Презентация по английскому языку на тему Ecology of the Moscow region (9 класс)

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Moscow State Educational Institution School № 2045 Ecology of the Moscow region Teacher A.E. Gracheva Alexandra Telegina Grigory Safonov Maria Hlynova Moscow, 2015 8 « g » Students Speakers Moscow’s environment is assessed by the quality of four components: Moscow earmarks almost rub 3 , 5 bn for environmental protection each year Nearly rub 1 , 5 bn is spent for planning and developing urban greenspace 2 greenspace soil air water 43% 57% greenspase others Moscow’s environmental components 3 Moscow’s environmental components : air A decrease in air pollution has been observed, with the trend being most obvious in carbon monoxide and dioxide The main reasons are : restrictions imposed on residual oil use for heating purposes during the winter the increasing number of imported cars compliant with the Euro 2 , 3 , 4 emission standards Air quality is monitored and measurements are taken for 22 different substances that pose the most serious health risks around Moscow 4 Moscow’s environmental components : water At present the city has more than 200 rivers and 600 reservoirs The main watercourses are the Moscow River, the Yauza , the Skhodnya River, the River Pahra and others The main causes of water pollution are : the activity of industrial enterprises municipal wastewaters from households T he annual increase in the efficiency of the cleaning and purification of water protection zones contributes to the improvement of water quality of Moscow 5 The state of urban plants has improved, which is clearly demonstrated in annual checks of the greenspace The main reasons is : no more road salt used for de - icing - it has become possible to wash and rehabilitate the soil along the major thoroughfares Moscow’s specially protected natural areas cover 17 , 4 00 hectares including a nationally protected site the Losiny Ostrov National Park and 14 regionally protected objects Moscow’s environmental components : greenspace By 2020 , Moscow will have created 254 new specially protected natural sites 6 Moscow’s environmental components : soil The soil is a universal biological sorbent The main causes of soil pollution are : the reagents road transport human activity In large cities like Moscow regular monitoring of soil has been organized fact 7 Safe and unsafe districts of Moscow Most environmentally friendly and unsafe districts are : Krylatskoye Kurkino Mitino Strogino Yasenevo Kapotnya Kosino - Ukhtomsky Maryino symbol legend safe unsafe Some major sources of pollution plants and factories wastes underground The main environmental threats are : transport emissions 8 R equired actions 9 • increase corporate responsibility • implement environmentally friendly technologies • take care of environment • play attention to all ecological actions and programs • work both increasing the city’s potencial and protecting the environment Government • take part in environmental programs of the city • learn more about ecological problems and solutions Everyone should be more eco - friendly : Business People Schools Thank you for your attention! Moscow State Budget Educational Institution School № 2045 Department for External Economic and International Relations of the Moscow City Government Department for nature use and environment protection of Moscow Government Main sources :