Welcome to King Cat’s corner та?ырыбында?ы ашы? саба?
The theme: Welcome to King Cat’s corner
The aims: 1) Knowledge: To practise the programmes of earlier units
2) Developing: To develop pupils’ vocabulary knowledge, to develop their reading and speaking skills
3) Bring up: To bring up their interests
The type of the lesson: competition lesson
The method of the lesson: answer the questions
Visual aids: slaids, an interactive board, cards, pictures
The procedure of the lesson
I Organization moment
T1: Good morning, dear teachers and pupils!
T2: Саламатсыздарма, құрметті ұстаздар мен оқушылар!
T1: Welcome to our competition lesson!
T2: Бүгінгі біздің сайыс сабағымызға қош келдіңіздер!
T1: Well, let’s start our competition lesson!
T2: Сабағымызды бастайық!
II Checking hometasksTo read the text and translate
III Presentation
T1: The first competition is writing the month
T2: You must quickly write the names of the months
T1: Сіздер тезірек ай аттарын жазып шығуларыңыз керек!
J_______y A______t S_______rF_______y O______r Au______tM______ h N______r J________yJ_______e D______R M_______yIV PractiseThe second tour is “Reading the words”
1st group: jungle, animal, Paula, kitten, noise, tiger, monkey, Marh is before April
2nd group: Adventure car, treasure, Helen, read, snake, I’m happy!
3rd group: butterfly, coral, starfish, octopus, sunny, Fish lives in the sea
V Production
The next competition is tick True or False
Adventure Car can swim and fly
Fish can swim
Octopus can eat the fish
Coral is a stone
Coral can move
Fish has got the legs
Sharks have got big teeth
There are 3 months in one season
There are 2 months in one year
Tiger is an animal
Paula is a boy
The last competition is “Draw a picture”. You must quickly draw the picture of the Adventure Car!
-Have you finished?
-Now, we will know the winner group!
Giving home work:
T1: - The competition leson is over! Good bye!