The theme: The leader of the XXI century 7 сынып
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The theme: The leader of the XXI centuryThe aims: To teach to be cultural person, to grow interest to English language. Develop pronunciation, memory reading, speaking skills.
The type of the lesson: game.
Organization moment.
Greeting.Presenter: Good afternoon dear teachers and pupils! Welcome to our competition.We are glad to see you. The theme of our competition is «The leader of XXI century». Let me introduce our competitors: 6 pupils.
The jury of our competition is a teacher of English language.
Fastening of the studied material.
Presenter: Our competition consists of 3 tasks.I. “Baige”II. “gamma”III. “Zhorga”
-Dear pupils it’s time to check your knowledge. Dear pupils be very active in our competition. Please don't shout from your place. Be polite and if who knows the answer, raise your hands, please.
I. “Baige”. In each correct answer you’ll get 10 points. The questions:1. The capital of Australia?a. Ottawa b. Canberrac. New-York d. Wales2. What is the state language of the UK?a. German b. Englishc. Kazakh d. Russian
3. When do people celebrate ‘Halloween ?a. 31 December b. 9 Novemberc. 2 January d. 31 October4. Who is the head of the UK Government ?a. Prime Minister b. Parlamentc. The Queen d. The president5. Thr word ‘albion’ the poetic name of Great Britain, means-…a. red b. yellowc. blue d. white6. The oldest university in the USA is-…a. Cambridge b. Greenwichc. Horward d. Oxford7. The traditional clothes for men in Scotland is a ……a. kilt b. skirtc. jeans d. trousers8. In what book would you meet the following character Friday?a. ‘Robinson Crusoe’ b. ‘Gulliver travels’ c. ‘Robin Hood’ d. ‘Maugli’ 9. How many stars are there on the American flag? a. 50 b. 51 c. 40 d. 6010. The Rocky Mountains are in ……a. Canada only b. Englandc. Canada and USA d. only USA
Thanks for you. The first task is over
2 of competitors who picked up the least number of points should leave our competition.
Thank you!
II.“The proverbs”. I’ll read proverbs, you must find Kazakh equivalents. For each correct answer you’ll get 10 points
1Better late than never Ештен кеш жақсы
2 Many men, many minds Қанша адам болса, сонша пікір бар
3 Many words hurt more than sword Сөз сүйектен өтеді, таяқ еттен өтеді
4 Good beginning – makes a good ending Басы қатты болса, аяғы тәтті болады
5 The early bird cathes the worm Ерте тұрған әйелдің бір ісі артық, ерте тұрған еркектің ырысы артық
6 Five cupboards But only one door a glove
7 Why are dogs poor dancer? They have two left feet
8 Clean, bad not water, white, bad not snow, sweet, bad not ice-cream, what is it? sugar
9 What do cat has that no other animals have? kitten
10 What is in the middle of Paris? Letter R
III. “Zhorga”. I’ll read you questions, you must answer it quickly1st pupil:1. How many seasons in a year? (four)2. The epic novel “Abai” is the work of ……….(Mukhtar Auezov)3. What’s the capital of America? (Washington)4. What colors are on Kazakhstan Flag? (blue and yellow)5. When do we pick fruits? (in autumn)6. What is the official name of the UK?(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)7. What month is it now? (September)8. What’ the capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana)9. Eating in the evening is called what? (Supper)10. The first capital of Kazakhstan? (Kyzylorda)
2nd pupil:1. How many months in a year? (Twelve)2. What is the state language of Kazakhstan? (Kazakh)3. What’s the capital of England? (London)4. How many days in a week? (seven)5. What country do you live in? (Kazakhstan)6. When is Nauryz celebrating? (The 22nd of March)7. What’s the season now? (autum)8. What color are the leaves in autumn? (yellow)9. Eating in the morning is called what? (breakfast)10. What’s the official language of the United Kingdom? (English)
Round of activities:
Presenter: Now listen to the jury, she will give us results.
The winner of our competition is …………..My congratulations, I wish you success and luck.
Dear teachers and pupils our game is over. Good bye! See you soon!