Дополнительный текст Samara ski track of Russia к учебнику Spotlight 8 Module 8, тема Праздник Севера
Samara Ski Track of Russia
On Saturday, February 8 the XXXIIth open all- Russian mass ski race was held in the training centre «Chaika». More than 5000 people took part in the competition.
There were professional skiers, sport schools, veterans of sport and ski fans there. At the beginning there was a race for young participants. They got sweet prizes after 150 metres distance.
There was 5 km race for boys and girls, 10 km race for people older than 19 years. The distance of 3 km was for all people regardless of age and sports training. All the winners of the races got valuable prizes.
The concert program was presented to the participants of the race. There was even an exhibition of weapons and dog show there. Everybody was offered buckwheat porridge and tea.
There was a playground, pony rides, an ice skating-rink there. The balloons, the colour of which corresponded to the colour of the Olympic rings, were released in support of the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014.