! Bring me some pills!
G3: Where can I find them?
G1: They’re in the backyard, behind the windmills!
The magpie is flying in
The magpie:
Holy cow! Let me know
What is going on!
Fire flames above the snow –
A strange phenomenon!
Firefighters and policemen will not sleep tonight!
And the reason for this mess is a streamer light!
The wolf: (weeping)
Rescue service! MisterPutin! Dial 911!
I’m too young to die in fire – I’m the only one!
G1: Cotton wool and brilliant green –
Stuff for any case.The Goaties:
It will help to save the Wolf
With our love and grace!
Treating the Wolf
Firefighters and doctors are coming
The firefighter:
No more fire, no more heat!
Our Goaties are so sweet!
The doctor 1:
The Wolf was saved and our forest!
The doctor 2:
They saved us all if to be honest!
The firefighter:
But why are you at home alone!
Can you give me please your phone?
Mobile phone is ringing
G1: Mum is calling!
The Mother Goat:
Dear Goaties, how are you?
I am coming! See you soon!
The Goaties:
We are fine, mommy!
The Wolf:
We are fine, mamasha!
The Mother Goat:
What has happened? Oh my God!
Who is there in my hut?
I am crying at a loss
Was it wolf who came across?
The magpie:
Rescue service! MisterPutin! Forest police station!
The Mother Goat:
Are you here? We’re in danger! Holy goat nation!
Police is coming together with the Mother Goat and the Magpie
The policeman:
Who’s in danger? Forest dwellers? Is it a kidnapping?
Wolf is crying in the corner – Goaties are clapping!
The final song
The presenter:
Dear children, please beware
Streamers, matches, fire!
Let us keep the forest safe –
A place we can admire!