Sport competitions all over the world
Тақырыбы: «Дүниежүзілік спорттық жарыстар. Олимпиада ойындары»
Сыныбы: 8 "Б"
білімділік - өткен лексиканы қайталау, тәжірибе жүзінде ауызекі тілде алған білімдерін қолдануға үйрету.
дамытушылық - есте сақтау, тыңдау қабілеттерін арттыру, ойын еркін жеткізуге үйрету.
тәрбиелік - оқушыларды спортқа және салауатты өмір салтын ұстануға үндеу, Олимпиада ойындарының тарихынан мағлұмат бере отырып, оқушыларға азаматтық-патриоттық тәрбие беру.
Сабақтың түрі: дәстүрлі
Сабақтың типі: қайталау сабағы
Әдісі-тәсілдері: репродуктивті, деңгейлеп оқыту әдісі, АКТ элементтері, сұрақ-жауап
Пәнаралық байланыс: тарих, география, қазақ тілі
Сабақ барысы
І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі
-Good afternoon, my dear friends!
-How are you for today?
-Do you have any news for me? What about sport news?
Thank you. There are different events and people in the history of sport, that's why our lesson is going to be interesting and informative. On the blackboard you can see statements of famous people:
Doing exercises, I want to make my body more well-balanced. (Sokrat)
Physical exercises are the healing part of medicine. (Platon)
Фонетикалық жаттығу. Please, repeat after me.
[t]-team, take, tennis
[r]-tradition, run, strong
[w]-well, win, swimming
[θ]-health, athletic
ІІ. Өткен материалдар бойынша білімдерін тексеру кезеңі
To talk about one’s favourite sport or sportsman.Grammatical exercises.
Present Simple Passive/Past Simple Passive
The Olympic Games are held every four years.
The last World Football Championship was held in Brazil, 2014.
Rugby is played by oval ball.
The Ancient Olympic Games were banned by Roman Emperor Theodosius.
5) The first Paralympic games competition were held in England in 1948.
ІІІ. Мақсат қою кезеңі
IV. Бекіту кезеңі
The dates
8 century BC – the first ancient Olympic Games started.
19 century AD – the revival of the Olympic Games and the IOC was born.
1896 – the first modern Olympic Games were held in Greece.
14 – the number of the countries participated in the 1st modern Olympic Games.1924 – the first winter Olympic Games, France1980 – were held the SOG in Moscow, Russia.1916 - the Olympic Games were cancelled because of the 1st World War.
2011- the Asian Games were held in Kazakhstan.
23 – International Olympic Day
2) Try to guess
- Who is she? What kind of sport is she famous for?
- She is Maya Maneza, her kind of sport is height lifting.
- He is Denis Ten. He is famous for such kind of sport as figure skating?
- He is Genadii Golovkin. He is my favourite boxer.
- She is Sabina Altynbekova. I know that she is the most beautiful volleyball player.
3) Speed questions
1. A person who revived the Olympic Games?
2. Where did an ancient Olympic Games held?
3. What country first introduced the football?
4. Where were the last Olympic Games held?
5. What is the motto of the OG?
6. How ofen are the OG held?
7. The colours of the Olympic rings?
8. A sport of riding a boat with a sail?
9. The sport of climbing mountains?
10. Whose honour are the games held?
11. Sport teaches to win and to …?
12. Is curling a winter sport?
13. Wimbledon is connected with … ?14. Our president is good at …?
15. Our bronze medalist in figure skating?
16. When was the IOC founded?
17. How many gold medals did we have in London OG?
18. Football World Champions 2014?
19. The kind of sport of Aliya Yusupova?
20. How did the ancient Games for women call?
21. A person who banned an ancient OG?
22. Actions in biathlon?
23. Our national hero in boxing?
24. The symbol of the OG in Sochi 2014?
25. What do the rings symbolize?
4) Relaxing time
5) My test
1) In the beginning the Olympic Games lasted …
a. one dayb. one weekc. two weeks
2) … were stopped by special heralds who rode in all directions of Greece.
a. all tradesb. all studies c. all wars and feuds
3) The first athletes competed in …
a. walking, long jumps, throwing of balls, javelin and chariot racesb. running, long jumps, throwing of balls, javelin and chariot racesc. running, long jumps, throwing of discus, javelin and chariot races
4) Winners, called “Olympionics” were awarded …
a. olive wreaths and cups of red wineb. olive wreaths and cups of olive oilc. olive wreaths and cups of water
5) Women weren't allowed to …
a. participate in the Olympic Gamesb. watch competitionsc. participate in the Olympic Games and watch competitions
6) The Olympic Games were banned the Emperor Theodosius in …
a. 394 ADb. 1394 ADc. 934 AD
7) Pierre de Coubertin, …, caused the revival of the Olympic Games in 1892.
a. the President of franceb. a French teacherc. a French student
T: Let's check your answers.
6) Crossword/Translating
Do the task: guess the word under number 9.
This is a part of a body which kicks a ball.
This is skiing (or skating).
A game on ice.
A game with rackets and a small ball.
A game with an orange ball.
A game with a net and a big ball.
You ride it.
You do it in every game.
Favourite game of boys.
Answers: 1. foot; 2. sports;; 4. tennis; 5. basketball; 6. volleyball; 7. bicycle; 8. play; 9. football.
7) Speaking Comprehension
V. Үй тапсырмасы. Ex.2 on p.137
VI. Бағалау. You were very active today. So your marks are...