The essay on topic “It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”

The essay on topic “It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”
Love is a very complicated phenomenon giving us a great emotional palette. Some people believe that love brings us happiness and opens the wide horizon of self-knowledge, while others are convinced that love makes us blind and leads to self-destruction. Alfred Tennyson once wrote: “It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”. Personally, I agree with this statement.
First, the question “to love or not to love?” is similar to the question “to be or not to be?” because love makes people feel, which is the meaning of human life. Without love one is dead spiritually while being alive physically. The British psychologist Adam J. Jackson says the most important thing for people is the love they have given and received as this is the best barometer of personal development. Even if people lose their beloved, they have memories which do not let their souls become frozen and senseless.
Second, inspired by love, people make brave feats and create art masterpieces comprising the greatest cultural heritage. According to Greek mythology, the poet-musician Orpheus, having lost his wife Eurydice, even went to Hades to take her back. He failed, but the songs devoted to Eurydice were able to move mountains. It is known that myths always contain the kernel of truth about life laws.
However, it is believed that love is similar to addiction and if people lose someone whom they love, this falling down like drugs will destroy them. In fact, psychologists have proved that the cause of such self-destruction is our painful thoughts and self-suggestion. We should realize that we bring love to relations, not vice versa. Thus we cannot lose love itself, as it is inside us and we should learn to direct it in the right way.
In conclusion, love influences us both when we have it and when we do not. Without love our life would be an endless winter and we would be like icebergs. Feeling love means personal development, although sometimes painful. No development would lead to the sunset of humanity. Therefore, life without love is impossible.