Развернутый план урока по английскому языку на тему How Does the Geographical Position Influence the People’s Lives?
Развернутый план урока по английскому языку.
Unit: How Different the World Is!
Topic: How Does the Geographical Position Influence the People’s Lives?
Познакомить учащихся с особенностями географического положения России, США, Великобритании и Австралии;
Совершенствовать грамматические навыки диалоговой речи использование союзов причинно-следственной связи; cовершенствовать навыки аудирования;
Развивать память, образное мышление;
Воспитывать чувство патриотизма и уважения к странам изучаемого языка, развивать умение работать в группе.
Оборудование: книга, учебник для чтения, рабочая тетрадь, доска, раздаточные материалы, книга для чтения.
Ход урока.
Начало урока.
Организационный момент.
Раппорт дежурного, сообщение плана урока.
Good morning. I’m glad t
Речевая зарядка. Введение в атмосферу иноязычного говорения.
Are you in a good mood today?
Yes? We are. / no, we are not.
Why? Is the weather good or bad today?
The weather is good?
Is it windy?
No. It isn’t windy.
Is it sunny?
Yes. It is sunny.
Isn’t it rainy?
No, it isn’t rainy.
How do you think, the weather is the same in different parts of our country?
No, of course it’s not the same.
It depends on geographical position.
Of course, you are write. The geographical position influences the weather.
Основная часть урока.
Повторение грамматического материала по употреблению союзов причинно-следственной связи.
Let's review our grammar. Cause and effect relations, p.8.
What conjunctions express cause and effect relations?
Conjunctions of cause are because, thanks to, thanks to the fact that, due to, due to the fact that.
Conjunctions of effect relations are so and that’s why.
Yes, that’s write.
Закрепление грамматического материала по употреблению союзов причинно-следственной связи.
Ex.3 p.7(AB)
Combine the
· sentences using because? Thanks to (the fact that), due to (the fact that), so, that’s why.
For example: Russia is a huge country. It has several different climate zones.
Your variant should be: Because Russia is a huge country, it has several different climate zones. It is true. Let’s begin.
Развитие навыков диалоговой речи.
Ex.5 p.11
The situation is: you are going to travel. One of you wants to go to Southern California and another one goes to Russia or Australia or UK. Using the examples from the box in your books you should make dialogues and proof your position. I suppose we shouldn’t translate examples? They are clear for you. So, you have 5 minutes.
Ok. Time is over. Let’s begin to answer.
Развитие навыков групповой работы.
Ex.6 p.11
National symbols often reflect special geographical features. Why do you think the following symbols look this way? If necessary, consult the LCG.
I have some more examples. Try to guess the symbol of which state it is and why it looks in such a way.
Развитие навыков аудирования.
Ex.8 p.11 (R Unit 1, ex.3)
All of the 50 states in the USA have nicknames. How did they get their names?
Alligator State
Numerous alligators are found in its various streams and swaps
Gold State, Oil State, Steel state
They are suggestive of the three greatest industries of the large state.
Конец урока.
Объяснение домашнего задания.
Using ex.6 p.11 find your own information about any city, country or state.
Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.
Thank you for your work. Your marks today are . I’m quite satisfied with your work. And you with your marks? Ok. I’m glad. The lesson is over. Good bye.