Конспект урока по английскому языку в 4 классе Being happy in the City and in the Country
Аннотация к уроку
1. Тема: "Being happy in the City and in the Country”
2. Класс: 4
3. Продолжительность занятия: 40 минут
4. УМК: "Enjoy English - 4" Биболетовой М.З., Трубаневой Н.Н.
5. Оборудование, необходимое к уроку: компьютер, проектор, экран. презентация, отпечатанные карточки с текстом для работы в группах, картинки, дидактический материал для учащихся.
6. Тип и форма проведения урока: урок закрепления знаний, урок-игра.
7. Используемые методы и приемы:
словесные методы: объяснение, беседа, работа с текстом;
методы организации познавательной деятельности: демонстрация, работа по карточкам;
репродуктивный метод: действие по образцу;
методы мотивации: создание ситуации успеха, познавательная игра;
частично-поисковый метод: поиск примеров по теме, перенос знаний на готовые упражнения;
проектный метод;
методы проверки и оценки знаний, умений и навыков учащихся.
Конспект урока
Цель урока:
формирование целостного представления о жизни в городе и деревне через обобщение лексики и грамматики по данной теме .
Задачи урока:
совершенствовать навыки аудирования, говорения, чтения, письма;
повторить лексический материал по теме "Город и деревня";
повторить степени сравнения прилагательных.
развивать познавательные процессы, память, воображение;
развивать мыслительные навыки: обобщение, систематизация, логическое и образное мышление;
развивать и формировать интеллектуальную атмосферу на уроке.
воспитывать доброту и любовь к родному краю;
помочь осознать роль человека в жизни города и деревни;
развивать мотивацию общения на английском языке.
Социокультурная задача: привлечение интереса к жизни в городе и в деревне.
Структура урока
1. Организационный этап
2. Определение темы урока
3. Речевая зарядка
4. Лексическая работа
5. Чтение текста о Москве
6. Повторение грамматического правила «Образование степеней сравнения прилагательных».
7. Работа в парах
8. Работа в группах
9. Динамическая пауза
10. Проектная работа
11. Информация о домашнем задании
12. Заключительное слово учителя
13. Подведение итогов урока
14. Рефлексия
1. Организационный этап
Деятельность учителя Деятельность учащихся
Good afternoon, children. I am glad to see you today, sit down, please. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lidiya Nikolaevna. And these are our friends Jim and Jill.
And what is your name? Let's be friends.
Children, look, please at our guests, they are very kind, and don’t worry! Feel yourself comfortable. Good afternoon, teacher.
We are glad to see you too.
My name is ...
2. Определение темы урока.
Jim and Jill prepared some interesting tasks for you. I am sure, you will manage to do very well.
But first of all let’s try to guess the topic of our English lesson. Listen to the poem.
So, boys and girls, what are we going to speak about at our lesson? Today we'll remember words and rules on the topic "In the City and in the Country".
Ребята, мы живем в большой и красивой стране. Все люди в нашем государстве живут как в сельской местности, так и в больших городах или в маленьких провинциальных городках. Но люди могут жить счастливо и в огромном городе и в маленьком селе. Вы со мной согласны? Do you agree with me?
Let's divide into two groups: “City-dwellers” and “Countrymen”. The City and the Country!
3. Речевая зарядка.
Jill wants to play a game "Yes or No". Let's begin.
- Children, are you pupils of the 6th form?
- Are you in the classroom?
- Are you sleeping?
- Do you like English lessons?
- Are you ready for the lesson?
- Do you like to guess puzzles? - No, we are not!
- Yes, we are!
- No we are not!
- Yes, we do!
- Yes, we are!
- Yes, we do!
4. Лексическая работа
Jim prepared a puzzle for you. Guess the word.
1 2 3 4 5
a R s iu
2 5 3 3 4 1
R u s s ia
You are right! The key-word is RUSSIA! Russia
5. Чтение текста о Москве.
Let's read the text about our country and fill in the gaps.
We live in Russia. We are the Russians!
Russia is a large country.
Moscow is the capital of Russia.
There are a lot of green forests, long rivers, beautiful gardens in Russia.
We love our Motherland! We live in Russia. We are the Russians!
Russia is a large country.
Moscow is the capital of Russia.
There are a lot of green forests, long rivers, beautiful gardens in Russia.
We love our Motherland!
