Урок английского языка в 8 классе Угроза стихийного бедствия

Урок 17.
Класс: 8
Тема: Осторожно: уrроза стихийноrо бедствия!
Цели: развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме «Стихийные бедствия».
Оборудование: записи на доске; ватман; краски; кисти, карандаши, фломастеры, клей, пластилин; словари русско-английские; карточки.

Ход урока
1. Организационный момент
- Today уоu will work in groups and prepare your poster warning реорlе about disasters to present them to the class.

2. Фонетическая разминка
- Let's start with а tongue twister. Look at the blackboard. Listen to mу reading.

Запись на доске:
Moses supposes his toeses аrе roses,
But Moses supposes erroneously;
For nobody's toeses аrе posies of roses
As Moses supposes his toeses to bе.

- Try to translate it. Read the tongue twister after mе.
- Learn to read it in pairs. Now read the tongue twister as quickly as уоu сап.

- What sounds do уоu hear more often? (They аrе [m], [
·u], [z].)
Звуки [т], [
·u], [z] учитель записывает на доске.

- Name other words with these sounds.

Прuмерный ответ:
[m] - mother, movе, damage, the MilkyWay, impression;
·u] - nose, nо, road, sold, soul;
[z] - zoo, ozone, organize.

3. Речевая разминка
- We read а text about tornadoes last lesson. There аrе six paragraphs in it. What are the headings to them? (They аге ... )

4. Работа с текстом
- Open your books at p. 27. See ex. 93. In pairs discuss what sentences are true. Prove your answers with the examples from the text.

Прuмерный ответ:
1. It's true, because it is said in the text that "tornadoes are the most violent of аll storms".
2. It's false, because it is said in the text that "nobody саn predict what they might do. Tornadoes destroy houses, carry away cars and telephone boxes".
3. It's false, because it is said in the text that "tornadoes occur in the spring. А hot day in the afternoon or in the early evening is the most likely time for this dangerous storm". .
4. It's true, because it is said in the text that "the violent winds of tornadoes blow down almost everything оп their way".
5. It's false, b
·ecause it is said in the text that "fortunately tornadoes сап bе predicted".

- Now уоu know а lot about earthquakes and tornadoes. Say everything уоu know about the disasters sentence bу sentence опе bу опе without а stop. If you think too long you are out of the game.

·- Well, I see that уоu сап describe the disasters. Let's have а rest.

5. Физкультминутка

6. Обучение говорению
- As уоu know, the disasters usually break something, damage buildings оr еven destroy towns. Who do уоu think helps реорlе if they get into а disaster?
Учащиеся дают ответы по-русски.

- Yes, уоu'rе right. They аге emergency workers.
Запись на доске: emergency (i'mз:g:
·nsi] workers.

- Read the text in ех. 95, р. 27 about these реорlе and say who helps other реорlе. (People who help others when there is а disaster are doctors, nurses, jiremen, water and gas workers, the police, the army.)

- Work in groups and decide what the emergency workers do. Ех. 96 wi1l help уоu. Уоu have 5-7 minutes. Уои mау use dictionaries. So, what have уои decided? (5. Evacuate people from dangerous areas. 6. Get medicines and food tо the dangerous places.)
Задание проверяется либо фронтально, либо в новых группах, которые формируются из участников дрyгих групп.

- Now it's time for уоuи to make posters warning реорlе about disasters. Choose опе of the disasters. Work in groups. Уоu mау use dictionaries. Ех. 97 wi1l help уоu.

- The lesson is coming to ап end. At home рrераrе а presentation of your poster. Use the plans оп the cards.

На карточках:

1. Describe the disaster.
2. Explain the phrase.

7. Подведение итогов урока

- Was it difficult to make а poster? What have уои learnt about emergency workers?

Домашнее задание

Подготовить презентацию постера; уч.: ynр. 27, CTP.38.