Урок UNDP in Kazakhstan

Grade: 10
Theme UNDP in Kazakhstan
The aims:
Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта отырып жаңа мәтінмен жұмыс істеу
UNDP туралы сөйлеуге үйрету Ойлау қабілетін дамыту. Патриоттық тәрбие беру.
Method of the lesson: Сұрақ-жауап
Type of the lesson: Жаңа білімді меңгерту
The Procedure of lesson
Organization moment:
What date is it?
What day is it?
Who is absent today?
Introducing with theme and aims of lesson.
Our theme in our lesson is “UNDP in Kazakhstan”.
New theme
Work with vocabulary.
Human rights адам құқығы
Provide қамтамасыз ету
Agreement келісім, келісім шарт
Implement жүзеге асыру
Effective әсерлі
Reduction азайту, қысқарту
Support қолдау
Empower өкіл ету
Access жұмыс жасау мүмкіндігі
Destruction зиян келтіру
Read the text
Exercise 2 read the text and try to find answers to the questions
On October 24, 1945 leaders from 51 countries met in San-Francisco and organized the United Nations. Today, 191 countries, that is almost every country in the world is a member of the UN. Each country has signed an agreement that says that it will help the UN in its actions for international peace and human rights to all people. The main United Nations organization in New York City has a "family" of other organizations. The organizations try to pro vide a better life for everyone. The organizations are UNICEF, UNDP and World Health Organization.
Exercise 7 Read the text. Pay attention to the underlined words
Micro-Credit Support for Women in Semipalatinsk Region Objectives:
Empower women of the region by providing access to micro and small loans to women entrepreneurs who do not have access to traditional sources of financing
Provide women entrepreneurs with business related training and support
Background: Since 1949, Semipalatinsk region served as the site for conducting nearly 500 nuclear tests. The tests have severely affected the region, including destruction of ecosystems and traditional ways of life.
• Micro-Credit Scheme for the women of Semipalatinsk has been successfully implemented within the UNDP.
Target Beneficiaries: Semipalatinsk City Akimat, Group of Micro-Credit Officers, low income groups of women seeking self-employment in micro-entrepreneurship and the local community as a whole.Practice
Answer the questions
Do you know UNDP? It stands for the United Nation's Development ProgrammeWhat do you know about the United Nations?
Is the UN an international organization?
Who is the General Secretary of the UN?
Has the General Secretary ever been to Kazakhstan?
When did Kazakhstan become a member of the United Nations?
Exercise 8 Comprehension check
This project supports women of Semei region.
The project empowers women of this region to micro and small loans to women entrepreneurs
Exercise 4 Comprehension check
The United Nations is an international organization.
The United Nations was founded on October 24, 1945.
191 countries are the members of the United Nations.
Kazakhstan became a member of the United Nations on March 2, 1992.
The Headquarters of the United Nations are in London.
6 official languages are the working languages of the United Nations.
The General Secretary of the United Nations is Coffe Annan.
i) Coffe Annan payed his first visit to Kazakhstan on October 17, 2002.
Home task
Exercise 9 Talk to your partner
What do you think of this project?
What do you think of UNDP’s assistance
Exercise 2