Экскурсия на английском языке в школьном музее Они ковали нашу победу They forged our great Victory

Dear guests,
Welcome to our museum «Istoki».
We are proud of our school museum, a custodian of our history. It was opened on the 25-th of February 2003. The main aim is to give our visitors a vivid idea of the time, events, people.
Our school museum started as a museum which collected everything. For over 11years the collections have gone on growing.
Today it is a museum of old, beautiful and interesting objects. They come from different parts of our district and region and from hundreds of years of history. Some of them have been made by hand. Every exhibit reveals the skill of its maker and tells us about the time and place in which it was made.
The museum houses a rich collection of documents and exhibits telling about the history of Inza, factories (Diatomit-Invest, woodworking plant, nonwoven fabric factory, railway station) culture, traditions, national costumes of people.
The museums numismatic collection numbers a lot of medals, orders, coins, paper money.
Here you can also get acquainted with the history of our Inzenskaya division. One cannot but forget to mention the exhibits about the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War, local war conflicts.
There are materials about our school and teachers.
The collections are studied by pupils to increase their understanding of the history of our region and school.
There are educational programmes, special events, talks and tours.
The museum offers guided tours covering different topics for schoolchildren.The tours are led by guides who have been trained at the Museum and last abouthalf an hour.

Next year we are celebrating the 70-th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. We pay tribute to those who forged this Great Victory. So our today's story will be about the heroes of this war. 16,000 people of the Inzensky district went to the front. 9,000 didn't come back.
The country highly appreciated the heroic deeds of our countrymen. A lot of people were awarded with orders and medals for heroism and courage. Among them there were our school teachers:
Boris Dmitrievich Ruchkin
Gennady Grigorevich Gavrilin
Alexander Sergeevich Kuzmin
Andrei Ivanovich Pyshinsky
Vladimir EfimovichPopovich
Grigory Semyonovich Zharov
During the Great Patriotic War five people of our Inzensky district were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Among the heroes of the Great Patriotic War was our countryman Kyanzhin Pantelei Kuzmich. He took part in the forcing of the Dniper, in liberation of Yugoslavia. He was awarded the highest decoration: the Gold Star of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Larionov Alexey Alexeyevich displayed tremendous courage during the forcing of the Neman and was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Mizinov Mikhail Petrovich was the pilot of a bomber. For earring out his combat missions he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Tikhonov Mikhail Ivanovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for courage and heroism in summer 1944.
Khurtin Ivan Andreevich didn t live to see the Victory Day. He died the death of a hero in the battle for the Ukraine and was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Soldier Heroes.
During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 Soviet Army men , awarded the Order of Glory were called «soldier heroes».
Several thousand Soviet Army men were awarded all three classes (degrees) of the Order of Glory. Two of these soldier heroes are from Inzensky district.
They are Potapov Alexey Efremovich who forced the Desna and the Visla rivers and liberated Prague saving Czechoslovak capital from destructions by the fascists and
Salygin Ivan Alexeyevich who was one of the best scouts.
Among the heroes of the Great Patriotic War was our country woman Elizaveta Vologodskaya. From the very first days of the fascists aggression she was at the front as a scout and displayed strong will, personal courage and heroism. She helped to save Krakov from distinction by the fascists. There are books and a film « Major Vikhr» about her heroic deeds.
In our local newspaper «Vperyod» we can read her «Letters from Lvov» .
She often visited her native town and met with the citizens of Inza.
In this photo you can see Elizaveta Vologodskaya and the pupils of our school.

Vasily Ivanovich Vasin (1923-1949)
Some streets in our town bear the names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
In Inza there is Vasin street. Vasin is a Hero of the Soviet Union. He was born in 1923 in the village of Voronovka of the Inzensky district.
During the forcing of the Dnieper he was the only officer who took across his company without loss of life. On the 12-th of October 1943 his company held a very important hill beating off enemy attacks. Four times the fascists attacked our positions. And four times their attacks were beaten off. The losses of Vasin's company were heavy but it continued to hold defence. In heavy battles against a strong and experienced enemy Vasin was wounded twice. But he didn't leave the battle field. He destroyed 90 enemy officers and soldiers. On the 29-th of October 1943 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
On the 6-th of November 1943 his company was the first to break into Kiev. They raised a red banner over the City Soviet in the centre of Ukrainian capital. Vasin took part in the liberation of Hungary. And there he was seriously wounded in the head for the third time. He died in a military hospital from this wound in 1949.
Vasily Ivanovich Vasin (1923-1949)
I want to tell you about one of the deeds performed by Vasin in the battle for the
The hot summer of 1942. Vasin's company was fighting against the enemy infantry near a railway road. Suddently everybody saw a little boy in a white shirt. He stood crying near his killed mother. The shooting stopped. Silence fell over both front lines.
What the soldiers saw next was almost unbelievable. Vasin took off his helmet and put his pistol aside. He rose to his full high and went towards the child. That's how Vasin saved the child.
A moment later the air was filled with gun-fire and the fighting resumed with renewed ferocity.
And do you know that this Vasinvs heroic deed could well serve for Vuchetich as a prototype of the Soviet Soldier Liberator built in Treptov Park?
The sculptor Vuchetich who was thinking over his now famous memorial learned about this episode and decided that his monument would reflect the heroism and humanism of the Soviet Army.
Two Soviet soldiers performed similar heroic exploits in Berlin in 1945: Trifon Lykyanovich and Nikolai Masalov. They saved German girls in the battles in Berlin. The sculptor sought out Masalov and spent some time talking with him.
You can read about Vasin in these newspapers articles.
Speaking of our great countrymen one may not omit mentioning a test - pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Yuri Timofeevich Alasheyev and designer of nucler - rocket systems, Lenin and twice State Prize Winner Serafim Mikhailovich Kulikov who brought fame to Russian science and glorified our place.
In the unique photo you can see Yuri Alasheyev and Serafim Kulikov. This photo was taken on the 22-nd of June 1941.
It was the first day of the Great Patriotic War. Yuri has just finished a secondary school and Serafim was a student of the Leningrad Air - Force Engineering Academy.
During the Great Patriotic War they both did their best to approach our victory and after the war they continued to serve their Motherland.
Alaseyev was a pilot - instructor and he was on the front in autumn 1944.
As for Kulikov after graduating the Academy in November 1941 he was an engineer of special equipment of planes.
In one of the war documents we can read that in 1943 Kulikov equiped 728 planesand repaired equipment at 652 planesin 19442282 planes
1867 planesin 1945400 planes
521 planesfitted out1145 devices
This way our countrymen forged our
Great Victory
Our tour is over. Thank you for attention. If you are in Inza do visit our school museum. We will be glad to see you here and give a warm welcome. You are welcome at our museum!