Повторение грамматического правила «Образование степеней сравнения прилагательных».
Jill wants to remember the rules about adjectives. Work in a chain. Read and translate.
tall the tallest
longer the widest
bad interesting dirty the dirtiest
smaller the cleanest
good beautiful Представитель от каждой команды заполняет недостающие формы прилагательных
7. Работа в парах.
Jim prepared the next tasks. Work in pairs! Compare! Are they different: the country and the city?
(the houses, the bridges, the roads, the rivers, the gardens) 1. In the city the houses are taller than in the country.
2. In the country the houses are smaller than in the city.
1. In the city the bridges are longer than in the country.
2. In the country the bridges are shorter than in the country.
1. In the city the roads are wider than in the country.
2. In the country the roads are narrower than in the country
1. In the city the rivers are dirtier than in the country.
2. In the country the rivers are cleaner than in the city.
8.Работа в группах.
Джим и Джил хорошо знают проблемы города и села. У них – целый мешок проблем. Разберитесь, где проблемы города, а где села?
А в этом мешке- все хорошее о городе и селе. Найдите положительные моменты жизни в городе и селе.
There are a lot of beautiful churches, palaces, museums.
There are beautiful old houses in the country
There are a lot of cinemas, theatres and clubs.
There are a lot of schools and you can make a choice.
Home-grown vegetables taste better than those in shops.
In the country a lot of people spend time gardening.
Some places don’t have enough hospitals and schools.
There are too many people in the cities.
Most people live in small villages and work as farmers. They have a hard life.
The air is dirty in the city.There are no theatres, zoos, parks.
There are too many cars in the city. City-dwellers + -
There are a lot of beautiful churches, palaces, museums. Most people live in small villages and work as farmers. They have a hard life.
There are a lot of cinemas, theatres and clubs. Some places don’t have enough hospitals and schools.
There are a lot of schools and you can make a choice. There are no theatres, zoos, parks
Countrymen + -
There are beautiful old houses in the country. There are too many people in the cities.
In the country a lot of people spend time gardening. The air is dirty in the city.
Home- grown vegetables taste better than those in shops. There are too many cars in the city.
9. Динамическая пауза.
Jim and Jill are tired. Let's relax. Sing the song and do exercises.
Clap your hands, clap your hands,
Listen to the music and clap your hands.
Stamp your feet, stamp your feet,
Listen to the music and stamp your feet.
Turn around, turn around,
Listen to the music and turn around.
Jump up high, jump up high,
Listen to the music and jump up high.
Clap your hands, clap your hands,
Listen to the music and clap your hands.
Stamp your feet, stamp your feet,
Listen to the music and stamp your feet.
Turn around, turn around,
Listen to the music and turn around.
Jump up high, jump up high,
Listen to the music and jump up high.
10. Проектная работа.
Where do we all live?
Do you like to live here?
Are there interesting places in our town?
Ребята, а что мы еще можем сделать, чтобы наш город стал лучше?
Let’s sing a song.
This is the way we dig the ground, dig the ground, dig the ground.
This is the way we dig the ground for our little garden.
This is the way we put the seeds, put the seeds, put the seeds.
This is the way we put the seeds for our little garden.
This is the way we water the flowers, water the flowers, water the flowers.
This is the way we water the flowers for our little garden.
Children, where would you like to live in the country or in the city? Take stickers and stick them next to the pictures "City" and "Country". Let's count.
Let's do project about the life in the city and the life in the country. And describe them. We live in town Salsk.
Yes, we do!
Yes, there are!
We can plant trees.
We can clean the streets and river.
We can build new houses.
11. Информация о домашнем задании.
Open your diaries and write down your home task, please. Repeat words at the page ____ and prepare to your check. 12. Заключительное слово учителя.
People live in the city. People live in the country.
They are happy in their native places.
They live with their families and enjoy the life!
They say, “East or West Home is Best!” “ East or West Home is Best!”
13. Подведение итогов урока.
Thank you very much. You worked hard today. Now tell me please. Did you like the lesson? And now I am going to announce your marks.
The lesson is over. Good -bye. 14. Рефлексия
Ребята, я благодарю вас за урок. И в преддверии Рождества я хотела бы подарить вам подарки, сделанные руками ваших сверстников Сандатовской школы. Ребята желают вам веселого рождества и счастливого Нового года.
Let's sing a song "We wish you a Merry Christmas".